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Everything posted by DonAndersen

  1. Hi, i fish Cartland 444 DT lines on 5 weights and under. Been using them for near 45 years. First decent fly line I got was a Cortland 333 bought from Harry Horner who worked at Woodward’s in Chinook Mall. I paid a whole $13.00 when my days pay was $10.75/day in 1964. In 6 weights, I use Cortland WF6F, and Sci. Ang. Ultimate Trout and several sinking likes from a number of companies. For bass and pike, I am presently using a wet tip and a bass bug taper from Sci. .Ang. I have several steelhead wet tips and specialized shooting tapers. Several things about today’s line manufacturers concern me. Several build their lines 1/2>2 lines weights heavier than marked on the box. Each of them seem to confess the real weights on their respective web sites. Be careful, they will and do BS you. Most line manufacturers build decent products. I have owned several other lines from other manufacurers and returned to what I listed above. I get about 250 days out of a Floating line cleaning them occasionally. As far as bamboo rods, I fish the same lines on them or graphite or glass. Makes no difference to me. The only line I own that really is different is a HDH (6 weight) silk line that casts further, lands lighter and lasts longer than any plastic line. Some people talk about 25 year old silk lines. Regards, Don
  2. A friend andcI were playong in the front yard today with a bevy of 8’>8’3” rods in 6 weight. These are big river or lake rods. We were putting cast out well over 70’ without much double hauling. Three of the four were solid and one was hollowed. All were six strip. Good fun on a winter day. Don
  3. I couldn’t resist. There are more bamboo rod builders today than most might suspect. The builders exist in B.C., Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec and perhaps more further east. In Alberta, I am aware of 7 builders which is a record. When I started some 35 years ago, there were two. Unlike years past, most builders build to suit themselves with only a few selling rods. These builders are pushing the material and designs into some really interesting places exploring ideas that folks who are driven to feed families often don’t have the resources. This has resulted in rods of two, three, four, five, six, eight and twelve strips as well as inside out rods, truncated triangle rods, hollow rods and on and on. While some of the following is not new ideas, the ideas are being explored. Like most crafts, web sites have appeared. There are a number of videos on UTube showing the hows and whys of building a rod. A dying craft, it isn’t. I started FFing with bamboo some 60 years ago and then traipsed along following the newest and bestest finally realizing some 30 years ago I had it right the first time. i still fish plastic rods for coarse fish. Don Bamboorods.ca
  4. Not accurate. Cow Lake has not been aerated for many years. Don
  5. Operating the areators Lars in the winter may cause a kill as the low 02 water within the bottom of the lakes is mixed with the thin layer near the surface. Don
  6. Weeds die. They start to regrow in late Feb.
  7. Maybe as many as seven. Don
  8. Been pondering new places and over the past couple of days ran a list of streams/lakes I’ve fished over the past 60 years. A rough list shows 60 lakes or ponds with a further 80 streams and creeks. The water bodies were from the 49 parallel to close to Peace River unfortunately not a lot of them were in tbe east or NE part of Alberta. Does anyone have any suggestions for any places in tbe eastern area. Regards, Don
  9. Angler, Ashamed to admit that although I am third generation Albertan, I have not fished more places. Gonna change that. About some of Alberta, I haven’t a clue. Don
  10. SD, Will be fishing a new bamboo taper. A hollowed out 8’3” 6 wt. Plus some different chironomids. Going to try some new places. Don
  11. Is this the “shack nasties” season? Hope it leaves fast. Don
  12. Jayhad just rose and hooked his first riser for 2019. Now if he had the same skill playing and releasing them. Don
  13. Merry Christmas and a Happy Healthy New Year to all, Don
  14. We have similar issues in Alberta. Difference - we do nothing. Don
  15. error - got wrong survey -comments incorrect.
  16. Smitty, i realize the province does little. Municipalities seem not so comptose. Both done with tax $’s. Clearly, if one waits for tbe province nothing will be done. the only solution is raising the money elsewhere. i don’t discount any method. Don
  17. Smitty, Seceral munipalties have poisoned lakes to remove invavsives. Some near Edmonton. Even Fosheries staff did one lake near Ft. Mac. Lots of examples of dealing with invavsives. it can be done. Don
  18. Sparkplug, in order for browns to be large enough to become effective predators, they need food. Perch & Prussian Crap decimate the food resources. No grub means very littel growth. Don
  19. According to Global. Happened this afternoon. Sad to hear. Don
  20. Bron, you ever caught one of those lard assed brooders. I have by accident. Sad excuse for a trout. Don
  21. Sparkplug, the concept of dumping pike into lakes after some idiot illegally stocked perch started with Cow Lake. Other stockings of pike again rewarded illegal actions. We have lost 6 lakes in tbe Rocky area to illegally stocked perch with no end in sight other than the Govt rewarding illegal stocking. Don
  22. Unfortunately the belief still exists that removal of invavsives can.be accomplished by browns. Never worked in Phyllis and it won’t work in Blood Indian for exactly the same reason. The lake has to be capable of raising larger fish but as the food resources have been depleted by overstocking and invavsives, thereis nothing left to raise trout much beyond 12” Brooders are fish used to being feed pellets and not hustling the butts for groceries. They generally die soon after stocking. Don
  23. From where we get 30% of the cost and no benefit. Don
  24. Bron, Thr weight of the fish will depend on the lakes where they are placed. The overstocked lakes in Alberta will never give them a chance to see what they can do. There are however several lakes where they might do very well. Police or Bullshead come to mind. Don
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