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Everything posted by Taco

  1. My first wife was a saskatchewhiner who wanted to be a calgarian...does that count?
  2. no worries... i luv side tracking...pisses people off...i somehow had impression you where from prince george
  3. You got it, looks like the forage base has gone to hell, some of those fish are gaunt. EDIT; or is the failure to spawn that hard on the fish? maybe trips are part of the answer
  4. Impressive first post........what part of BC you from Boy?
  5. I wouldn't, live grasshoppers float low in the surface film not on top of. If you want to imitate a live hopper, fish them on the verge of sinking and with some movement.
  6. native fish gone really wild. They got any size and/or been catchin' them on a light flyrod? could be a hoot on a 2wt and micro leeches
  7. I feel special.......... does that mean I get to ride on the bus with LE and play with the cowbell??
  8. freeze'm and use'm for garden fertilizer next yr
  9. I are still here, ....that mere fact and a buck fitty seben will get you a XL doubledouble at any location o' timmies. The rest of them retired OFers is gone fissin' till freezeup or at least till they hafta find their long handled stanfields.... the gorbs have gone home for the season don't ya know. Any self-employed OFers like me unfortunately have to work. This is a good place, the mods let it ride mostly keeping their personalities out of it, ain't too goody two shoes and has a nice edge to it.
  10. Holy crap Rick, I just quit bitchin' about my construction zone yard, that'll take a week or 3 to clean up.
  11. I don't think bears will attack when they're gigglin' hysterically.............. Look up Cripe , there's about a foot and a half of white crack hanging out there
  12. They bite unsuspecting fishermen on the ass. What else... a cowbell
  13. Cleanin' and deodorizin' your wadin' equipment successfully destroys all incurred MoJo... proceed with caution.
  14. I suppose Rob; it's Parks Canada politically correct generic answer for the average National Parks tourist. Confront the wrong bear and you're liable to have a touri who looks like he fell into a paper shredder. Same with running in a panic, big bear will mark you up from the shoulder blades down then bite your head off, little bear will mark you up from the asscheeks down in an attempt to hamstring you Do what you think is best, most of all, educate yourself. The advice I took to heart comes from people who spent a lifetime outdoors in bear country. BTW I never carry a firearm anymore when fishing in grizzly country, only the biggest can of pepper spray I can find. And those of you who are busily lookin' up the word sympathy in the Webster's dictionary...... you'll find it somewhere between *hit and Syphilis.
  15. I've got a friend who a retired Parks Warden. He has absolute faith in pepper spray, he's used it a total of 4 times on aggressive grizzlies and each time it was like the bear ran into a wall. Aggressive blackbears he just smacked with a stick. Like the trampoline treatment though.
  16. Whatever girls... the wounds say he was runnin', he has abso-frickin'lutely no defensive wounds and the cardinal rule of close proximity blackbear encounters, (least the one I was taught).. never run, standup to the bastard and if a bear scratchin' is inevitable, fight like hell, most blackbears are basically chickenshit. That would put the wounds on my frontside not my ass. I wonder how many Wildlife Enforcement Officer manhours are going to be wasted tracking down and destroying an asschewin' blackbear instead of real work... somehow the poaching of wildlife comes to mind. Ain't no sympathy here, you'll have to find it in your copy of Websters.
  17. OK I'll say it and prove to all that I'm a loudmouth ***hole...... another bear dies because some idiot doesn't know how to handle himself in a bear confrontation. A bear biting his fat ass and legs says he was runnin' away and if you wanna provoke a bear attack...run like hell whenever you see one. If he woulda stood up to that blackbear he likely just have an elevated heart rate and a good story to tell. Educate yourself if your gonna go fishin' where there's wildlife otherwise stick to the city sections of the Bow.
  18. 3's the magic number, from the regs # Use a line in angling equipped with more than three hooks (e.g., three hooks, or three single-hook lures, or one three-hook lure). # Use a lure in angling with more than three hooks as part of it. # Use a hook with more than three points on a common shaft (see Important Definitions).
  19. Dry..usually 1 unless I'm havin' trouble seein' some infinitesimal piece of fluff with a hook in it, then I'll double team the SOB with a sz12 royal wulff nymphs..usually 2 Soft hackles, wingless wets and small streamers.. 2 sometimes 3 Big honkin' streamers..1.. best not to get too stupid when throwin' 1/0, 2/0, 3/0 hooks
  20. Now that I've had more time to search for the proper article This is the method I was referring to and use, works slick http://books.google.ca/books?id=TcKOshXME9...1&ct=result
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