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Everything posted by DonAndersen

  1. Guys/Gals, Thanx to Clive I finally saw the "dust up". The TV stations my wife, the news junkie, watches doesn't include BT. Barbs performance should get her elected 'cause: 1] Showed restraint in the face of opposition 2] Deflected the ugly comments about bias onto other candidates 3] Showed loyalty of volunteer workers. 4] Showed fiscal responsibility/ground swell of support by using all volunteers. 5] Proved she could be feisty w/o involving the police - do recall Ralphie and the Pie. Or cynically, the dust-up was scripted. 1] First comment - we don't know each other 2] Interviewer goes on attack - Barb show restraint 3] Interviewer accused of bias - which cuts both into other candidates and interviewers integrity all the while leaving Bard the judge of bias. And on and on. Damn, isn't local politics fun. Don
  2. Folks, Now being not from Calgree - I get to watch the elections somewhat detached. The political pundits figure that the two major down sides to Barb other than she was in a three legged race was here perceived "niceness" and not shown to be tough enough for politics. So how to counter perceptions. Well you brew a tempest in a tea pot proving that Barb is a feisty up and comer. Originally I never gave it a thought about Barb's testy performance but low and behold, heard that Rob Love is a volunteer on Barb's squad. Rob, for those that don't know, was the brains behind Ralph Klein. Would Rob be capable of such an act. Who knows - makes a good theory. catch ya' Don
  3. I'm thankful for Thanksgiving. Most of you stayed home and I had the placed nearly to myself. Now if I could just extend the Stanley Cup Play-offs for 6 months, I'd really be thankful. catch ya' Don
  4. Folks, Numbers matter if you keep accurate records. Been doing that for 40 years. The records have been used by SRD for management decisions. And hot damn, I've been lying about the size of the fish I catch for years. I'd call them @ 13" and only when I got a measurement tape on by boat apron did I find the fish went from 13>15". But if do have a rough measurement. Between forefinger and thumb is 9". If I go down the fish three times, its a decent one. If there's 3>5" let over, its a goodun. And I think it would be possible to catch 300 tiny cuts a day. Got 50 or so in a couple of hours. Got so boring, I needed a nap. catch ya' Don
  5. Snuffy, Thanks for clearing that up. I'm a fan of C49S hooks as well till #14. At that point, I go to C068 hooks. C068 don't band @ all. Landed a number of +24" fish on them this summer. No failures. regards, Don
  6. Rick, You are to be commended for reading some of the history of Alberta. While I'm sure that you meant it as a cynical remark, it is so close to the truth it's scary. Don
  7. ÜberFly, NO public funded recreation facility generates a profit so the point is mute. Just think of the tax revenue generated if public golf courses were converted to housing. Clearly, the only thing that Calgary does is maintain enough nutrient going to the Bow to feed the bugs/fishes. I don't paddle in the concrete pond, chase my ball along a field, flog the ground or slip or slide away so- the question remains - what are Municipal Govts doing for the folks that fish. Don
  8. Folks, Municipal Govts spend a sack of money each year on recreation for the residents. Swimming holes, hockey arenas, golf courses, soccer fields, ball diamonds, dog parks and the like. Now I not use any of the above but do fish as do several of the folks on this board. Is it time that municipal politicians spent some money on fishing? Access to the Bow within the city is but one place where money should be spent. Is this an issue that should be brought to the public political forum. I know that it will not compete with the above listed programs but perhaps of the $70,000,000 some could be used for fishing related programs. By the way - a lot more people fish than golf. catch ya' Don
  9. Snuffy, Checked out Mustads site and I can't find the C57S hook. Would you check the number. regards, Don
  10. Monger, Had much the same trouble with soft hooks like Diiachi. Mustad does several hook styles in the Signature Lineup that should work for you. R069 and S70 both use 2XH wire. Standard wire hooks don't seem able to take the abuse. http://www.mustad.no/catalog/asia/products.php?id=10 catch ya' Don
  11. Tim, The HMH was bought in about 1976 or so and has been used to tie >25,000 flies. Figured I'd try a rotary type. Been pleased with the result. And two patterns - you mean that there is more than Royal Coachman and Black Gnats? Don
  12. eastman, I've a Barracuda. Had it for about 10 years. Tied several thousand flies on it. Works well. The jaws that came with it have 2 hook pockets for holding very large hooks. I also have a midge set of jaws for hooks <18's. Don
