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Everything posted by Taco

  1. Then don't do it...sheesh do I hafta tell ya everythang as an aside, I just ran off 3 copies of my fishin license, cost me some printer ink and 3 sheets of paper........double
  2. Taco

    All Badder Now!

    Bull trout taste better...ask SJW :D
  3. Fedit da cutthroat monkey ona my back dis aft. Da crik Da Rod Da Feesh Even caught a couple on a dry, I'll be OK 'till tomorrow
  4. wtf?? hit enter did ya
  5. If I were usin' it half the time for lakes I'd go with the 9 fter
  6. Yeahbut Max.. when I used that old nic I had a tendency to get my ass banned and then I had to reregister under half a dozen different names... changin' IP addies is a pain in the ass too
  7. 'Kbut I'll still answerin' to Taco an' I don't have a tendency to become much of a whiskeypig anymore 'cause I'm old an' I got tired of fallin' in the creek whilst tryin' to have a leak.... on a related note, have you ever tried to lean against a tree when the damn thing was still 30' away?
  8. :$*%&: :$*%&: :$*%&: :$*%&: :$*%&: :$*%&: :$*%&: actually david me lika dis one badder
  9. because of ongoing confusion about just who the :$*%&: is actually posting please note that I have now changed my display name to Taeke which is the old Frisian pronunciation and spelling of the name Taco (Tack-co) the name on my driver's license. Hopefully this will clear up some of the ongoing :$*%&: bullshit. Now back to our regular scheduled programing.
  10. tryin out my editin skills and i effed up
  11. 10 fter? Never seen a rod with all agate eyes, centrepin rod? Cool rod none the less.
  12. No, I'm the SA, SK older edition..... cost me over 400 bucks for 300L of fuel this morning, which will last me about 5-6 days, so I was a tad irritated, thank god I don't own a trucking business and go through over twice that per day per truck
  13. Piss on fuel surcharges, it's just another chickenshit way to raise your prices without having to "raise" your prices... same goes for that "mileage"BS. Luckily for me my business is established enough and my industry reputation is strong enough that I'm phrasing in a 15% increase in my base rates. Done............. ...................................................(I hope?)
  14. That country has been logged over, bulldozed, dug up and drilled for a very long time and as such is a testament to the remarkable healing power of mother nature. The Andy Russell Wilderness Park is a very good idea.
  15. Pretty nice grad present... all I got when I graduated was a job and the old man's beat to death pickup to use.
  16. Yeah I know....too bad I got outta the cow ownin' biddness 8-10 yr ago :D Ain't Alberta politics peachy.....notice I said cowboys not big ranchers... I have a tough time feelin' sympathy for someone settin' on 10 million worth of land and 6-800 momma cows. Hey Dave...............................coupla self portraits??? :lol:
  17. Plus you know for sure which end the BS comes outta. You know the difference between cowboy's cowboy boots and Bronconnier's cowboy boots @ the Kalgree Stampede? Cowboy's cowboy boots have the horseshit on the outside.
  18. Neil, I spent 40 yrs up to my ears in cowshit and mud, must be kinda like bein' a Legislative Journalist up in Edmonchuck , fishin' storm outlets in mud and the rain could be a refreshin' change, Guys you are on
  19. I use all 30# backing, do what I do... spool the flyline first noting whats the leading end if it's WF then top it off with backing until the spool is full enough for you, carefully unload the spool, I lay it in big loops spread across a carpeted floor.. hint; lock all the damn pets in the bedroom before hand and reload the spool backing first. Perfection! Ain't a big deal, I did 5 reels and spools this aft.
  20. Yeah the movin' lake aka DeBow.. definitely an option but since I haven't fished it for at least 10-12 yr I may not be humble enough to be publicly humiliated I also hear a rumour that the Crow is dropping and there's some stoneflies around from bigassed salmon coloured to little yallar ones and I haven't fished it in only about 8 yr. Choices... Eeny, meeny, miny, moe, catcha nniii..............................................never mind!
  21. Too wet and sloppy to work moo cows outside so's everything been pushed back a week......... so wheredahell can I go fissin' considerin' I suck @ lakes and ain't equipped for same?
  22. I'd guesstimate roughly a third less.
  23. BTW nice dawgs....congrats ............................................still not sure about the drywaller lookin' one
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