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Everything posted by DonAndersen

  1. Austinator, If the whitefish are in a lake, chironomids work great. Haven't done it a lot but it works just fine. There was a TV show done in one of the irrigation lakes on chironomid fishing for whites. They pounded on them. One thing we found is that revival is tough. Even though we yarded them out and got them back quickly but we did have a floater that required further attention. Finally all of them made it. catch ya' Don
  2. Guys/Gals, Wife was to a "Sustainable Community" meeting today and packed back a water bottle made of aluminum. On the side is painted the following: 1] Plastic bottles are made from a petroleum derivative and the reusable bottles are a much better alternative. 2] 1500 water bottles end up as garbage every second! 3] Nearly 8 of 10 bottles end up in landfill. 4] In 2006, it took more than 17,000,000 barrels of oil [excluding the oil used in transporting the plastic] to produce plastic water bottles. 5] It takes more than three liters of water to produce one liter of bottled water 6] only 13% of water bottles are recycled What's up with this type of advertising. Don't the people who produce this crap realize that Alberta sells oil - the more we sell - the more money we make. Even the Feds are sucking on the oil tax tit. Everybody likes to sell oil. More bottles to the landfill is one solution to provide prosperity for everyone. Don
  3. How to use water bottles for something useful http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_zMAWztZ6TI Of course, you could always buy these: http://www.solatube.com/residential/what-i...hting/index.php Don
  4. Alan, - No flaw in the math - As I pointed out in the line "This means that 256,000 fish are alive today if there were no kill by this and that." Like you, I have no idea how many are killed by whatever but certainly there are some. When I organized and ran the fish caging experiment well over 25 years ago, we found a difference of 20% between those fish held in cages for 2 weeks and those allowed to be shoveled down by the loons. Last time I was @ Police I didn't see any loons but the cormorants/pelicans were having a field day. What is important however is that the large numbers of fish are gonna be dying and the big life will increase as will the fish size. It is really too bad that the fish stocking were not lower early on which would have increased the bug life and realized a fishery where some decent fish survive. Either that or a winter kill that used to get Police Outpost raising decent sized trout. At any rate, here's hoping that Police gets to show it's potential. I've had days there when more than 10 fish were landed over 5 lbs. The following year, one nearly 8 lbs. Life was good - lets hope we get back there. Don
  5. Guys, From what I've been told, 2N rainbows last about 4.5 years and 3N's upwards of 6. So in 2007, 133,000 were stocked of 2N And in 2008 50,000 were stocked of 2N With 2009 having 43,000 stocked of 3N And 2010 is @ 30,000 of 3N This means that 256,000 fish are alive today if there were no kill by this and that. Better growth should be realized in 2011 and 2012 as the horde of the tiddlers die. I know from previous experience that Police only raised larger fish after a winter kill which got rid of the trout and allowed the bugs to increase. I've caught rainbows well over 6 lbs. out of there. What is really unfortunate is that 133,000 were stocked in 2007 and no winterkill happened. Don
  6. SanJuanWorm, Perhaps you can help me here. Been outta the car/truck buying loop for a while. You have a SUV - does SUV stand for Silly Urban Vehicle. Keep hearing about SUV's like there are some kinda plague or other. Don
  7. Birchy, Service and maint. is what takes the time. After 65 - ya got less time for silly business. Don
  8. Clive et al, Ya' just couldn't resist could ya'. And Clive - gotta agree with the wind crap. Did you know that Calgary runs their C-trains on wind and the silly suckers brag on it. Even wonder what happens when the wind stops. The C-trains keep on chugging. And Birchy - was thinking on VW. If there were a dealer where we live, we'd do it. And now back to building environmental fly rods. Splitting them outta grass today. No plastic rods for me - got some though that I'm thinking of getting rid of. Every time I see them, I feel so dirty that I'm still harboring environmental damaging products. catch ya' Don
  9. Din, A snake that will go around corners is the type you need. That means it is small. None of the 2" stuff required. About a 1/2" end is about right. And if it plugs now. it will again. Something is protruding into the water flow that is catching lint. Maybe the cheapest fix is get it replaced. But like Clive says - sometimes the folks that are pro @ the job is better/cheaper. Don
