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About jnovlan

  • Birthday April 29

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Baetis Nymph

Baetis Nymph (3/10)



  1. Thanks. San Diego. Might be a good idea. Could maybe tie Disney Land in.
  2. Anyone out there that can recommend a winter vacation destination for a family. Not looking for much (LOL)-- fly fishing opportunity, sandy beach, some sightseeing/adventure/cultural events. Not looking for all-inclusive, but a rental for 6 adults and a 6 year old. If not near a beach, then a swimming pool. A direct flight would be preferable, but not a game changer. We are researching, but any suggestions greatly appreciated. First hand knowledge especially helpful. Thanks. Jerry
  3. Just a heads up that yesterday (Sept. 18, 2022) a catalytic converter was stolen from a truck at the Ogden Boat Launch-- sometime between 9:30am and 1pm. The cost to repair it and replace O2 sensors is between $1600 and $1700. Kind of puts a damper on an otherwise great float on the Bow. Also makes a person very nervous about using this or possibly all boat launches in the future. But-- what are the alternatives? If anyone was in the area and noticed suspicious activity-- or has dash cameral footage of same-- could you please PM me. I am wondering just how prevalent this type of theft has been at boat launches and other roadside pull offs. Is this a somewhat isolated case, or is it a larger problem than I had thought and needs to be addressed? Thanks.
  4. Like I mentioned earlier-- it does not look that good for even a take out spot.
  5. My thoughts exactly about this launch site. I checked it out last week and left thinking I must be missing something. There is no signage suggesting it is a boat launch or pull out. I also checked out Harvey Passage and water level was low. If rowing-- better have very short oars because parts are very narrow!!
  6. Good luck with that new knee, Don! I expect that once it is 100% that boat of your will go in circles!!
  7. Case of EYES BIGGER THAN STOMACH!! Saw a video of a snake that had to give up his half swallowed meal. Think the odd loon makes a miscalculation as well.
  8. You are correct. It is North and East. Thanks for correcting my directional lapse.
  9. I was browsing a 'Lost /Found Camera website and stumbled across this photo from a camera that was found at Bruce Lake just West of Calgary. Someone might be able to identify the fisherman. There might be a chance to recover the camera/card. Site: http://www.camerafound.com/found-photos/found-camera/found-nikon-coolpix-s610-bruce-lake-alberta4-1467.html
  10. Stirring the pot, Don?!!?? Must be a long and cold winter! Stay warm.
  11. I have New Sage rolling duffel. Moss green in color. Never got use. Asking 300. If you are interested. I can send pictures. 



    1. jnovlan


      Thanks for responding. My son is looking for one without wheels and less money. I appreciate your offer, though.


  12. You might want to check this out-- if you have not already seen it! Pretty cool rig. Not sure what cost would be.
  13. Not sure if this is 'really' fishing related-- but will give it a go. I am assisting a friend with moving his huge Koi from an outdoor pond to an indoor location for the winter. A few of the twenty Koi come in at about 20+ lbs so a big net is required. I would be most appreciative if anyone has a long handle large net that would work and would lend it out for a day. I could also be interested if someone has one for sale at a modest cost. Please PM me if you can help me out. Thanks. Jerry
  14. Great story! Love your perseverance-- a much better attribute than 'stubbornness'!! Hope you can get your team together for such a worthy cause.
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