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Everything posted by admin

  1. Not at all. You can lock it in a couple different positions, towards the jaw tips or towards the post if you need a bit extra room.
  2. Check here for some more discussion on the subject - http://flyangler.ca/forum/index.php?showtopic=3579 My personal choice would be to go for the Montana Mongoose it's around 200, come with both a pedistal and the c-clamp and a nice carrying case. It's full rotary, has a nice cam jaw and is build solid. I've owned HMH, Regal, Renzetti and Griffen and I like these the best so far. http://www.griffinenterprisesinc.com/vises.html Really though if you can get a hold of someone with one of these vises, take it for a test spin to see if you really like it.
  3. The UTC works pretty good. Marc Petitjean also has a brand called Split Second thread made specifically for splitting. 6/0 should be thick enough to split.
  4. Eggs will work. I have no issues with them as long as they aren't scented. I like using the Gummy Eggs, they are sweet looking, soft and realistic looking. I've been told the fish will instinctively eat round objects. It's an easy source on nourishment.
  5. Click here if the movie does not play.
  6. cool, That's a great show, I just wish he would try to fish more often. the bubblegum floats he uses are a sweet idea.
  7. Why stop at 3? Go big or go home. I wanna see some one tie something with 24 joints or more and is at least 3 feet long. We'll have a contest at the FFE show to see who can cast it the farthest.
  8. Perhaps you should just start putting hooks on to full rabbit skins. lol That's a lot of fur on those hooks, it's gonna be like throwing a sweatsock. Nice ties brent
  9. admin


    BTW, I just heard throught the grapevine that Whiting isn't going to have a good year for capes. They may be hard to get come the spring. I can get 1 fly per hackle on a cape hackle, but a long hackle it's a lot. It depends how heavy you hackle too. I'm talking EHC, Gnats or parachutes. If you're tying catskills dries or any heavy hackled fly, 2-4 is more like it with a saddle hackle.
  10. admin


    Headscan, you are right. Basically Necks or Capes are the pelt of the rooster from the head to the lower back of the bird. Near the head, the feathers are tiny, John Howard carries around a bag of long #28 /#32 hackles from some of his birds. Near the bottom of a neck, their feathers are large and used mostly on streamers or as tails and beards etc. The long streamers that Dave and I tie usually have wings created from these feathers. The nice thing about necks is that they have a large variety of hackle sizes. A good cape will have #20 - #6 dry fly hackle. There are people who claim the Necks to be better quality hackle, and in a lot of cases they are. The saddles are opt to have more webbing present. Saddles are the pelts that you see with the very long feathers, sometimes 15 or more inches. One nice thing about saddles is that you can tie 7-10 flies from a single feather, but the biggest disadvantage is that the selection of sizes is minimal. you will normally have a saddle that ties 2 or 3 sizes with a few feathers that will tie outside that range. ie a saddle that has #10 -#14 sized hackles and a few #8 and a few #16. if you only tie in that range, a saddle is a good choice. This holds for genetic hackles that are of dry fly quality. Indian, Chinese and domestic capes may have some feathers usable for dries, but they are often soft, short and difficult to work with for that purpose. Hope that helps
  11. Here is my contribution. Belgrade Wet Fly Pattern Body: Yellow wool or dubbing Ribbing: Gold tinsel Tip: Black Chenille Tail: Crimson and white Hackle: Claret tied palmered Wing: White Red stripe Jungle eye
  12. http://flyfishcalgary.com/board/index.php?showtopic=996
  13. Sweet looking leech.
  14. Generally speaking, the higher the grade, the higher the feather counts and quality of the hide. Whiting grades their capes and saddles into Pro, #3(bronze), #2(silver), #1(Gold), Platinum and an XXPlatinum something or other of which only 20-40 pelts make it into every year (and they retail for around 300$) Howard just has the 3 grades. The bronze capes are pretty good and the #1 are awesome. The Saddles are nice as well, but I would buy at least a number 2 saddle if you are tying dries. His stock has come a long way in a short time, and he's figuring out how the breed the birds better.
  15. admin

    Mickey Fin

    Looks pretty good Din. I would suggest to shorten the wing a bit to about 1/4 shank length past the bend and maybe limit the amount of times you wrap the rib to 7 or 9 times. The head looks pretty sweet, it's a tough fly to makea nice head on.
  16. You might want a rooster cape rather than a hen cape for dries. Either, way, They are good quality hackles, and well worth the price IMHO.
  17. Great job everyone. Good to see more people tying up flies for the contest.
  18. admin


    Thanks Headscan For patterns posted on the forum here and on FACA, right click them and save as into the C:\Program Files\FlySource\FlySource Files\flys directory.
  19. I have it on DVD. Jim gave a copy of it to the NLFT a few years back.
  20. I've got a couple #3 capes and they are pretty good fro dry flies. He'll likely be at the show in january, it might be a good time to pick some up there. He has some nice cree stock as well.
  21. Cool, I haven't gotten my copy yet. I'll check it out once it arrives.
  22. Have you heard what this one is going to be about?
  23. I just heard news that Jim McLennan has a new book coming out early next year called "Water Marks". I didn't hear what the content of the new book is yet, but I think they are going to release it at the Western Canadian Fly Fishing Exposition at the end of January. I just finished watching his Iron Blue TV show he had a while back and reading the Trout Streams of Alberta not long ago. I'm looking forward to reading this. He is also supposed to be doing some book signings around the Calgary fly shop after it's released.
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