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Everything posted by admin

  1. Looks great for not tying in a while Dave! keep it up.
  2. Very nice job on Olive!
  3. LMAO Wow, I see why you like it! Great cinematography in that opening scene.
  4. Looking good! The skulls are really nice to work with. I tied up some really small stuff (#12 streamers) to throw this spring on the creeks.
  5. I wish I could make it, as I hear April Vokey might be stopping in (tying?) at the FFC booth for a bit.
  6. BBT, you need to add that picture you posted on facebook.... Happy Birthday DD
  7. That looks pretty nice. I like the Loops on the tail. YOu should check out the stuff Don Ordes does with his shrimp, it would really yours even nicer I think. Well done.
  8. I'll wait for the next one. I hope the sky is clear enough too. Got my glass out for this.
  9. Cool vid, I'm gonna try it.
  10. Sounds Awesome! Sorry I won't be able to make it.
  11. I've heard the horror stories many times. How old is your little guy? I want to staple on the diaper when mine hits that age.
  12. YaH! Nicely done!
  13. Thanks All! I'm going fishing now!
  14. CDC & Elk Parachute Adams Evil Weevil EHC Usual
  15. Love furled leaders. Someone from the board here sent me a few and they were killer. The Uni-thread ones can be a bit limp, but light mono are so awesome for flinging fies. Not sure if you seen this, but Greg Scratchley put together a nice article a few years back on making them. http://flyangler.ca/index.php?option=com_c...5&Itemid=31
  16. Nice Slab!
  17. Prime! For a minute I thought that first fish lost his lower jaw. Nice little school of trout you found.
  18. Wow, thanks for sharing. The results are quite amazing in such a short time. Kudos to all involved.
  19. Did it look like these? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sandhill_Crane
  20. Cool! Never seen one of those before.
  21. Are you checking the box "Add a copy of this message to my sent items folder " as it is not selected by default.
  22. For sure. I just got some a few days ago. I'll be playing around with them soon enough. One nice thing is that they come with the 3-d eyes. You just need to glue them in.
  23. Very Cool. We'll look into this for the forums. The app suggests we would need to upgrade the forum software, but flybc is still running older software, so it might not be an issue. Just out of curiosity, would anyone else find this a useful service.
  24. Pro Images! Nice work on the snaps.
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