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Everything posted by PeteZahut

  1. I would like to know more about Shaw and would like to speak to someone who works there. If you do and don't mind answering some questions then PM me please. Thanks in advance, Chris
  2. Once in the 6 years I have lived in Alberta and it was last year on the Highwood. It was kind of funny as my wife and I were fishing the other side of the river at Sentinel and the CO called us to cross back over so she could check. As we made our way back across, very slowly, it was within a few feet of her that she got an embarrassed look on her face. At that time my wife was 7 months pregnant and not too speedy at crossing, especially that spot. The CO said she would not have bothered if she would have noticed that she was pregnant. It was good to finally be checked.
  3. Thanks for the info. I haven't spent as much time on the reviews as I probably should have. I thought about DV but then I thought I would end up burning it to DVD at some point anyways and then I wouldn't have to bother with tapes. I agree that the quality of DV is probably better due to not having to compress to the harddrive or DVD but I figured that I could live with it. I will probably end up buying it and maybe write my own review. Perhaps next summer you will see a link on here to some video I shoot.
  4. I have been looking lately at the Sony Hi-Def video camera (HDR-SR7 HDD) and was wondering if anyone else out there has one. Any likes/dislikes or anything like that I would really like to hear about it. Because I am looking a t dropping >$1000 I want to make sure I know as much as I can and I find hearing what people like or dislike really helps iron out some things. Thanks in advance.
  5. Did you check if there has been a firmware update for the device? I have found that a lot of devices sit around in the factory or in stock rooms and by the time they hit the market there are updates to the firmware but no indication to the user. I had an issue with my Linksys and that its throughput was abismal. I looked on their website and other forums and found other people had the same issue and that an update to the firmware would fix the problem. That did the trick for me. So I would have a look around and see if there is any kind of update like this for your router.
  6. Good luck and we wish you a speedy recovery.
  7. The comparisons between tvs and cables is an interesting one and whenever I think I have it figured out something changes. Anyways, as for the argument of composite versus HDMi, I think a lot depends on the source and sink of the signal as well as the cable. Composite being analog will have issues that the digital cable (HDMI) might not have. But with a fairly good quality cable and a TV with a good analog to digital converter you won't see a difference. I have read a lot on this and it will really come down to user preference. I compared on my TV and I did not see a difference between HDMI and composite going from my PVR to my LCD. And because of that, I don't feel it necessary to spend the money on another HDMI cable. As for my view on the LCDs, I am biased to Sony. I did a fair bit of research on this and I am still of the opinion that Sony is putting out the highest quality LCD at the moment. My XBR4 does have the 120Hz rate along with the highest true and dynamic contrast range of any LCD. Does that make it better? I don't know. But that is how I justify paying that amount of money. I do think that Sharp probably provides the best bang for your buck though. So I guess it is a question of wanting the best tv for your money or the best tv period. Let the onslaught of opinions commence! In the end much like the cables, it is all a matter of opinion and what you like best when you look at it.
  8. I have used Acoustic Research cables and find them to be good. Compared a composite signal using cheap ones versus this and could see a difference (though minor and could have been because I was looking for it). Lynn, question about HDMI, are you talking HDMI from your cable box to the TV? If so, are you using the audio on the TV or through a receiver? I run composite from PVR to my LCD (Sony XBR4 and all I can say is wow for the picture on that thing!!!!) and then optical for the audio from the PVR to the receiver. This works fine for me, HDMI cables seem to be crazy expensive. I bought a cheap one to run from my upconverting DVD player as i could not stomach paying the $200 price tag for a monster HDMI cable.
  9. I am not sure if they are actually going out of business. Their website says they are just closing the 11th Ave building down and moving all their stuff to the Ribtor Wharehouse in Inglewood.
  10. All very cute! Here are two of Sophie, now almost 4 weeks old.
  11. Just a quick clarification in the case I was misunderstood. I am not against the moderators choosing types of topics and the limits on what they want. That is totally up to them and I do not have a problem with that at all.
  12. I think it is funny when non-legals get into these conversations. What's the difference between going out and reading a review someone posted about a restaurant which said it was the worst food they ever had? Would the restaurant sue them for slander? Not likely. If the consumer of a product or service is not happy, they should be able to write about it. If the moderators choose to not allow that type of posting than that is their decision. To say it is because they are scared of legal action is bull. I for one would like to hear about problems that people have with products or services. If a guide doesn't show and doesn't provide explanation then we should know about it so people can make the decision whether they would want to go through that service provider. Saying the name of a guide who didn't show up and that you will never use them again is not slander/libel or whatever. If the moderators don't want this type of posting on the forum than "moderate" and delete it.
  13. Awesome story! Thanks for sharing.
  14. Say it isn't so! My company gives me a market adjustment premium to keep me there because of the hot job market. If the hot job market goes away so does the extra cash.
  15. Thanks everyone for the super kind words! Lynn, I really hope to be there next year for another round of dog races. Here is a picture of Sophie at 3 days old.
  16. Over the last couple of months I wrote about my amazing wife with her voyage through pregnancy and our adventures. It is amazing to think that only 3 weeks ago she asked to go fish the Highwood one more time (which I got skunked and she caught a couple of beauties) and this past Saturday she give birth to our beautiful baby girl. In her usual fashion, I have never witnessed such perservation and determination as she battled the labour for 25 hours before asking for the drugs. And that was only because our little one was facing up instead of down and was stuck. I will spare the rest of the story as you can only witness that sort of thing in order to understand it. The doctors made the decision to use forceps instead of the c-section to get her out but she got out safe, sound and healthy. At 1:35am I got to see my new daughter for the first time! Sophie is her name and she arrived weighing 6lbs4oz and 19.5 inches. I can't wait to introduce her to the wonderful outdoors that my wife and I enjoy so much! Perhaps you will meet us out there next summer. Chris
  17. We too flew with them once before. Pretty scary!
  18. I wouldn't have guessed 42. Great pic of the grandchild!
  19. That was great! Love the music.
  20. Congrats Birchy! Awesome to hear things went well even though it was early. We are a week and a half away from our due date. I am doing the old tapping the fingers on the desk and waiting for the call.
  21. 4 years now with the flyrod and haven't touched the spincasters since.
  22. TOOL at the Saddledome. Then SummerSault in Ottawa about 8 summers ago.
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