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Everything posted by Hawgstoppah

  1. if you are not tagging bottom then add more splitshot or heavier flies. If your not setting the hook every time your indicator goes down (this should happen hundreds of times) then you won't catch much anyways. they will not hook themselves
  2. I use a very similar tie for all my damsels... very nice, and yes it will slay them
  3. There are some McLeod River, California, steelhead genetics in the bow. are they true steelhead? no, they don't run to the ocean and back
  4. awesome!!!!! holy crap what a fish!!!! right on!!
  5. Due to a pretty short notice cancelation, I have two spots on a guided bow river float for saturday the 9th. Cost is $200/angler. The river is on fire right now and this is a great chance to get out and experience the bow at it's best. Starting very early for dry fly chances on stoneflies which should be starting soon... drop me a PM if you are interested in this trip. See my signature for link to Bow River Adventures website and more details about the floats (we are a proud sponsor of FFC) For references drop a PM to GaryF or kphebert on this forum who I floated with this last saturday. Brian
  6. one thing I found out when I was there is they like to hold in the back of runs instead of traditional "trouty" looking water. look for walking speed water where the whole river is flat all the way across and the same speed, then if there are big boulders or deflections in that type of water you are in the prime zone!
  7. Nice pics Max.... your a lucky guy having a girl who likes to fish with you, treasure that
  8. bingo. that wire sjw costs you 25 cents if you tie it yourself (if that) so stick it on the bottom. and use 10lb to the stone and 8lb to the worm and usually the bottom one snaps off first and you don't lose both on a snag.
  9. I love it!! I do a similar tie with my bloodworms for the Bow... just tiny red wire then cover w/ epoxy
  10. True enough headscan. I wasn't thinking ... just wearing my emotions on my sleeve again.. sorry
  11. great deals guys.... the flies you stock are top notch and I shall pop by to grab some of those stones before there all gone!
  12. Peter I don't think anyone's shooting you down your a top notch guy who spends a lot of time doing things like this. I think we're just concerned about the content of the message my friend! cheers.
  13. this is a great program but I wish they would do it somewhere we could teach them to C&R instead of bait a hook and bonk fish (allen bill pond). If it was somewhere I could put my heart into it I might be interested. As it stands I can't do it and I am sure I am not the only one feeling that way. EDIT: this doesn't mean I don't support fully this kind of activity if it was going to be done in a manner displaying more of the ethics of fishing and respect for nature, etc. Maybe I have it all wrong, but to me it just sounds like trying to get people to catch fish from a stocked pond and take them home to eat. My fear is they will think that is the way it is everywhere, and end up being the same people on the banks of the Bow that we complain about now...
  14. This one is better than the first one I posted I think... shows a bunch of toads holding and some are on spawning beds, .... this is shot in a no fishing location.
  15. well I figured we could all use to be a bit more light hearted around here!!
  16. awesome pics looks like a super fun area to fish. nice brookies!!!
  17. any other shuttle services out there? I have just been informed that Michelle / Bow River shuttles are not offering shuttles this coming weekend (fri/sat/sun/mon) due to a family wedding or event.... too bad as the river is HOPPIN right now and I have quite a few folks that want to fish it.
  18. Hawgstoppah


    right on! that second pic... is like.... ok where's he going to get over THAT!!
  19. thanks for that report! is legacy something a few people and a good chainsaw could go take care of???
  20. ok so I'll need a shuttle about 30+ times this year... so I am looking for any good (or bad) experiences anyone has had with the shuttle companies, plus phone #'s and contact info... & recomendations and good stories are fine on this thread, but please keep the bad stories to a PM as I really don't like to see anyone publicly misrepresented (even if deserved). Cheers! Brian
  21. just put a worm on yer hook. takes the human scent right off...lol
  22. Just thought I would share. It's neat footage. My little sony handycam is a bit better than I thought it would be for this kind of stuff... Sorry but no you can't go and fish for these ones, this is a no fishing area... they are there to watch and enjoy though... raven brood trout station near caroline. cheers
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