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Everything posted by DonAndersen

  1. Folks, 'Less I'm wrong. Your Federal Govt has now allowed telemarketers onto cell phones. And the best part - you pay for the call. Wife tells me that I can't hunt 'em down and shoot them. The real question always remains: Why does society allow people who abuse everything to live? Why should the a%%%holes of the world screw it for everyone else. Maybe its a good time to order them off the planet. Don
  2. whataniceguy03, While I'd like to follow your advice but we've got family that have issues with health and require assistance occasionally. The phone is the only method. catch ya' Don
  3. Tried the Do not call list and all that did is move the calls to somewhere the people don't speak English well. Generally I've got 2 techniques so far: 1] when they call and I have an connection, I just lay down the phone. After 10 minutes or so, they finally hang up. Figured if I got them, somebody else isn't getting bothered. 2] If the call is for my wife, I generally yell into the phone " She's dead - how many times do I have to tell you she's dead. I killed her." Usually the call just quietly disappears. But I'm really looking for a revenge solution. Like "you going to perter me, I'm declaring war." Help!! Don
  4. Folks, I'm sure that everyone must get them. From salesmen to third world countries trying to sell you something. It's phone spam and it is really ticking me off. Other than a called ID, is there anything else where you can get rid of the suckers. What really does my attention is Fed Govt opening up cell phones to the same kind of abuse. IDIOTS!!! regards, Don
  5. 420FLYFISHIN, I use mink for most of my leeches in the 1 1/4" lengths. Try mole skin for the smaller ones. Mink looks like this: Don
  6. Guys, The Yeti was invented to keep this Yeti pi*s at drinkable temperatures. Don
  7. Riley, You raise an interesting issue. How do we know? Well, maybe we should look @ it as prima facie evidence. If you run a mac boat, you are guiding. Kinda like 2 guys wearing balaclavas sitting outside a bank and fondling their Glocks. Maybe they were just going for coffee but... regards, Don
  8. Guides Association/Union/Cartel There are only two questions that need asked: 1] Does the resource need it? 2] Do the guides need it? If the answer to #1 is Yes, then the Govt should be involved to control Guides behavior and training with a revenue positive stance. If the answer is #2 - like who cares - let the Guides organize themselves any which way they wish. Govt should not become involved, no legally enforced standards and the like. Definition of Guides behavior would include items like: disease spreading by their client base, rude behavior to others, crowding of publicly owned facilities, crowding of public waters etc. Note: A Govt program should not be competency based for fishing. Let the market place sort out who is a quality guide. catch ya' Don
  9. Now, Now folks, Wondered about Murphy for a while. A couple of things come to mind: 1] He's looking to become a Senator from Newfondland 2] Newfoundland's ambassodor to Ft. McMurray 3] A counter point to Rick Mercer's occasional Rants about the Federal Govt. Or maybe he's just confused and thinks large words make up for logic. Don
  10. fishinglivin, My suggestion - leave it alone and call a plumber. After 50 years of screwing with plumbing and ramping a facet washer replacement to $500 worth of taps and accessories, I learned my lesson. Call someone who knows what they are doing. Don't play with it or be prepared to dig up the basement floor to fix the piping. catch ya' Don
  11. From Govt of Canada site below is copied: http://www.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/stats/rec/can/2005/section4-eng.htm 1995 2000 2005 Alberta 219,807 182,044 179,461 Resident Anglers Alberta 12,500 13,900 12,400 Foreign and Non-Alberta Anglers Canadian anglers fishing within their home jurisdictions accounted for about 38 million days fished in 2005. Only 2% of total fishing effort (992,628 days) could be attributed to Canadians fishing in other jurisdictions, while foreign anglers accounted for the remaining 10% (4.2 million days) in 2005. In terms of the average days fished for each angler category, resident anglers fished an average of 15 days, while the non-resident Canadian and foreign anglers groups averaged about 7 days each. So there ya' go - an increase in the Foreign etc anglers of $10 would put 1>1.5 officers in the field. But to bust your bubble - Govt of Alberta has hiring freeze - SRD is 10 positions short in enforcement now. Knee jerk reaction on hiring freeze is not likely to change. Do recall though the huge sobbing tears of a Guide who works the North Saskatchewan River when ACA raised their levy on licenses. A buck or so, in his mind, was going to profoundly effect his business. He spent well over 1/2 hour sobbing and bleating @ a Provincial Roundtable meeting. Didn't have much effect - those that do, went for a smoke. The rest suffered in silence. We're CDN after all. regards, Don
