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Everything posted by Taco

  1. Ten thousand comedians Weedy, ten thousand comedians :P
  2. Adapt or die, adapt or die, either that or live under the Centre St bridge
  3. Close Weedy close, Loughheed started the process, Getty ramped it up to the max.
  4. I'd pretty much echo Don's list. Then wait and see just what we got to work with in Ted's replacement
  5. Only when I'm bored and it was too effin cold out for my delicate physique. I like this one, it's gonna stay for awhile , fish I caught last summer.
  6. So are you saying that you almost but not quite glow in the dark? :P
  7. Yeah but Brent you'd do again in a heartbeat wouldn't ya? I've broken bones, equipment and vehicles, suffered frostbite, hyperthermia and a blown knee 5 miles from my ride all chasin' fish. May not of seemed like fun at the time but you know what lookin' back? I wouldn't change a damn thing 'cept maybe fish more places.
  8. fishin' like sex is never bad, just some days are better than others.
  9. Nothing is more creative than a businessman or an industry with it's back to the wall, just ask any small business that is doing well in spite of Walmart or any of the big box stores...... adapt or die
  10. adc is coming home today and will start bugging me to "go fish" if it gets nice. -27 again on friday, adc will likely be hidin' under a blanket
  11. Well I thought it was 2 bobcats fightin' but tomcats will do and I'll be roarin' through that fair metropolis to your west @ 6am tomorrow... I gave my customers the option of delayin' these past few days and they all took it for some unknown reason... who knows, customers can be fickle
  12. Good story and great memories, doesn't get any better than that.
  13. Dear Pastor, I walked down the busy footpath, knowing I was late for an important meeting. My eye fell upon one of those unfortunate, homeless vagabonds that are found in every city these days. Wearing what can only be describes as rags, carrying every worldly possession in two plastic bags, my heart was touched by this person's condition. Some people turned to stare. Others quickly looked away as if the sight would somehow contaminate them. Recalling some long ago Sunday school admonition to 'care for the sick, feed the hungry, and clothe the naked.' I was moved by some powerful inner urge to reach out to this unfortunate person. Yes, where some people saw only rags, I saw a hidden beauty. A small voice inside my head called out, 'Reach out, reach out and touch this person'! So I did......... I won't be in church this Sunday! http://img253.imageshack.us/img253/4151/oppsth8.jpg
  14. I knew there had a blessing in this damn weather but it's supposed to start moderating on Thurday @ least down here, hopefully thats enough.
  15. It was good to meet you and Val, I'll have to use that wading staff I bought from you while fishing that little Shakespeare that Colin's rebuilding for me.
  16. One observation from an OFer; I find my biggest fish in the most heavily pounded sections of the retention fishery but it gets to be pretty technical fishin' for Cutties. Go small, go long or go elsewhere.
  17. Sort'r reminds me of a young lady I woke up to one time...large, white and a scary lookin' head..........I blame it on the whisky...switched to rum right after that.
  18. Holy Smokes a Clive sighting...that hasn't happened much this yr :D Neil, close but that old Hoot himself, my mug to damn ugly to post.... might scare someone Tako, wrong Taco my handle also on my birth certificate
  19. NoshitSherlock as in, a mule deer cannot crack a standard cast bodied transmission no matter what speed you hit it at...Ah yes it can.. and around and around for 2 months until I prove my point and they pay.... NOW keep in mind hitting an animal is a no fault claim, they send me a notice that they had me in the wrong rate class and the insurance on my work truck was gonna go from 550/yr to 2700/yr... Consequently ALL, House, Vehicle and Business, my insurance needs are now being meet at another agency @ a saving of about 2000 bucks/yr.
  20. Nope ain't jerkin'your chain, can't see a darn thang, could be photobucket it don't seem to like me much
  21. Someone could say something about largemouths and the media but I'll just say Nice Fish and I'm gonna hafta make that drive someday. :D
  22. Chris follow the camera around? What's that about? :rolleyes: Very enjoyable morning! Rick and Jackie, thank you, it was good to see that southern hospitality can survive a move north and cold Canadian winters. Its was a hoot to meet and remeet everyone and I hope we can do it again on a stream somewhere this summer. The Chief Financial Officer around here was pleased to see that I got outta the FF expo @ under 150 bucks but little does she know about the Islander bling and the TCR or MLS sticks I was eyeballing. :D
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