  10. firefrog, About 50 or so years from now, when the Govt has sold or gave away all the oil, you are gonna be using horses a lot. Don
  11. Din, The drainage pipe trap is likely the problem. A snake works. Be very careful if you decide to use power. Power can occasionally destroy things. Destruction under a concrete floor is a tough one to fix. Don
  12. Clive, I've looked @ the Ford Focus and think it might be the way to go. Typically we've owned cars that got >35 mpg since 1971 with exception of the Honda we have now. It's mileage is a tad poorer. Frankly I've had a aversion to Fords. Had 2 of my own and 2 co. trucks. The doors flying open, the motors crapping out, the "I think I'll stop now, I've seen a puddle" and one of the world's best heaters where the snow placed on the floor boards in November was still there in March, I've about done with Fords. Still, you never know - the Focus could be a gooder. Apparently my wife hasn't made up her mind on what she wants. Got clues on color but that is about as good as it gets. Maybe if a get her a crystal pyramid to park under for a while and some green tea close by, the muse will strike. Don
  13. Guys, While I may/or am be convinced that "eco-friendly" cars may be a load of crap. please help me convince my wife. Ever since she started to listen to New Age music and eat tofu, she's turned into a greeny. We've driven smaller cars for years. On our second Honda and third Toyota. Mileage on them is dropping. Looking for alternate solutions. regards, Don
  14. Flyfisher, No problem, I can see gas as a fall back. Just wondered how folks were getting these things charged. Wife is pestering for a new car. Don
  15. Folks, You got the bug - you're off the save the planet. And to do your part - you're going to buy a electric/gasoline hybrid kind of car. And no we are not going to argue about how stupid that is. OK - how do you get it from Calgary to Vancouver? Do the hotels/motels have charging capabilities and if so are YOU charged for them Block heaters are typically 750w or 1 HP. Now you are charging a battery that drives a motor of 50+HP. So who pays? The hotel operator [who then turns around and charges more room rent to all of us], the car owner - Ford - Honda - who? regards, Don
  16. Guys, I'm just curious, Is there any Rum that can be drank [without someone holding a gun on you demanding you swallow] straight? I tend to buy hard liquor that doesn't need water/ice/various colas to make them drinkable. regards, Don
  17. vanSlays, And if your are looking for a source that doesn't involve trips to the fly shop, Z-lon was originally used as a braid filler material in boot laces in the late '70's. Can't recall who pulled the strand out and started to use them. Don
  18. Kungfool, I use different anchors depending on bottom substrate. For flowing water, I like a 10 lb. mushroom that can be tipped over and digs into the bottom. For stillwaters c/w mud bottom a 5>7 lb. flat lead works fine. For sand/rock bottoms I increase the anchor weight to 10 lbs. For lakes like Bullshead where the wind can really blow, A claw type anchor maybe the only one that holds. NOTE: If you like chasing your boat, get a downrigger ball and use it on flowing water. Like everything, there are no "right" answers. Don
  19. Guys, You just don't get it. THEY HATE US!!! If it isn't a low coming across Montana that craps all over your week fishing trip in the south, it's the highs coming from Alaska freezing your butt to the truck seat. They just don't like us. And Calgree's sucking up @ Mcmahon Stadium by running with the 'merican flag down the field matters little. Don
  20. vanSlays, S-lon is generally only available @ Walmart, the home of cheap over-seas crap. Whereas Z-lon is hand selected by highly trained Z-lonees who are covered by both WCB and UIC and brought to you in a slim nicely appointed plastic bag @ 3 times the cost. All clear now?? Don
  21. nathanielj, But clearly you don't see grasshopper. Peer @ a yellow braided rope - you see any sparkles off it. Don
  22. Guys, Frankly, Hockey bores the crap outta me. So I watched it till I found the kill switch. Not interested in reruns. Good to see 40,000 + out watching it though even when it was cold. Don
  23. And if you really wanta confuse a Timies gal, tell her that you're not interested in more landfill and she can keep the cup. Don
  24. Did anybody watch the game @ Mcmahon on Saturday. Starts with a US anthem c/w band followed by as US flag going down the ice followed by the CDN anthem w/o band or flag. What up with this? Disappointing show of CDN spirt. Thought after the CDN show in Vancouver, we'd grown into a little flag waving. Maybe it's a rest of Canada thing. Don
  25. Never seen a Alberta Crayfish. The crays for for BC waters - where real trout live. Don
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