  13. Jeff, I'll see if I can get an explanation for your pictures. Giovanne, It is illegal. Contravenes Federal Statures. Long story - DFO is in Alberta after a judge found the Alberta Govt didn't enforce it's own environmental regs. [even on itself] So the Alberta Govt' step back and does nothing leaving it to the Feds. Along come the Conservatives in Ottawa who are not going to p**s on their Alberta counterparts. So the long story. The environment gets trashed. The regional Biologist in Rocky when the quad question came up @ the spring Regional Meeting commented that it very difficult to prove which quad did the damage. My comment " in a gang rape, who cares who got her pregnant". catch ya' Don
  14. Giovanne, What you see is clear cutting of trees. Whether this is good idea or not is in the beliefs of the person seeing the clearcut. What is important is forests either burn down or fall down but disappear they do. What most people don't realize is we have by far more land under trees in the eastern slopes than for perhaps 100 years. And guess where the biggest clearcut in Alberta exists? As far as roads, they do add silt to river/streams etc if proper precautions are not taken. I'm not aware of a clear cut on the Red Deer to the river edge. I know I got ticked @ one I saw on the Ram. Apparently the cut to the river was driven by the Wildlife folks who wanted more grazing for elk. Oil/Logging companies would be jailed for driving up and down streams as regularly happens by quadders all summer in the Rocky area. Of course, agri-business is exempt. catch ya' Don
  15. Giovanne, While this is land disturbance with oil/logging etc. there is also accountability. If the companies make a mess, they repair or clean it up. Quadders - nope. Plus there are 2 sets of rules. Those with land use operating guidelines and quadders. Land use guidelines tell companies what they can or can't do. Quadders can do anything that an IQ of 10 + lots of beer can dream up. Make Quadders conform to the same guidelines and things would be good. Of course, agri-business would be exempt of any ground rules. catch ya' Don
  16. Giovanne, Same sex couple you bet but one appears to be a "pro". Chris, Go with the left - says it all about fly fishing. Don
  17. Guys, Don't try this with your plastic rods. http://clarksclassicflyrodforum.yuku.com/t...test-video.html catch ya' Don
  18. jasonvilly, I cast dry/nymph rigs often. Some things that might help: 1] Multiple false casts increase chances of trouble. 2] A softer rod helps - use a heavier line weight to slow things down 3] Water loading helps - no false casting @ all using this method 4] Open loops surely help. 5] Drop elbow on forward csst to open loop. 6] Presentation is an issue - remember that you are straightening 2 flies. A tad more power on the forward stroke. 7] Slightly stiffer leaders really help. 3X to dry and 4X on nymph. 8] Lightly weighted nymphs are the best. Heavy nymphs are tough to cast with dry in front. catch ya' Don
  19. So you meet the stupid & uncaring - go get 'em. Here are some numbers: Calgary Office Fisheries and Oceans Canada 7646, 8th St. NE Calgary, Alberta T2E 8X4 Fax: 403-292-5173 General Inquiries: 403-292-5160 Southern Region Alberta Environment Calgary #303 Deerfoot Square Building 2938 11 Street, N.E. Calgary, Alberta T2E 7L7 Phone: (403) 297-7602 Fax: (403) 297-6069 If you see an environmental emergency, phone the 24-hour Alberta Environmental Hotline at 1-800-222-6514.
  20. Sun.. Only 2 pics. to help her owner ID her. Left her hanging from my awning when we were @ the Campground and curiously no one claimed her. While we cleaned some of the garbage out along the creek, we made no attempt to clean the random sites that are infested with jerks. And I really like spend some quiet time with the dunderhead that invented plastic water bottles. I can't get over people that figure they should drink bottled water for their health and toss the empties in the rivers. Don
  21. Guys, The guy in the pic isn't me. Brian, She was split up the back. Probably rode hard and tossed away wet. Frank, All the appropriate parts were color coated. I'd suspect so the lovelorn could find 'em. And the best part, She'd been along the bank for many days. Viewed by many who probably stared and failed to she her for what she was. Garbage. Don
  22. Guys - note I'm sure that most gals aren't interested, Picked up this lovely lady on the Livingstone last Thursday. I'm sure she's missing ya'. Also picked up about a grocery sack of garbage every day including 2 hub caps. C&R area @ it's best. Don
  23. Well it's a start. I remember when Forestry posted a notice on your illegal camp and if you didn't move it, they burnt it down. And BC does: And Alberta - the gutsy wonders figure $2500 is about right. Wouldn't it be great is the Govt grew some: catch ya' Don
  24. birddog, Do I have a deal for you. Adjustable Force Fins - used 4 times. Twice by me and twice by a friend who came to the same conclusion. They are a piece of crap. Wholesale Sports got them @ $180.00 - let them go for $130. Get divers fins - been using them - yes the same pair - since about 1975 in the tube originally and now in the pontoon boat. I usually spend upwards of 80 days/yr. in a pontoon boat. catch ya' Don
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