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Everything posted by DonAndersen

  1. Got a set a 6' used and 7' new. Send me a note if interested. Don
  2. I use Dacron backing of 50 lb. test for a binding cord when building bamboo rods. The stuff is cleaned with mineral spirits and abused a lot. It finally starts to fray after binding the came pieces together. I get upwards of 20 rods from one cord. It is tough stuff. I also use 130 lb. test stuff for tying everything together outdoors. Never had a failure. Used Dacron as backing for over 40 years w/o a failure yet. I also understand it is used a suture material. Don
  3. Winston c.... See page 62 of http://www.ceaa-acee.gc.ca/050/documents/p80101/101323E.pdf Some tributaries of Blairmore Creek are being moved to accommodate spoil pile. regards, Don
  4. Info package here http://www.ceaa-acee.gc.ca/050/details-eng.cfm?evaluation=80101 The link above will not work - try this one http://www.ceaa-acee.gc.ca/050/details-eng.cfm?evaluation=80101
  5. Fish stud... There is a whole pile of stuff on leaders. I used to use home made knotted leaders for all of my fishing. Still do for stream work 'cause they just do the job better. However on lake work where presentations don't generally have to be that accurate, I now tend to use straight leaders. As long leader presentations require the chironomid to sink readily, a thinner leader material works somewhat better. I use Berkley Vanish in 8 lb. test as the butt section followed by a tippet of Rio Fluoro stuff. The butt section will vary from 10>30' long depending on water depth. Berkley Vanish typically measures 0.010" OD in 8 lb. test and the Rio 3x 8 lb. stuff is 0.007 >0.008. Vanish seems to work well as a tranition between mono and fluro. Knot failures are fewer. Regards, Don
  6. Jg........ You have been given some excellent advice on bobber fishing. Unlike many, I seldon use beads and compensate by using heavier hooks. The beads I do use are either plastic or glass. Extra weight is provided by swivels. When fishing waters >25' I do use tungsten beads. In water depths of less than 10', bobbers are needed. Over 10' another technique can also be used. I often fish with just a long leader on a floating line. The leader may exceed 20' and occasionally 30'. For an alternate to bobbers see: http://flyfishcalgary.com/board/index.php?showtopic=21908 While electronics are fun, they are not needed, I use a lead weight attached to my fly to determine water depths. Cheap and never requires batteries. And yes I own depth finders, at last count three that are rarely used. Don
  7. Taco, Gray body c/w black rib Olive body c/w ruddy red rib Black body c/w dull stainless wire rod. All other materials are Danville's 6/0 thread Head is black thread Danville's 3/0 Plus Anti Static Bag c/w black rib. Gill of Oral B Super Floss Hooks Mustad C068NP-BR Coating was Sally Hansns Now is UV set resin. Deer Mart. Simple stuff. Got hundreds of the complicated stuff but these work as well and are easy to tie. Don
  8. Barry Mitchell of Red Deer, Alberta passed away. Many of you know Barry from his days publishing the Alberta Fishing Guide magazine and many others from his book “Alberta’s Trout Highway”. Barry’s interest in our Province’s fishery extended well beyond his writings. He was one of the founding Directors of the Central Alberta Trout Organization formed in the early 80’s serving in many capacities including President. He worked tirelessly on stream remediation projects throughout Central Alberta, he conceived and implemented the Alberta Streamwatch program to provide increased enforcement on the East Slopes streams. Barry pushed Govt. to rewrite the East Slopes angling regulations which successfully improved the fishery. The list of fishery related issues where Barry was involved is near endless. The family is hosting an informal, come-and-go funeral reception for him on Friday, March 6 from 2 to 5 pm at Eventide Funeral Chapel in Red Deer (4820 45 St.). There is no official service happening. An obit will be published in the Red Deer Advocate soon. On a personal level, Barry was a very close friend and we shared camps many times throughout Alberta. In Barry, I not only lost a friend but the fish did as well. We all will miss him. Regards, Don
  9. Although I never meet Jeff, I read about his successes. Folks who contribute to our fisheries are few. He was one of the good guys and will be missed. Don
  10. Eagle... Loon UV stuff is meant to be flexible whereas some of the other products are not at all. I bought UV for just trait. Don
