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Everything posted by LynnF

  1. Phew....good thing it's 90.5 degrees in Mexico. What a coincidence...we're headed there!
  2. Any more pics of me that find their way on this thread is grounds for some kind of punishment yet to be determined, but I have a very looooong memory!!!! Speaking of doing this again - what was eventually decided about the summer campout? Did I just threadjack?
  3. This was Mike's and my first year attending the show and we didn't walk out empty handed. In fact, I'm surprised we didn't walk out with one of those new Hyde Drift Boats and a new Sage Z-Axis. I don't think we'll be making it through the season without a new one though - they're pretty darn nice rods. I finally got my collapsible wading staff that I've been after so I'm pretty happy about that (when you get to my age, it's all about breaking a hip you know). Got my FFC hat (it's mine and mine alone because Mike has a big melon and it doesn't fit him ). Plus something special - thanks again Dave, you're far too kind no matter what Chris says about ya Never being one to be satisfied with what I've got, I sure would like to have one those pink Islander reels...they are the shiznit (is that the right way to say it Max?). I'd also like to take up spey fishing just to buy one of those reels...wow. I don't know what it is - it's all about the reels lately. Maybe I'll start a collection. Mike bought Jim McLennan's new book as I chatted up Lynda since it's been more than a few years since we've seen each other. Was very nice to catch up and to talk with everyone there who I usually only get to type to Was neat watching the H&H guys tying flies. That's something I wish I had the patience for, but know I never will. Brent - might come and see you when it's time to buy my new waders this season - sure like the looks of those Patagonias. Great prices at the Troutfitters booth for sure. Only thing I didn't get was the pair of polarized sunglasses I've been after since I bought Mike his for Christmas. But I'm sure I'll live to shop another day All in all - a really neat way to spend a few hours on a blustery, cold winter's day.
  4. That was a lot of fun. Thanks for the hospitality Rick (and to your lovely wife as well whom I look forward to sharing that bottle of red with in the summer!). Nice to meet everyone there!
  5. I'll bring some juice with me too Rick.
  6. hmmmm....I'm in the market for a new pair of waders. Thanks for that review Rick!
  7. Mike and I were trying to figure out what kind of bird that was. Anyone?
  8. I italked with Kerry tonite - will dig through Mike's fly tying desk and see what we can come up with. For a very good cause
  9. Hey Al - I'm not connected high up in the O&G business by any means, but lemme use a phone a friend and see what I can come up with. And, of course, Mike and I are happy to contribute financially as well. Our cheque will be in the mail tomorrow.
  10. That's awesome....I can't wait to wear Max on my head Seriously....looks good. Excited to see the stuff.
  11. Well.....if you're in Whitefish, then I'm in northern Whitefish. From Douglasdale, I believe, it would be a better drive. Want me to bring a bottle of red?
  12. Those are just friggin' crazy! The wingspan on those birds...wow. Beautiful stuff!
  13. Finally. Finally. Finally. This is some real welcome news Al. How about hitting up some of the O&G co's that have pipes and wellheads all across that FTR? I'm happy to support this initiative however I can. It's more than time.
  14. Me thinks the Mr. and I will hit it on Sunday. Gotta get us the FFC goodies!
  15. Hmmmmm.....might be worth going to see if Taco REALLY is going to show up in the metropolis of Calgary.......
  16. wow...a threadjack with the swedish chef. Whoda thunk it. We need Clive in here to put this back on track.
  17. Well.....now I'm seeing the swedish chef off the Muppets. And I'm not kidding - I'll point it out if you want. If you stare at something long enuf, you find all sorts of things it seems.
  18. I see something that resembles the face of a cat/person cross. But definitely not a woman.
  19. I've stared and stared and still don't see it. We need Clive and his photoshop arrows. I think too many of Taco's "stare at these intently so an ugly monster jumps out and scares you" jokes have rendered me unable to see these things anymore
  20. I used to have that fear. Seriously. For the first 2 years I fished, Mike had to unhook the fish and release it for me. I was absolutely freaked out. Loved casting and catching but when I caught all hell broke loose. I dunno what happened - could be that Mike took off out of eyeshot the next year and I had to fend for myself or drag a fish a km to be released
  21. Hey BBT - we got Jessie at Goldenghost Kennels out in Langdon. If she's till breeding goldens and labs, they're one of the best outfits in Alberta for pure blood lines and clean, healthy dogs. She breeds for spring and fall, so now might be a good time to inquire. I think the woman's name is Ilka. But google goldenghost and you will find them. I know if we ever get another after Jessie, we'll go back there.
  22. OK...that pup takes over the cute award. I'm biased tho
  23. awwww....he is SO CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He's gonna make some cute little pee stains on your carpet for the next few months - lucky you! It's the gift that just keeps on giving.
  24. Nice Clive! It ain't a charm bracelet ya know. Hey Dave....I coulda topped your dry ass turkey sammich with a dryass turkey sammich with teeny tiny little bones in it. Leftover turkey is the single best Christmas present ever! Hey TM - that's quite the haul - good stuff!
  25. Sounds like everyone is having a great Christmas so far!!! This year my best present was a husband that continues to spoil me and knows exactly what to buy this girl! See below for proof. In addition to the "proof" I got a new Rio nymphing flyline and a Columbia PFG fishing shirt to match the one that I bought for Mike. Ya....I guess we know each other pretty well by now I've wanted this puppy for a while now. All about the gold baby. I bought Mike one of these about 8 years ago and I swear these boxes will stand up to a nuclear explosion. I'm happy and honoured to have one of my own now And it wouldn't be Christmas without a bit of bling! This one I will not wear fishing on the Bow though Merry Christmas guys and gals - hope your day has been as great as ours!!!
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