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Everything posted by Taco

  1. I call my castin' style The Windmill Method. Someone once described it as lookin like someone tryin' not to fall off the woodpile but I catch fish...... at least the easy ones.
  2. A barbed hook you just push all the way through, cut off behind the barb and back'er out. Doesn't hurt any worse than yankin' out a barbless.
  3. virtually none in lakes, quite a few in willow tunnels
  4. What was thought to be extinct was the Pyramid Lake strain of Lahontan Cutthroat Trout. Cool story and fish, if I ever catch up to my ass and find some time on my hands at the right time of year, I may hafta take a drive with a ladder strapped to the roof of my truck. I could just see it now at the Coutts crossing, But Sir I'm just goin' down to fish!
  5. Motueka River, I don't think Kiwi's have such a tendency to get their panties bunched up tight
  6. Worked for me.. I went from 10-12 weeks of debilitating back pain per yr to maybe a week total in the next 18. Still have some leg and foot numbness.
  7. Taco

    Quick Question!

    My opinion only, generic bow river cuttbow, lack of slash doesn't mean much when dealing with hybrids. Hell no one knows the true genetic makeup of the Bow River "rainbows"
  8. Got mine through Wholesale Sports
  9. You weren't the only one on the obtuse side of the equation Stonefly
  10. Some of the Bios are still irritated over that deal. We really do have a lot more important issues than worrying about a few extra mandibles being torn loose I remember that thread and some of the discussion. I was all for it at the time being born again believer of The Church of C&R. I think my justification boiled down to, if it made the hook easier to get outta me then it had to be good for the fish. And since I have trouble recalling a good portion of last week let alone 10 yrs ago, QAT?
  11. Used 1/2" sheetmetal screws from Home Hardware in felt boots for yrs, changed them 2-3 times a season. Worked well. Just get a correct size magnetic socket that fits in a reversible electric drill, take all of 5 minutes to change corks.
  12. I have a Range Rider, overpriced new but otherwise a good cap. Word to the wise if you pull a trailer any distance on gravel roads, get a plexiglass rear window if you can, the tempered glass OEM rear window WILL shatter eventually.
  13. HEY... leave Taco's truck out of it
  14. Contact Islander, they've been good standing behind they're product. Cost me 2 weeks time and 20 bucks shipping
  15. I wonder how many are gonna bother reading or comprehending past paragraph four?
  16. Didymosphenia geminata or rock snot/didymo is a native species to Canada and is present in almost all of it's streams. The question maybe should be: What is causing the blooms? Daisy Creek is bad the past few yrs and it has really affected the fish population.
  17. Best be watchin' that bungee cord setup, net gets hung up in the bush when you ain't payin' attention and you'll have a net bouncin' off your noodle at near lightspeed.
  18. I know it not fiberglass but ask here http://fiberglassflyrodders.com/forum/
  19. Elk or sheep huntin' in SW Alberta and SE BC we've always had to deal with overly assertive bears, certain areas you got your game dressed, loaded and got the hell outta there. A few times I've had a big boar follow us 10-15 miles back to camp and raise hell. I had one big arrogant as shole follow me around for 3 days and keep me awake for better part of 2 nights lettin' me know I was trespassin' on his turf. It ain't some new thing, aggressive grizzlies and what they consider easy eats in their territory.
  20. So you wanna halt the grizzlies, who may or may not be a threatened species, from doing what they've been doing for millennia so we can have a easier chance of harvestin' an elk? Gawdamn you turned into an Albertan quick
  21. I once spent 2 1/2 hrs playin' tag with a cow moose when my border collies thought it would be cool to bring the boss a moose calf they had found, herded it right up to me before things got really exciting. Damn dogs spent the whole time hidin' under a big slash pile whilst I got to play over, around and through it.
  22. I can relate, got kicked outta the 6th grade for not shavin'
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