  11. sage You started at a 6 wt. Good choice, drop it to a 4 and ultimately to a 2. Going the other way, add an 8 and 10 and with 5 line weights you about covered anything the swims in fresh water. Don
  12. Good stuff. About 6 months late though. http://www.pinchercreekecho.com/2015/02/17/make-yourself-at-home-and-stay-awhile Don
  13. Weedy, A big secret. You don't have to wait for the internet to inspire ya'. Go with what feels good! PS - need pics of feather fun!!! Don
  14. The teacher gave her fifth grade class an assignment: Get their parents to tell them a story with a moral at the end of it. The next day, the kids came back and, one by one, began to tell their stories. There were all the regular types of stuff: Spilled milk and pennies saved. But then the teacher realized, that only Janie was left. "Janie, do you have a story to share?" 'Yes ma'am. My daddy told me a story about my Mommy. She was a Marine pilot in Desert Storm, and her plane got hit. She had to bail out over enemy territory, and all she had was a flask of whiskey, a pistol, and a survival knife. She drank the whiskey on the way down so the flask wouldn't rupture and spill, and then she parachuted right into the middle of 20 Iraqi troops. She shot 15 of them with the pistol, until she ran out of bullets, killed four more with the knife, till the blade broke, and then she killed the last Iraqi with her bare hands." ''Good Heavens, 'said the horrified teacher. What did your Daddy tell you was the moral to this horrible story'?" "Don't **** with Mommy when she's been drinking."
  15. Now I have some proof the the south enjoys vinyl after finding a plastic sweetie in the Livingstone. She'd obviously been rode hard as she was split completely up the back. Unfortunately, no one from Calgary would claim this delightful critter. Don
  16. Some things ya' just have to proud of! http://calgaryherald.com/storyline/top-25-kinkiest-cities-in-canada-calgary-didnt-make-this-list-but-a-lot-of-other-places-in-alberta-should-be-blushing-right-now Enjoy, Don
  17. I'm with you on lithium grease. Been using it for near 40 years. Don
  18. But Dan, a 200 grain line is an 8 weight. Perhaps you have a 8 weight Rod rather than the 5 weight. Not the first time that happened. Your 5 weight fast actioned rod is really an 8 weight.. Don
  19. Folks, For near 60 years I've been FFing, I believed that fly weight determined the line weight required to cast the fly. Note, I said cast not lobbed. Time after time I read of people on here thinking about buying a 2>4 weight rod to cast things like streamers and nymphs which I would have thought would be better "cast" using lines heavier than 5. I always found it strange that anglers chose their fly delivery equipment w/o considering the weight of the fly. If hunters did this, some poor pilgrim would be chasing tigers with .22's. Catch ya' Don
  20. Angler, Rowing is for old guys that know motors reduce the length of time you youngun's pay into our persions. Rowing increases heart rate, lung capacity, motor skills, limb strength which when all sumed up - rowers become Chipandale performers for the over 60 crowd. Taco, A friend utilized one of the weight lifter weights on the bottom of his light anchor. Worked like a hot damn. Don
  21. Taco, A couple of things: 1) make sure the pipe ends are ground smooth so not to wear boat. 2) test run the anchor on the boat to make sure that the anchor can't contact the boat. Remember that: 1) the anchor will swing forth and back when rowing. 2) Scotty anchor systems stick only a few inches over the side of the boat. 3) anchors dragging in the water increase rowing effort required. Set up the boat on saw horses to check anchor. Regards, Don
  22. Billie, Yupe -- a total derail & it was me. But forums are about BSing & I'm a master @ BSing. Don
  23. Chris... They are very good. I like them better than any trout except for BROOKIES. Years ago, I ate dozens of them. Don
  24. Taco, You are making an anchor for.... I use a 5 lb lead anchor for most places including Police except when it is blowing over 30 mph. Then I run a 10 lber. In softt bottom lakes all you will need is a 5 lber. For sandy bottom lakes like Bullshead, an anchor that digs in is important. In near 100 days in a pontoon boat in 2014, I used the 5 lbers for all but two days. River fishing requires a different anchor. Don
  25. Taco, This is only if the Grass Master smokes it rather than fishing with it. Till I smoke the grass, I'll stay @ the curmudgeon level. And you floated the boat yet? Don
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