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Everything posted by Brownstone

  1. Fenwick are very reasonable to deal with, as long as your rod was a quality product, I'm sure you'll have no issues. Fenwick offers quite a broad variety of rods, the Canadian Tire 29.99 combo junk and higher quality products, I don't believe they offer anything warranty wise on their economy line.
  2. Ive seen similar stuff on the Bow, fish get so use to people, the smart ones know there is nothing to fear..Whities are ridiculous when it comes to that sort of thing..move slow though the water or on the banks, you'll be amazed at the fish you'll see or near step on..
  3. I'd say your ok if you leave it all in the trunk..out of sight out of mind..I use to live in the city and left my stuff in the backseat of my truck all the time in the back alley..never an incident..
  4. HA HA HA HA HA ... jackass ...
  5. Ive been down there many nights until well past 10..no worries
  6. well done..best laugh i got from Bbjotw so far...rest up well friend .. the trout are waiting
  7. Early morning is just as good as the evening i find..but slows down as the sun comes up..instead of getting better as the night moves in..which makes it hard not to be on the river till well after dark..
  8. 20+ for sure, although somedays I wonder...
  9. Maxed out on fishing gear this season ( according to her anyways ) but bet your baetis, next season I'm gonna see what all the fuss is about...hope santa has room in his sleigh ...
  10. They were not rising, but i could see backs/tails when they moved (i think because of the super shallow water). Only time i seen them move is when I spooked them..and where they were hanging out was infested with small fry but they did'nt seem to move to far to chase them if they were feeding on them..I'm thinking the same as you said Greg, move on..I've wasted lots of time in the past casting to fish I knew were there with no results..It's just so hard to see such nice fish sooooo close...I tried to convince myself they were suckers..but i guess im to smart for that nonsense... Thanks for the advice, I know they'd be hard to take on the level..just needed someone else to say so..and I trust you..thousands would'nt, but i do..j/k... Gregg
  11. Lately, I've found myself targeting fish in really shallow water (mainly because of where ive been fishing), the fish are there but I can;t always get close enough w/o spoking them..I'd imagine it quite difficult to cast to a 25" trout in 6" of water and not spook him. The water this close to the shore is pretty much still and presenting on the swing is almost impossible, I tried casting from the side and behind with a long leader but still spook the fish either with the fly or getting into position....would the fish even be feeding in there or maybe just sunning? I believe they are feeding on tiny fry close to the shore in the weeds cause there are an awful lot of fry in close..
  12. Ive yet to have a guide fish over "my" water, they always seem to give plenty of room, seems that people who know the sport, know the ettiquette and respect each others day fishing...
  13. From my experience..Pike love yellow anything..usually when targeting pike your in still water and want to cast a fairly long line, I'd avoid heavy overweighted streamers as they'll get difficult to cast, if your fishing deep water, a slow sinking leader or line will be the answer. For shallower water I don;t use any weight at all ... don;t forget a mouse and frog imitation, not that they work overly well but it sure is fun watching them pound it on the surface through the weeds...remember to beef up the tippet for the sharp teeth, i use 12 lb and change it often with few incidences...
  14. now your not even trying anymore...I think Bbjotw should have to be fishing related if your going to be sloppy like that... :P
  15. don;t think my V twin can go that fast..thank god
  16. Dave, Wheres the rod holder? Just in case 4 wheels won't get you to the river fast enough...patent pending...
  17. thats brutal, there's no need to crowd or be crowded on the Bow, although it happens a lot more than it should. These guys defiantly have no respect for anybody .. like mentioned above the jackasses will not likely walk very far for the fish..which opens opportunity for the rest of us who are willing to hike to the fish.. bad deal, don;t let it discourage you..I started a thread "fishing and crowds" awhile ago, may get some more opinions out of it ..
  18. I miss those buggers..pound for pound the best fight if you ask me..nice smallies
  19. ditto..I wouldn't bother messing with glues, if your having problems busting off construction knots, the problem is in your knot or leader and i doubt glue would help at all, I use blood knots, surgeons knot for lighter tippets, with very little incidences..
  20. use good materials and tools...practice practice pratice
  21. no way he taped @ 20.....19 TOPS!!! way to go Dad!!!
  22. Lynn: Betcha did'nt see this coming..
  23. Olands Export is a far superior beer to Black Horse (aka pony piss).. and no not available in the convenience stores in Newfoundland, however I believe some liquor stores stock it..but I believe in buying your beer where you buy everything else so...India Beer is my choice when i'm on the rock..
  24. Ive done it a few times, and really didn;t like doing it, putting a tube down the fishes throat can't be good for it..no matter how careful you are..Ive since given my pump away after packing it for 2 season without using it.... ..some would even call this cheating... just my 0.02
  25. great story..sweet gag..
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