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Everything posted by ÜberFly

  1. Not sure, but the ones on the Bow have orange eyes... P
  2. Tiana, Of course you mean Lake"Minniwanka"!! LoL P
  3. Jay, I think you mean "Tern"!! P
  4. From where I was fishing there was a HUGE BWO hatch, but no rising fish... Though I did manage 2 bows, a 20" brown (taped) a whitie and a sucka (3 ldrs as well) in a couple of hours with VisePeasent. So I don't think in the grebes put the fish down at all... Maybe the pelicans did. I think the temp had more of an effect on the fish then the birds... P
  5. Rick, thanks for all your hard work (and for finally, once and for all, settling the great debate - I guess pie came out a head!!) P
  6. He can also try over-lining his axiom, as well... Probably feel the same (or similar)! P
  7. Out of curiousity, what do you mean by "upper bow"?! FYI if you mean the NW Calgary section that is closed until June 1st!! P
  8. Some good info online for fiberglass repair on boats (specifically canoes, but same, same)... I've done gel coat repairs on my canoe (fairly simple with either a 2 part epoxy or puddy - sold at MEC- MEC also sell fiberglass repair kits FYI). My reco would be to use the 2 part puddy - sets up much quicker, way easier to shape & sand! http://www.fish.state.pa.us/anglerboater/1...99/fibergls.htm I think Dune had the name of a guy (locally) that does gel coat repairs - he couldn't find it last time I inquired so I did my own (mine were not through the fiberglass though!)... I wonder if Alberta Marine (or another shop) does repairs... Anyway, I'm sure if you are somewhat handy and have a little patience you should be able to do it yourself (with the online instructions) I guess it depends on the size of the repair... If it's just gelcoat and is reasonable size, lemme know I can assist (I have enough epoxy to last a life time). P
  9. Thanks Shaun! In other words, I'll carry all the gear!! LoL! I'll think about it!! P
  10. ÜberFly

    Line Advice

    I'm no pro, but from what I understand, it can work in both situations, but I tend to use mine specifically in river situations when I need to get a streamer down quickly in fast and/or deep water (swinging)... Jack also posted a suggestion a while back where they (on the coast for steelies) add a 4' section (or so) of 40 lb mono in between - allows the leader/sink tip to sit parallel to the bottom (I think that's the idea). Haven't tried it, but it sounds reasonable! P
  11. 41a $25, 41b $25, 42 $25 (I was planning a trip to Smith with Rob, anyway - Really!)
  12. $25 on #40b & $25 on 40c P
  13. Interesting!! I wonder if that had anything to do with Michael Moore's film "Sicko" and random Americans (traveling through Canada) to get medical care in Cuba?! P
  14. I stand corrected... From the Park Boundary downstream to Canmore Open all year... P
  15. Not sure , but I think the Ice Capades had a Bob the Builder show a few years back!! Clive, can you skate?! P
  16. The stretch up near Banff is open all year! The "upper" Calgary section is presently closed! P
  17. Maybe you need to clarify what you are willing to do (or not willing to do, for that matter!)! LoL P
  18. Nice fish! What specific fly did you catch it on/with? P
  19. That Farmer Pickles sure plays a mean fiddle!! Can you Clive?! P
  20. With permission, of course ;-) LoL P
  21. Come on Rick, show us that photo AGAIN!! LoL P
  22. Me lie!! Remember I've been called Mr. ethical guy, don't forget!! Ok I'll call it 26" for agument sake!! It was a Brown (it was taped & tightline was there to witness), also my largest Rainbow on the bow was 22" (taped). P
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