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Everything posted by Taco

  1. Heck of bonfire there Hoss, whatcha do? forget the swedesaw? :P Best part of camping... swappin' a few stories whilst starin' into the fire and listenin' to the crackle pop.
  2. 1; Lookin' toward the Whaleback and the Livingstones 2; Wind blows 'round here. 3; Headwaters OMR
  3. no need to overline a SLT IMO, they're a comparably easy to load. On my 3wts all I run is DTs, far easier to roll cast for tight streams and you can flip'em when one end is fubared.
  4. You'd know Dave Coutts the politician far better than I would Gary and I have no doubt what you say is true, I've known the Coutts family since the days of Tourist Texaco @ junction of 2 and 3. Provincial politics in this riding is damn near incestuous, Layton was a neighbour, Leroy is a neighbour, Dave ran the Scarlet and Gold for yrs and this latest rendition Evan is no different.
  5. I subscribe to the Same *hit, Different Pile theory of provincial politics so it remains to be seen if the Tories can sufficiently reinvent themselves this next term to stay in power. That said, I hope Morton stays were he's at because he seems to like to get things done and not insulate himself behind 15 layers of bureaucratic BS like the last Minister.
  6. I'm guessin' Kristoffer "Kris" Kristofferson EDIT; *hit I need to look one up before I post and I'll add written by Guy Clark
  7. All those in favour changing SanJuanWorm's handle to Blood Red Splot say Aye.
  8. Anglicized translation of the old Piikani (Peigan) name. I believe Hugh Dempsey catalogued the story but can't recall or find it at the moment.
  9. jeez Doctor you'da thought you would'da realized that sometimes to get a rise you hafta troll a little
  10. A Texas oilman appeared before St. Peter at the Pearly Gates. "Have you ever done anything of particular merit?" St. Peter asked. Well, I can think of one thing," the oilman offered. "Once, on a trip to the Black Hills out in South Dakota , I came upon a gang of bikers, who were threatening a young woman. I directed them to leave her alone, but they wouldn't listen. So, I approached the largest and most heavily tattooed biker and smacked him in his face, kicked his bike over, ripped out his nose ring, and threw it on the ground. I yelled, "Now, back off!! Or I'll kick the living *hit out of all of you!" Impressed, St. Peter asked, "When did all this happen?" "Just a couple of minutes ago......”
  11. Alberta politics Gary, Alberta politics.... keeps the rest of the Canada confused too
  12. I think you need to talk to danceswithheadcement, he may have something for you; http://flyfishcalgary.com/board/index.php?...ost&p=35824
  13. 100 bucks on item 8 btw...set up a paypal account so it's easier and more secure to pay online
  14. may hafta scrape him offa roadsign and pick up ur bike over a 4k stretch of rd
  15. Oops, forgot about that, in your case... 112F and 96% humidity
  16. To quote that fount of knowledge, Wikipedia; Unlike in America, where an average of two people a year are killed by bears, Europe (specifically Scandinavia) only has records of three fatal bear attacks in the last century Read up on the European Brown Bear guys, they don't behave as aggressively as our grizzlies in confrontations.
  17. no secret... just head to where Bocephus lives
  18. Wouldn't worry about it Snakey, pretty much the same people start whinin' again when it hits 38C in July. :rolleyes:
  19. That's a Phillipson in my avatar If it's under 8' and priced right, definitely yes Thanks Don
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