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Everything posted by Taco

  1. Wicked... she'll remember that the rest of her life
  2. One of the Initial Guys posted that here before, BBT or SJW I about shorted out my 'puter spittin' fluids over my keyboard when I first saw it so I had to steal it.
  3. Thanks but I was just being a smartass, in actuality conspiracy theories and conspiracy theorists have a tendency to irritate me a tiny bit and forces me to suppress the urge to slap something stupid.
  4. *hit boys... my divorce cost me 350 bucks.......... just be essentially bankrupt @ the time it happens.
  5. OFFS.... of course man has a impact and he's been changin' his environment ever since he quit beenin' the hunted and became the hunter... I wasn't quite born yesterday FFSNNs
  6. I hate it when people have a dump in my driveway......it sticks in the lugs of my workboots and the wintertime the neighbours think I'm nuckin' futs drivin' around with the windows rolled down and the heater goin' full blast.
  7. But I useta like settin' 'round the fire hackin' on a number!!!!!!!! "Where, oh where, are you tonight? Why did you leave me here all alone? I searched the world over, and I thought I'd found true love, Then you met another, and PFFFT! You was gone!"
  8. Dern straight ta both questions but don't make me whap ya on the kneecap with a crowbar so's I can outrun ya if need be
  9. Good quality, excellent pricing and fast shipping. Ben's a good guy to deal with.
  10. Taco

    Cuba Si!

    somethin' new for my bucket list
  11. Me like d00de :D :D :D :D tanks mang
  12. My solution when the Timmies line is too long..........................MacDon's coffee is just as good as Timmies
  13. read the whole thread, comment was pointed @ a DS with a similar name who has shown a aversion to concept of man up http://flyfishcalgary.com/board/index.php?showtopic=3335
  14. I myself am a believer in the philosophy of brother Thomas Henry Huxley in lackadaisical sort of way.
  15. Good to some browns in their native territory :D
  16. Well at least the dude wasn't Asian.................... Righteous peepee whack though, now if we could get judges in Alberta to do that and direct it to Streamwatch and the like we'd soon run out of reasons to hire extra EO's
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