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Everything posted by admin

  1. Lots of fun. I love that small creek fishing.
  2. probably had something to do with the tracking and the minimum size of the package to be tracked.
  3. admin

    Change Of Pace

    Nice work, Beautiful fish!
  4. Nice - following now.
  5. Have a great one guys! Hope you are out enjoying fish.
  6. Dave, love your pets, but don't LOVE your pets!
  7. We would like to invite all of the FFC members on facebook to swing by and check out the new Facebook group set up for the Fly Fish Calgary community. You can get there by clicking here. Hope to see you there. Cheers - Darren and the Forum Admin Team (FAT).
  8. Congrats, I can relate. It's not the best river to fish, but it does have a nice variety. I've had a few walleye, whites and goldeyes, but not a ton.
  9. If you still have that shirt, grind it up to use as budding and tie some flies with it. Or, if you haven't already, tie on a "Slumpbuster" and see how that works out for you.
  10. Great pics Steve. Love hitting the cricks with a 2wt.
  11. ouch! We are looking to upgrade the forum in the next few months, so with that there may be more options available. You may want to check your security settings on your computer if you need to log in every time you visit. if your computer doesn't save the cookies, for sure you'll need to log in fresh.
  12. It's a security measure that you need a new session registered for each ip / browser. Once you log in on another browser or pc, you'll be logged out of the original one. Sorry, but no plans to change that.
  13. I think you need to youtube that. lol
  14. Poor guy. Hoping for a speedy recovery for Fischer.
  15. That is pretty cool. Thanks for sharing.
  16. Click here if the movie does not play. Give it another 10 years.
  17. admin


    Great colour in your pics. Thanks for sharing.
  18. Just tell her it's like playing golf with only a driver and a putter.... IMO, I would go with a 3wt and a 7wt. If she caves later on, it leaves a nice opening for a 5wt, but you can get a lot of use on that range. the 7 might be on the high side for trout, but if you get into some larger ones, or want to hit pike, you'll be glad you have it.
  19. Thanks! Awesome fly.
  20. Managed a couple crayfish on a black wooly bugger years ago. that was pretty cool.
  21. Wow, Hard to believe it isn't photo-shopped.
  22. Pretty much what I use, except I don't thin out the SH unless it gets too thick.
  23. admin


    I love RIO leaders for tapered leaders, but I use some hand built ones from Sero and my favourite is anything furled. There are a couple guys on the board here that make furled leaders.
  24. 6.5 2wt. perfect for overgrown water. I'll probably go smaller for the next one.
  25. I fixed it up for ya. I remember seeing that video before. Very nice looking intruder. The only problem i have with that is that there isn't a counter rib over that pt hackle and if it breaks.... just add a heavy wire or chenille if you like to counter wrap over the hackle.
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