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Everything posted by Pythagoras

  1. One of the coolest things I've ever seen was a *(few too many) years back on the Miramichi in NB. I was alone on a streach of the river and looking downstream to a bend when out of nowhere comes this screeming fighter jet about 300 feet up or less. He was following the river valley upstream and blasted above me with a roar almost too much to bear. Very cool.
  2. Haven't used the products but one thing I notice is missing is a way to strap a 4-piece rod tube to the back. I really like being able to case my rod at the end of a trip and have both hands free when I'm walking out. That and they seem a little pricy...
  3. Damm...now I wish I hadn't looked... I'm sure there will be a few comments...it is going to be a cold weekend.
  4. Well I'm not sold on the Sharkskin line. I think I'll keep the Starwars line I got last year. It glows green (or red if your evil) and make a really neat VEEWOOOOT noise when I cast it. I only caught one fish with it but it was a 36" Brown who also gave up the location of a rebel base....nice.
  5. I haven't fished the line or even cast it (I hope to at the show) but I have touched it. It kinda has a sandpaper texture. Something that I would be concerned about would be 'finger wear'. When stripping line over my index finger I think that line wouldn't be too long cutting some skin....
  6. Thanks for the advice folks. I think I'll try the toothbrush and a little de-greaser first. Cheers
  7. I have a BFR Dragonfly....it was set down and never picked up again somewhere on the upper Elbow...sigh... Even though I fish a LA Battenkill I think the Pflugher Trion is a great value for the price.
  8. I've just picked up a used 5wt Sage and would like to sand the cork down to clean it up. I was going to use a light emmory cloth or 3M pad body work is done with. Anyone done this before? Advice? Thanks
  9. Camera, reel, a buddies rod, flies. Fishhead, next time you go out I'm gonna follow behind you to pick up the goodies!
  10. LMAO... Good job Toolman.
  11. http://www.economist.com/daily/news/displa...amp;top_story=1
  12. No Orvis? Put Pfluger in for a point.
  13. The best gas prices I have found are at a little indi place on Edmonton Trail near 36th. Usually a couple/few cents cheaper than the chain stations.
  14. Nice...thanks Brent...I will try to tie a few of these this Winter.
  15. I didn't know until recently but Shaw has Galaxie music available to subscribers for free. It requires some hoops to jump thru (setting up a Shaw account) that you think would be MUCH easier for a 'high tech' company, but worth it. I've been mostly listning to the blues channel but for the past couple mornings I've tuned into the 70's channel....yesterday I was humming "Harper Valley PTA" at work.....lol 8 more days till Winter.....
  16. Banks, in the short term, will (imho) take it on the chin because of the sub prime debacle (were not done seeing the effects of that). Could be a buying opportunity. Buying a big bank or utility has (mostly) been a nice safe (dividend paying!) long term option. In the longer (20+ yrs) term the snowballing of the dividend reinvestment can be significant. I still like gold...
  17. Been a gold bug for a year or two now...still like it...got some IMG.TO Haven't really been a stock buyer lately but have been looking at cashing some of my mutual funds out to buy some Royal Bank (love that yield) and possibly a US large cap dividend payer.
  18. I joined a clan (is my geek showing?). A couple buddies and a few online friends BF 2142 it up a few times a week. Really fun when the squad is clicking. I can't wait to play SC II either. Back when Brood War was new my brother and I were unstoppable for a while.
  19. "My wife said if I didn't get her another beer she would stab me in the face" LMAO!
  20. Wasn't Loudness was it? Kooky Japanise band from the 80's...very loud...
  21. I'm playing BF2142 currently. I'm a former Starcraft addidict (best RTS hands down) and have been a gamer from the time of Pong, no kidding. Anyone remember Herzog Zwi?
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