  12. From: David Park, M. Sc. Provincial Aquatic Habitat Specialist / Fisheries Biologist Alberta Sustainable Resource Development Fisheries Management I got the following: Regarding the F&W Policy, I can't send you anything, as this is a 1982 policy and we have no electronic copies. It exists here only in booklet form. Nonetheless, I can provide you with the relevant information from the policy, which is the fisheries allocation priority it outlines. It stipulates that fish allocation priorities will be in the following descending order, 1. Conservation of fish stocks; 2. Alberta Indians fishing for food on specific sites; 3. Métis people fishing on Métis Settlements; 4. Resident recreational use; and 5. Primary commercial uses (e.g., commercial fishing, guiding and tourist angling). So, when it gets crowded, the guides & foreigners are gone. Is it crowded yet? Don
  13. Jay.. Don't know about BC but in Alberta you take the carcass to the nearest F&W office. Tell them what you know and if they don't wish to keep it for their own work, they generally give it to you with a letter legalizing the whole business. Note: a big NO - NO - bullet holes - not a good thing. Check with BC. Bet it's similar. 'bout the only thing that is really illegal are eagle feathers. regards, Don
  14. Alan, I agree - $5 is nothing but you've listened to the Fish and Game Bunch. Getting a buck outta them is impossible. They run up the tired old flag about people not being able to afford the extra money. I listened to the F&G ASS bitch and holler when the ACA raised their levy to do the work they are charged with by Govt. But @ the meeting held in Rocky by the ACA to explain the increased levy - well - none of the 100+ local members of the AF&G ASS showed up. While I agree that Stream Watch is not the total answer, at least it puts boots on the ground - something the Govt seems unable to do by itself. The thought occurs that maybe F & W enforcement is kinda like hospital care - leave it get screwed up enough and part of the people will look after the issue themselves rather than waiting for the Govt to do it which is perhaps what the Govt really wants. Get out of the business of F & W. All it holds up is development. regards, Don
  15. jigsaw, There is a fellow in Calgary that does absolutely the best work I've seen. I've got both a rod case and reel case from Bob. Have a look @ http://www.robertcochrane.com/ regards, Don
  16. Folks, Thanx to all for their advice. SWMBO just poked her head in and the orders were clear " we are getting a tile guy in for the tile and and electrician for the heating wire/pad." Now that was clear. Still, at least I have some idea what is involved. regards, Don
  17. MOG Fly rods put together the links below; Now you can blow a complete day just looking. http://www.bamboorods.it/links.htm regards, Don
  18. Folks, Wife and I got talking about replacing the flooring in the kitchen & dining room with tile and she springs "underfloor heating" on me. I have no idea what this is and Thank God for the internet, I'm now more informed. She then tell me that folks all over the west coast have this stuff. Is it any good? What is the failure rate? DYI project? Does it make any difference in home comfort as we have forced air heating presently and this would be an addition. HELP!!!! Don
  19. Toirtis, Yupe - get it @ the Medical Supply Store. It's like dental dam is used for stretching exercises. I've got it in various thicknesses for the "bottle" style of rod varnishing. The local shop has it in rolls of various colors including an obnoxious green. It does have a powder on the surface to protect it from Ozone. Typically the powder is talc. regards, Don
  20. Toirtis, Medical supply stores carry a broad selection of gloves in various colors. Or The stuff maybe another latex product. Make sure you get the one w/o lubricant - the fish fall off. Don
  21. God PGK - you finally said something that made sense. Harps - I fish 110>130 days/year with about 1/2 of them in Alberta. 60 days @ 6 hours/ day = 360 hours for a <>$25 license or $0.07/hour. It's a tad stupid when you look @ it like that. I'd suggest that I pay $200/year for an anytime license I also suggest a $3/day for a daily tag or crap make it $5/day @ least the cost of a crummy coffee. Don
  22. tallieho, I agree - it's about time that everyone paid. Medical Care or even Education which are both a provincial responsibility can be bought privately if you believe that the Govt is operating too slowly or not @ all. For enforcement, you can't take things into your own hands. Been tried. The Govt, their laws and employees will stomp you flat and toss the remainder in jail. Truth :1 - So - we have to work with Govt on enforcement. Truth #2: What gets funded - gets done We can argue forever about who should pay. Good God - license fee i<>$25.00. About the same price as a decent steak and a beer. How about sending the same $'s to Streamwatch. Don
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