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Everything posted by DonAndersen

  1. Bloom, So you ran into the road runners. Have seem them everywhere. Amazing what greed will do! catch ya' Don
  2. But Terry, Has Glen Beck said anything quotable? Don
  3. MikePuhl, I've had by aluminum frame break twice. Several friends have suffered the same problem all different companies. Mind you, we use 'em - a lot. Go steel or better yet stainless. I got a replacement frame from Outcast that worked on my tubes. Solved the issue. For a dandy!! Bucks 9'er The fly shop in Highriver carries them. catch ya' Don
  4. MrBotangles, If you use your vehicle every day and drive some distance, using your vehicle battery works fine as a addition to the trailer battery. Failing that, a set of booster cables also works great. regards, Don
  5. MrBotangles, If the trailer is earlier than the mid 80's, it may contain a space type of furnace that doesn't require electrical power. My old fishing trailer is set up like that. It's amazing the folks that come to visit when it's cold. Their forced air furnaces batteries are crapped out. If it does have a forced air furnace, using two 6 volt batteries will really help or better yet, some folks are partial to golf cart batteries.. For early spring & late fall camping, solar panels don't put out enough juice. A small generator is your only option. A friend who runs a 50w panel + two 27 group batteries is good for about 4 days. Mind you, he keeps it warm in there. As I don't have forced air furnace, I run the interior lights for about 8>10 days camping in early April and late September. regards, Don
  6. Guys/Gals, I get a kick outta watching Coulter rouse the rabble on both sides of the political spectrum. She may sound ignorant or even stupid to some or a mentor to others but one thing is she's done is delivered a big GOTTCHA!! She's all about making money and couldn't have done it better. CDN's been had. Don
  7. Folks, I just have to wonder the difference between us and the United States. Tommy Douglas - the father of CDNs present day medicare was voted as our country's Greatest Canadian. President Obama, who is trying to do something about the medicare system in the US is roundly criticized. From WIKI a summary of the US situation. At least 15% of the population is completely uninsured,[1][2][3] and a substantial additional portion of the population (21%) is "underinsured", or not able to cover the costs of their medical needs.[4][5] More money per person is spent on health care in the United States than in any other nation in the world,[6][7] and a greater percentage of total income in the nation is spent on health care in the U.S. than in any United Nations member state except for East Timor.[7] Despite the fact that not all citizens are covered, the United States has the third highest public healthcare expenditure per capita.[8][9] A 2001 study in five states found that medical debt contributed to 62% of all personal bankruptcies.[10] Since then, health costs and the numbers of uninsured and underinsured have increased. regards, Don
  8. eatsleepfishrepeat, Some caddis show up quite early. There is a #10 ginger caddis that shows up on Stauffer about mid-March. Not much of a hatch though. catch ya' Don
  9. This one tied using invisible sewing thread - wire rib This one used a yellow body over wrap of cereal box liner This one used a body of bronze Flashabou c/w jewelry bead vinyl wrap
  10. Guys/Gals, For a summary of historical royalty rates in Alberta see: http://www.energy.alberta.ca/Org/pdfs/Info...t3-Formulas.pdf Trailhead, According to the above, the royalty rate was 16.5% in 1970. The total cost of the gas plant, land, drilling, pipelines etc. was paid out in slightly better than 1 year. Don
  11. Let's get it back to the O&G industry. Some facts: * approx. 60% of any major operation is wages. * in 1970 I was part of a start up crew for a major gas plant >250mmcf/d * I made $9500 that year *a gas sold t for $0.21/mcf * today gas sells @ $4.00/mcf and has reached peaks of $10.00 A little math says that 4.00/.21= 19.05 Or wages for the same job today should be 9500*19.05= $181,000 But the job pays about $90,000. Meaning that the wage % in operating costs are a lot less. Wrote a sack of AFE's in my time - never wrote one where the payback was greater than 1 year. No point is wasting the ink. regards all, Don
  12. Conor, I probably landed 50 fish better than 5 lbs. last year + over the years a bunch of steelhead up to 20 lbs. I use click pawl Hardys' catch ya' Don
