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Everything posted by fishinhogdaddy

  1. Yesterday and today, I have had to yell at a couple of school aged children who think it's a fun thing to go out on the Elbow River to test the ice. If you have any children who attend school on 2nd St SW. you may want to have a talk with them. I was fearful that I would have to go into the river to rescue them. The only reason I would have done that was to kick their asses once I got them out. Otherwise, I would have left them if they fell in. After yesterday, I got thinking that they are not only risking their lives but mine too, if I was to go in after them. I called one of the schools and talked with the Principal who was grateful I called. We need not hear on the news that someone has lost their child due to something soo bloody stupid! That's my rant for the week. FHD
  2. WOW. SORRY TACO! No need to be a dick. Unless that is your purpose.....
  3. Wow. That's sad. People just don't understand how an ecosystem can be affected by such a thing as introducing non-native species to a lake like that. Really sad. FHD
  4. My son bought a couple of brutes off the internet. I have not riden on the dirt. What are the legal requirements for using these bikes within the province of Alberta? FHD
  5. Need a lift?? http://www.maniacworld.com/Record-New-Years-Eve-Jump.html
  6. Anyone been out to Kicking Horse for some skiing/boarding in the last few weeks and how were the conditions? I tend to be cautious when I read the snow reports.Where is a good economical place to stay in Golden? Too many hotels, not enough first hand info. Thanks for your comments in advance. FHD
  7. I had the same problem. I used the cream, chiroprator and finally I found something that worked. www.SonicRelief.com Check it out. I have used it for about 1 year and find if my elbow gets sore, 10 minutes twice a day does the trick. Good Luck FHD
  8. I got the little guy back late Friday. Boy! What an expensive lesson. Nice that others have tips for the 'daddy. I have heard good things about the RAW/Barf diet but wasn't sure if it could be found in Calgary. Now I know! I appreciate all the best wishes thrown my way. Now the boy is home and seems no worse for wear. Great people at the CARE Centre. Open 24hrs too! Thanks everybody!!!! FHD
  9. I gave my dog a ham bone on the weekend. He has been in C.A.R.E. centre since Monday night as shards of the bone lodged in his intestines and blocked his "works". Since having a dog in their care is amounting to another mortgage I am sending this out as a warning to everyone not to feed their dogs anything other than a "knuckle bones" from cows. As ham is usually "cured" with salt, this has also complicated things as he became dehydrated overnight causing the intestines to become dry and the result was the bone pieces getting stuck. It seems dogs do not tolerate salt very well and he had to be given huge amounts of intervenous to re-hydrate him. We are hoping he passes the last chunk which is still stuck inside him tonite. We are at the point of no return monitarily and he will possibly have to have surgery Friday if it hasn't passed through him tonight. The C.A.R.E. Centre staff have been stellar in their care of our beloved canine and have been updating us on a regular basis. I highly recommend them to all pet owners when your pet is in a bad way. FYI. The C.A.R.E Centre is the largest animal hospital in North America complete with all the diagnostic equipment ie: CT, Lab, 4 Surgical suites, Oncology Md's....the works. It is a top notch facility. I think I am financing most of it. LOL So, be kind to your dogs. DO NOT FEED THEM HAM BONES! FHD
  10. I was there in May and we fished mostly size #22 nymphs and caught fish like those. One day the water surface was completely covered in Baetis. It was an awesome sight. Craig Montana, for those of you that don't know, is about 40 miles south of Gt. Falls. We had a guide for one day and he said he isn't happy until he gets 100 fish to the boat. I caught around 30 and was quite please with myself as the size of fish, be it a rainbow, brown or whitefish were very healthy and strong. I would encourage anyone with a thought of going down to check headhuntersflyshop.com. We stayed in the old trainhouse which had been thoroughly renovated for $85/night. A trip of a lifetime for me and my son. FHD
  11. As an employee of what USED to be the Alberta Cancer Board, I applaude your efforts. Thanks. FHD
  12. A licence is not required on private lakes. FHD
  13. I have some more information on why the mama bear was killed although it makes me ache to know they HAD to shoot it. It turns out that this group of bears was also responsible for killing a Clydesdale horse a few weeks back. Even though I share and agree with the same opinions as Dutchdryfly, I guess it had to be done. Still makes me sad though. FHD
  14. I just saw on the news that fish and wildlife have hunted down and shot the mother of three cubs that mauled the guy a few weeks back. WHY? Isn't it OUR risk to go out in their habitat? I guess not... Now the valley is minus four beautiful, majestic beings. Sad..... FHD
  15. Blame it on the government for not regulating the lenders who have been giving people 20-50% more mortgage money than their house is worth. When the dummies spend the money and try to refinance their abodes, they have a bigger mortgage than their house is worth. Sounds like the same thing that happend in the 80's when house prices dropped and people walked away from their homes as they weren't about to pay for something(with interest) that was worth less. Just my 2 cents. FHD
  16. Just a kindly reminder to everyone regarding the security of your house and cars. I work downtown and as I was out having a "habit" I noticed a young man acting weird in our parking lot. A construction worker was leaving for the day and sprints past me. Turns out the young man was rifling through the workers "unlocked" car. He proceded to get the **** kicked out of him and as he backed away and said he was sorry and a crackhead just looking for some loose change. On Friday night last week, a neighbor of mine left his upper kitchen window open to cool the house and someone broke in overnight: as they were sleeping. The thieves were able to get hold of his wallet, van keys, a laptop and a small amount of cash. They must have been like church mice as the family lives in a small house with twin 7 year old girls. They didn't hear a sound and only discovered the robbery after he was going to go get a paper in the morning. Any opportunity is a good one for thieves. Lock it or lose it! Play it safe everyone. FHD
  17. Nice. Still choked about your rude welcome to Calgary though. Looks like some positive news berfore the weekend for you. Cheers...FHD
  18. Bull trout are a protected species and whitefish aren't. There are lots of whitefish in the Highwood, just not on your line. FHD
  19. A-1 Autobody is the best in town and they specialize repairing Hondas. Good Luck. FHD
  20. Usually on that part of the river your can be pretty sure they will hit a smaller green leech pattern and later on in the day you may see some other hatches coming off. You should be good with an Adams #12-14, leech Green/black 10-12 and some Caddis patterns , emergers etc. have fun. FHD
  21. We need the death penalty back. An eye for an eye in my books. Maybe that would shake up a few no gooders. FHD
  22. Also, the river and it's banks can become very dangerous at that time of year as the run-off from the mountains is in full swing, so be aware! There are a huge number of sweepers and logjams that may look safe to walk on but are not. I have had decent success fishing below the bridge at Canmore.
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