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Everything posted by admin

  1. Yes, Thanks for that, that is exactly the spin.
  2. Thanks Headscan. I don't think tube vs shank makes or breaks the pattern, that tube looks slick. For sure, they looks like 2 completely different species now. Agreed on those points Max. If you get a chance, check out Todd Scharf and ask him to show you his polar bear dubbing loop. Now that really keeps the hackle from collapsing on his HAF.
  3. This is what I go on for Intruders. The pattern is listed in Dec Hogan's "A Passion for Steelhead", but I don't own a copy. If anyone does and can post the recipe, that would be cool. I just recently watched this youtube clip, which should make it clear, the reason that the fly should be tied in a certain way. If you don't add some elements, it just colapses when it gets wet. Just watch this thing when it gets wet, it's still just as large as when it's dry. Click here if the movie does not play.
  4. There should be an email being sent out later tonight or tomorrow that will have the coupon. Just print that out and bring it to the show.
  5. I see what you mean. Did you get the Fly Fusion email? You can print the coupon from there.
  6. Rick, you might be getting yourself in over your head, I can really put down breakfast, and soon you'll realize that you should have just spent the 10 buck on the entry. lol Actually there is a horse trailer out back, if you hide in there, I'll wheel you in.
  7. Just use the code at the checkout - FFEPCM10
  8. Congrats Dutchie, Dune and Dube!
  9. Hey Wolfie, I think this will help - http://flyfishcalgary.com/board/index.php?showtopic=11276 Headscan is correct about the discount and timeline, and unfortunately there isn't anything planned for this year. Click above though to get a 5$ coupon for use at the show or on the online shop.
  10. Hey Mike. Some good advise on here. With regards to the bobbin, if it is burrs, you will see it fray rather than snap. The 70 denier (8/0) is a tough thread to learn on because it does break easily. Once you get the feel for the tension you can give it before it breaks, it gets easy. You'll never not break thread, but just less of it. The 6/0 or 140 denier is good to learn with, but smaller flies it can be bulky. If you get a chance, come out to the Spruce Meadows show and stop by our booth. There will be a bunch of tyers there who will be happy to give you some help. Also, if you can, the Hook and Hackle club is a great idea, and a good place to pick up some new patterns.
  11. Hey all, just uploaded a clip of the radio spot for the show. Click here for the 2010 audio clip If anyone is interested in helping out in the Fly Fish Calgary Booth, we could use a couple people Friday and one person on saturday and sunday. Mostly just tying flies in the booth, and talking shop. PM me if you are interested and I'll make sure there is a pass ready for you at the door.
  12. Nice treads! That is a really cool surprise.
  13. Black Ghost 5 ways 1. Standard long shank 2. Tandem rear riding up (Spider Wire) 3. Tube w/ octopus hook 4. Tandem traditional (Extreme Tippet RIO) 5. Waddinton shank w/ double up (Wire tippet) That is basically the range I'll tie these in. Each has their good and bad points, but the one I like to fish best is the Waddington. The wire tippet is a bit stiff, but the Spiderwire or Fire line is nice. These have taken some nice trout in Alberta lakes and I know SJW has fished with them a bunch on the Bow, so they will work.
  14. Cool, I've caught Phil Rowley, and jim McLennan when they were on. They put together a good show with questions from listeners.
  15. I'll try to get a few picks up this week. For anyone interested, I'l be doing a demo for the streamers at the Spruce meadows show next month on the 22nd.
  16. Ya, they have a ton of leverage on a 10xl hook. these one are more for show, and a project I'm working on. The ones I fish with are usually tied either tandem, tube or waddinton / stinger.
  17. I use a bag under the vise as I tie a lot of flies and that is the most convenient spot to drop stuff. I just empty it once a month and 'm good. It holds a surprising amount of material. I keep a strong magnet on hand in case any hooks get pushed in.
  18. A couple of the streamers I've been tying up lately. Just some quicky pictures, so they are not great quality. General Mcarthur Grey Miller Black Cat
  19. Thanks for the recommendation. I've been looking at that one for a while.
  20. Nice, you deserve a cake.
  21. Fixed it for ya Brian. Just use the movie ID, leaving off the http://youtube.com/watch?v= portion.
  22. lol pretty sure I fished with that guy growing up once or twice.
  23. Wow, Cool film and amazing if it was done with a 300$ budget.
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