  13. This is crap - what no guns - I wanta gun - you can't kill grizzlies fast enough with Honda - you need a gun. I'm disgusted. I wanta gun, Hunters have guns - why aren't hunters killing these Grizzly things. And to keep things on the straight and narrow - Grizzlies are the top of the food chain. They keep the ever increasing hoards of waffle stompers, latte suckers, Goretex clad "wilderness" wanderers under control.. Don
  14. Castuserraticus says "So Don - What do you think the royalties should be? Maybe we should be like Norway where the average well produces 8000 Bbl/d and the government takes 80%. That would kill 100% of the industry. What is the unemployment level you want to see?" So Cast..... Alberta has grown from 2>3.5 million over the past 15 years with an employment rate exceeding 96%. So there is a drop in energy prices and the employment numbers go to 8%. Last time the oil prices tanked from $35 to under $10, 85,000 Albertans hit the bricks and this was with a population of under 2.5 million. This time was a drop in the bucket. Nobody suggested a give away of the citizens resources then - why now?. I do get a kick out of Stelmach being the goat in all of this. Like it was his fault that the currency traders were diving outta US bucks and into oil ramping it up to double and then diving out again. Just 'cause Stelmack aint from Calgary doesn't make him all bad. catch ya' Don
  15. Get ready the "competitive review" is to show up today and demonstrate how other provinces are giving away their resources cheaper than Alberta. I wonder how bad the shareholder of these resources are going to get screwed this time And as a brief aside, Oil Companies have been whining about royalties in Alberta since . . . . . . you ready for this 1929...... and the song has never changed. Kinda like mosquitoes except we can't slap 'em. regards all, Don
  16. Guys, Was lurking around Stauffer Creek today and took a picture of a Early Black Stone Body length barely 3/8" long. Overall length maybe 1/2" long. Sorry for the mangled appearance of the bug. Picking one of these up isn't easy. To imitate one of these nymphs might just be impossible. catch ya' Don
  17. OLD MAN CAREY. (Old male, 70-something) Claims that the “Red Carey” was his original fly. Smells like most of the neck hackle. Always asks to use the bathroom and stays for exactly 20 minutes. Has a Hardy reel that the whole shop drools over, and he insists on “split cane and silk lines.” ANNUAL FISHING DAYS = None That Old Man Carey sounds like someone we have the pleasure of frequenting this forum, except he probably has 200 days/yr and a constant grip about Calgary, the Bow River and Urban dwellers. Hey OLD MAN CAREY sounds kinda like me. Like cane rods, driving on the Deerfoot, decent Scotch, the scream of a Hardy and miss the smell of sewage [bow}. But I only fish 120 days/year. Thank God - I don't ice fish. Ice is for whiskey - poor whiskey. catch ya' Don
  18. cuttbow, Would you post us a picture or two. Would help to see what to do. Like others have said - wood filler works and lasts for a while. Most rod handles are infested by wood fillers. There are several other alternatives depending on the extent of the problem. catch ya' Don
  19. Oh darn, Here I thought you knew - Alberta is already owned by the 'mericans. We just pay rent. Don
  20. Folks, Saw this gal on TV [gasp]. She makes sense. http://freerangekids.wordpress.com/ catch ya' Don
  21. Gee PGK, Are you looking for a job with the ACA that bad? Look up the large grant monies and see where they go. Your ACA education would be complete. For the years I looked over I found that they had spent $2800 on habitat of the millions allocated. Not drunk and certainly not AFG ASSoc. just disgusted with the ACA's direction. And your are right - Fishermen and hunters are cheap. That is the reason that many of us support programs like Streamwatch. Don
  22. Guys, The ACA was handed a program of exclusion fencing in Alberta on a number of major stream to protect the habitat. What did they do, shut down about 1/2 of the program and barely look after the rest. And as far as where fishermen/hunters money goes - check out the ACA studies of pine trees, moths, dicky birds & slugs. All of which are really important to F&W. The ACA was flawed from the beginning. They do research that no pays attention to. Do recall as decent project that was done in the Swan Hills are when about 3/4's of the creeks had bridges/Culverts that did not confrom to DFO or Dept. of En. regs. What's been do so far - NOTHING. The ACA looks @ things but provides or does nothing about the questions after they have been asked & answered. Don
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