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Everything posted by Taco

  1. Whined did he......pfffft.... kids these days
  2. Best bet is to give it a good cleaning and then see if the grinding persists
  3. What can I say? I got a soft spot for silicone or at least I did until The Great Silicone Scare of the 90's........fibromyalgia my ass
  4. Damn BBT, like that top one just a teensy bit **ROTFWAGBOW**
  5. Yahbut those ghost bags are cool, I'm giving Brodin a call
  6. * What do you call a judge with no thumbs? * Justice Fingers * What's an archeologist? * Someone whose career is in ruins. * What happens when two snails fight? * They slug it out. * What insect is good at math? * An account-ant. * What wobbles as it flies? * A jelly-copter. * How do French poodles greet each other? * Bone-jour. * If two collars had a race, how would it end? * In a tie. * Why was King Tutenkhamen considered the best pharaoh in all of Egypt? * Because he always showed up in cuneiform. * What kind of lettuce did they serve on the Titanic? * Iceberg. * What do you call four matadors in quicksand? * Quatro sinko. * Why do pigs make good spies? * They're excellent at going in-hog-nito. * What do you get if you cross a dinosaur with a plate? * A tyrannosaucer. * What did the snowman say to the other snowman? * "Do you smell carrot?" * What do you call an earthquake fault? * A topographical error. * What did the Spanish farmer say to his chickens? * Oh-lay! * Why would you take a hammer to bed? * So you could hit the sack. An Indian consulted his medicine man about a pain in his stomach that had persisted for three months. "For something as long as that," said the Medicine Man, "I have a more drastic remedy than the herbs I normally prescribe. Chew on this leather thong every day. It is 31 inches long: chew one inch every day, and at the next moon come back." The Indian dutifully did as directed, and at the next moon he returned to the Medicine Man. "How do you feel?" the Medicine Man asked. "The thong is ended, but the malady lingers on."
  7. I think he trumped ya.......cripe wadda fish
  8. Cool, pretty country, that's the one about westslopes, they only live in the prettiest country. No grimsley bares to add excitement?
  9. Glad she's pickin' on you LE... I don wanna tangle wif her, she'll delete ur butt
  10. Harpy, that whitey's a pig, it could eat a sz2 hopper
  11. Very good brined and hot smoked with willow or alder. My father used to fall over himself to help whenever I brought a gunny sack full home to smoke. The limit used to be 100/day Mostly a nymph feeder although they do surface feed they seem to mostly slap it down and eat it drowned. They like small drowned hoppers in season too, no larger than a sz12
  12. Yeahbut it's the best I could come up with in this new "play nice or get deleted" environment You shoulda been hit with a popup PM screen on the other matter
  13. Must resist temptation... must resist temptation........................................................
  14. not too bad but Ray Wylie Hubbard Steve Earl Robert Johnson Wayne the Train Hancock ACDC CCR
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