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Everything posted by LynnF

  1. I'm not real familiar with the hourly labour practices and laws as I practiced HR in a corporate environment but you'd have to check if the employer is bound by the federal or provincial labour regs and, depending on which apply to them, you may well be correct.
  2. Here's me with my HR hat on (in case this is still up in the air): a. She doesn't have an employment contract so, no, she doesn't have a leg to stand on. If she had something that outlines the terms and conditions of her employment even in the broadest spectrum then at least it's something. b. If she's hourly and not salary, that gives them further empowerment to do whatever they want with her hours.
  3. That's awesome! I'll trade you our resident skunk-that's-the-size-of-a-bermese-mountain-dog for your itty bitty porcupine!
  4. I always count on 150. Bad weather last year = 25. This year I think it will be close to estimate if the weather holds. I live on a main street but I don't seem to get the traffic the smaller streets and cul de sacs do. That's too bad....cuz I have good candy and my dog is gonna be dressed up and sitting outside with me in the garage drinking wine (me drinking, not him) so that makes it the best Halloween house in the neighbourhood. Even better than Dave's.
  5. Dave needs the misery of raising a girl to keep him in check. I say pink sans dink.
  6. no parking violation
  7. We did it a few years ago and it does work to slow you down but the whole stirring up the bottom and potentially wrecking redd beds made us not do it anymore. Prior to that we donated a couple of anchors. So we've tried it all - a little exercise on the oars is the only way to slow down IMO.
  8. Christ you guys...6 pages in and nobody has mentioned that they caught a bunch of Asians poaching on the Bow earlier today? That was the best flamewar EVER!
  9. You've seen me Birchy - you'll need to do better than that. OK....listen up bitches. Anyone who effs up on their spelling is going to face a public flogging and correction by me. Cuz y'all suck at spelling and I'm real great at it and want everyone to know about it.
  10. FYI (and this could go in the Shack Nasties thread) Sundancefisher got this off the perezhilton.com website.
  11. This girl has: a way too much time b way too much money c taken too many drugs d all of the above
  12. YAY....something to do on lunch today. Unless BBT and Birchy wanna go for lunch. But I"ll only go if there's cake. I kinda wondered what the business case was in moving the only fly shop in the NW to downtown....they obviously have their reasons and did their due diligence with market research and what not. As a consumer, I just can't see why it would make more sense to be there. Oh well....good for us who work downtown and have a paid parking spot
  13. Good job. It took us a couple of years regularly floating the Bow until we "figured out" the Bow enough to be able to have a consistent day of fishing on it. It's not an easy river to figure out and, with the increased pressure it's seen in the last few years, that makes it even tougher fishing. I'll echo Rusty's advice - get out there with Max. I'd do the same thing if I could find the time right now - even though we've been fishing it the last 8 years. He's the guy who'll start you on the road to knowledge.
  14. Wow...ya....let's elect that guy for our Prime Minister. No wait...let's give his party enough seats so that they can continue to use their wit and clear understand of everything to oppose all that makes sense. Wow. I'm voting for the pot party.
  15. There is, truly, nothing better than a turkey dinner with all the trimmings on Thanksgiving. We do our dinner on Monday, so I have that to look foward to for tomorrow. And, is there is nothing better than turkey leftovers?! I think not! Happy Thanksgiving to all - we have much to be thankful for - even if you have to soul search a bit.
  16. No offense intended - after all I was born and raised in Brampton, Ontario for 32 years. My point is that Easterners need to quit doing what they've done for the last 30 odd years now and just quit blindly voting Liberal. Don't get me wrong - I'm not painting everyone with the same brush, but there's a reason that the Liberals have historically had a stronghold out there and I hope they see that it's time for a change.
  17. Calgary played a great game. They got lazy and it cost them the lead but the bottom line is that bad f*cking officiating cost them that game. That brutal call-that-wasn't-even-close-to-a-call on Bert in the remaining minute and that non-call on Burrows for tripping that let him skate down the ice and set up the winner is the reason the Canucks won. Calgary deserved that win.
  18. I'm gonna bet that the Western vote for Liberal is going to be at an all time low this election. Those Easterners are the ones who need to smarten TFU.
  19. What makes this all worse today is that if they don't capture the cubs, they said they're going to have to kill them. Even if they didn't the chance that the cubs would survive at a year or just over (as they've estimated) is almost zero. I like the bear vs human capital punishment debate. Apples to oranges but can't help feeling that Dube is right for the most part.
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