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Everything posted by Brownstone

  1. Thanks BBT..off to get me a birthday fish..Hey Glen, I'll meet you at the secret birthday hole ?
  2. yeah Its not cheap, I usually get a new rod every spring, but this year I decided to invest into a couple I already have since they get the most use. 380 bucks for the two tips vs. 6+ for a new rod ain't bad since were in a recession and all
  3. Ordered up a spare tip for each of my Sage rods about a week ago, and they said it has to be processed through the repair/warrenty department..well as soon as I heard this I expected to see caddis before my rod tips..well today they showed up..I was pretty impressed. Both tips a perfect fit, 140usd for an XP796-4 tip and 175 for a ZAxis590 tip with no shipping charges or duty to be paid. It will sure beat the hell out of waiting most of the summer if i happen to break one. All around a great experience.
  4. very nice, I grew up on the east coast and when I think of fly fishing back there I think of Salmon and Sea Run trout.
  5. kinda though you were crazy..posting a phone number..I like to avoid crazy people..
  6. what did you fish back east if the "Hogs" on the Bow are kicking your ass? nothing against you or the Bow..I love the action, I found it harder learning how to fish with an indie and split shot and junk..
  7. Bandee; I think HS is defending you rather than trying to offend you, I thought the very same thing when I seen your posts were removed, I seen no problem with pics of legally harvested fish being posted..but some people will see a problem..that why the rules are the way they are, to avoid conflict. Thanks for the post, great pics.
  8. I dunno about "pro", but Ive landed my fair share of large fish both on the Bow and elsewhere,the main thing for me when I hook a big fish is getting him under control fast, if it takes off into the middle or runs down river your gonna be in trouble, every foot of line it takes creates more drag on your hook set and tippet, which obviously you do not want and you need to try to eliminate right off the get go. try to turn him with side pressure to get it pointed up stream, I keep my rod high above my head until I know I have control to reduce the amount of line in the water. If you can't do this, you have an option to chase him downstream, personally I don't chase fish very far, 20-30 feet down stream at the most (part of the "fair" fight instilled in me by my father). Keep your line managed, don;t strip a bunch of line and have it lying at your feet, I choose reels that have a very slack counterclockwise drag, being I can spin the outer rim of the reel with my hand very quickly without using the handle ( plueger trions are great for this, I have three of them). If a fish jumps out of the water, feel what its doing rather than watch, some people will say bow to the fish, but i think this is more of a natural movement to have the fish pull the rod tip down, a fish can move alot faster when its out of the water and place strain on the hook set and tippet. Once its in the shallow water, walk out a little with it rather than try to beach it, the shallower the water the more the fish will panic and thrash, keep it pointed upstream, move in behind it where you are a little more hidden, again to keep it from panicking and make your move, I prefer to tail fish, but that's just me. If you have trouble controlling thrashing fish, practice on larger whitefish they thrash and twist more than any trout I've ever seen, try landing them as if they were a trophy rather than horsing them in like many people do. Like I say, I don't consider myself a professional as I don't get paid to fish but I've been flyfishing for most of my life and tangling with fish much stronger than what you'll find in the Bow. Half the battle is mindset, but only you can help yourself with that..I hope you find something useful in my ramblings..
  9. very nice Doc, these types of flies are the only ones I fished until I moved to Alberta
  10. tied a few with a pattern I found with some material I bought .. waste of material .. clousers work better and are more cost effective ..my 0.02
  11. Karma's a bitch .. I LOVE TO FISH!!!
  12. 'nother great vid..thanks for sharing.
  13. the odd time I'll run a "fancy" worm ( with the same results seems) .. but for the most part I'm with SJW .. all hail the wire worm..
  14. BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH..jeez man I'm tying to eat my oatmeal here.. Birchy : Glad to see you get to keep your colors, even if they are a little faded GO HABS GO!!!
  15. Tried it..you don;t get a refund cheque and you still get the demerits so its a double kick in the nads
  16. awesome.. LOL ..I went to College with a Susan Boyle .. but unless the years have been very bad to her, dat ain;t she
  17. for what type of fishing? I usually run between 10-13 feet of leader when nymphing and sometimes up to as deep as 15, rule of thumb is 1.5 times the depth of the water your fishing but I never paid much attention to that. I run much shorter when swinging streamers about 8 feet with a heavier leader. I would say for all around a 9-10 foot leader should be good as long as you handle it and cast it ok you may have to adjust length from time to until you find a length that your comfortable with and more important have confidence in.
  18. Brownstone


    wow looks great, beautiful fish
  19. on rivers like the Bow with dense fish populations, you'd foul sooooo many fish with that .. clearly not a legal device in Alberta for sure
  20. trim a small bit off the end of each leader, fluor will be noticeably harder.
  21. happy birthday Mitch, hope your gettin out to pound a gooder
  22. I get to be big spoon
  23. slow down tex I'm not gay (not that there's anything wrong with that) keep your chin up there's a great guy out there for you
  24. The best sandwich evvvvvvvvvver ... that witha bowl of Guinness soup and yer laughin'
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