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Everything posted by Hawgstoppah

  1. Wow... Blue 49, Red 52, HUT HUT HUT!!!!!! that is indeed a football!!! That's also the first time in YEARS that I have heard anyone use the word "rump". Made me seriously laugh out loud..
  2. Sounds like ya had fun Rick. That road was better than normal if you were able to get the minivan up there. I tried earlier this year with my honda and it was like... no way!!! On the hooksets I have great success with watching the riser start heading back down... once his nose is back underwater I set firmly but not too hard. I seem to hook about 80% or more fish that rise to my dry. I do miss little guys this way. Yesterday on a southern stream I was into dry fly bigtime in the rain... fish eating bwo's all over the place... problem was the biggun's and little ones were in the same places... so I set too slow on a lot of little guys and set too fast on the biggest one I saw... doh!! (it was a friggin hawg). which reminds me. I got a couple pics I was gonna post.
  3. What are you using?? LOL I give as little info as possible about exactly HOW my flies are fished, but I have no trouble sharing what was used... 90% is presentation most of the time.
  4. Ha!!.... tell old snubs to leave me alone when I'm chasing Bow River fish... *grin* I'd love to come into Sundance someday and try for them big old girls... I love big stockers... there just as much fun as anything! You cut any holes in that fence anywhere for us "outsiders"?? I promise I'll whack a couple perch!
  5. very nice thanks for sharing I'll have a hard time sleeping for the next 2 years !!!
  6. nice shots, as usual!
  7. Please, please, please still call the RAP line if you haven't already done so. Let them know exactly where this was. Give them the details. Let them know the license plates of the campers in the area. Give them everything you can. We can be disgusted at these kinds of things or we can act on them. The gov't based "need" on the amount of calls received... so call, call, call... even if you see an old bait can down there. Great pics of a wonderfull river + fish ... crazy you got that much room on it to yourself though, almost unheard of!!
  8. Nice fish soggy , great start! That's a sweet looking healthy male brownie!! Just for future fish, please if your alone and need a pic put them in the water beside your rod or something .. the grass he's in can remove his slime coating and open him up to catching diseases. Slime on a fish is like their immune system. I also made the mistake of posting pics like this long ago and got reemed out too... just letting you know for furture.... read the "before you post pics of fish" thread on here too it'll help give you a good idea.... keep on fishing man your doing good the Bow is tough.. I remember my first BUNCH of trips on it were nothing.. probably the first 20 or so full days... then I started to figure things out slowly. Cheers!
  9. They really need to make an example out of this and make an example out of the a-holes who drove right on by. Like a big list of names.. they got the license plates... lets see the names pasted all across canada in national spotlights. I'm like Ray... the feeling inside right now is beyond anger, the best word is loathing.
  10. Boy that sure is a great read... and wonderfull pics. That's still on my bucket list too.. though I think the hike up to Barnaby or something down south here is a more realistic venture for me. If ya don't mind, how much was the heli ride full price?
  11. Beauty brown! I'd also guess trico's... though it almost looks thick enough to be light foggy patches. wow. was anything sipping off the top in quiet water? Sometimes those big fish will key on trico's and you can almost bank on joining the 20/20 club when they do
  12. Judging by the way your holding it and the way the eyes look, I'd say that girl is dead in the photo. How dare you on a C&R section... you must have played her for too long. (I couldn't resist)
  13. Great fish and great photo of it!!
  14. GREAT post... loved it! Looks like you guys had a lot of fun... those big pinks sure look nice! Real healthy looking fish!
  15. Don't give up. Headway looks like it's being made. As much as we Albertan's like to think BC is screwing us over at times, there also doing a lot RIGHT. Just go fish some of their rivers to find out. There full of fish. Even the ones with a ton of people on them. Why? Becuase no one's bonking fish and taking them back to their random camps every miles of the river like on racehorse/oldman/livingstone, that's why. Hell the Castle near those campgrounds and quadding areas has nothing left either. Alberta is a damn shame. What we need is a fee like BC charges... and the proceeds going directly to enforcement and fishery rehabilitation / improvement. I'd gladly let them close the entire west slopes from grand prarie right on down to the montana border for 5 years so we can recoup what we've lost. And then go forward with a bright future and tight restrictions on land use and habitat destruction.
  16. All depends on the client. I usually bring a rod along though it's not normally strung up. Sometimes guys will ask me to show them how to do something, or they'll take a break on a fish they don't berlieve they can get and say "ok Brian show us what ya got" or something like that. So in short, yes it's OK for a guide to fish if his clients say go ahead ...but no it's not OK for a guide to fish the best spot, or even over a fish he believes is one his clients can reasonably get unless they've given up on that particular fish. Sometimes a guide fishing a bit can be a valuable teaching tool. I ask all the guides I've ever hired to fish with me so I can watch what they do... and act accordingly.
  17. very nice. I love your vids ... especially the "bow river drysies"
  18. awesome pics, beautifull place!!
  19. Your right. I could have only assumed judging by it's size and shape that it had come from a lake such as Beauvais (which I have, indeed, had a few very signifigant brown trout on the end of my line only to lose them). I bet it's from the lower oldman I can't get over the mass of that fish. I don't think it's an ego pumper to have a fish on your wall that is the ALBERTA RECORD!! I think it's a hell of a tale to tell, with the evidence hanging right there to back it up. RIGHT ON!!!!!!!!!!
  20. No. That has nothing to do with it. It's the fact that my wife has stolen my berries and I'm too chicken to get them back (becuase I don't have any left, she's beaten the fight right out of me by now)
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