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Everything posted by Taco

  1. Marine Goop Wanny, looks like hell works like a charm. If that won't fix it you need a new pair of waders. Canadian Tire.
  2. I was poking around looking for some shockabsorber ideas for a work trailer project and found this; Shockabsorbers Don't click on the link if you're quick to be offended or expect something fishin' related, old rural Albertans really could care less what you think or expect. TTFN
  3. Others might Wes, after all she made Royal Canadian Air Farce twice and she's in Wiki
  4. That's OK Ray... I'm sure he'll be much less chirpy and irritable once his other testicle descends...
  5. A new solution for wader stink? Fresh Balls
  6. No, F&W, I'm just making an observation during a time of tightening Government budgets and yes they should rate higher than traditional put and takes. H2O read it right and there are higher priorities.
  7. Hear about the fish cop and the farmboy who went fishing one day? They jump in a boat and motor out to the middle of the lake and toss out the anchor. The farmboy reaches into his tackle box pulls out a stick of dynamite, lights the fuse and throws it into the lake. The fish cop gets all pissed off and tells the farmboy he'll hafta arrest him for poachin'. Farmboy doesn't say much, just reaches into his tackle box, pulls out another stick, lights it and then tosses it into the fish cop's lap. The fish cop sits there with his mouth hangin' open when the farmboy remarks "You goin' fishin or what??"
  8. Get used to it Rick, the restoration part is just starting............
  9. Yeah but then again they'd revoke my redneck card if I started to give a damn what people think
  10. Better re-read my original comment Al and take it in context as to the why
  11. Is that why most people are of the opinion that I post nothing but crap here?????
  12. Thanks guys, I'll give those a run, free has huge appeal to my Dutch wallet
  13. Of course...I'm well aware of the important role the stocked fishery plays and how much fun it is.
  14. how much natural recruitment of trout happens @ a stocked lake?
  15. I need a low cost alternative to Adobe Acrobat 9 to convert simple Word based files into pdf. Out of the half a hundred I can find on the net any suggestions for something reliable and easy to use on a touch screen tablet 'puter? Thanks
  16. And the reality of the situation is this; Enforcement @ places like Muir, Police and Bullshead will remain a low priority w/F&W unless poaching gets wildly out of control @ a waterbody. Muir, Police and Bullshead are really no different than any private lake in the City of Calgary, a completely artificial fishery.
  17. Bingo!!...... it's a enforcement issue not lack of signage
  18. That long gun registry made outlaws of a lot of normally law abiding people
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