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Fortress Lake Brook Trout, Alaska Salmon, BC Steelhead, Tarpon.. these are a few of the things I'd like to try in the future.


I'm just curious of some of the accomplishments, or destinations, that you guys/gals have on your 'bucket list'?


BC Steelhead....it's something that's within reach


I'd have to say the Marlin family(not sure i'd be up for wiring one of these right off the bat) or any game fish that involves a #130 or even #80 class rod/reel and a fightin chair mounted on a sea goin sport fisher,tower the whole 9....


i have fought one giant bluefin in the chair,lost him and caught a couple of the 1000lb range on stand up style rod holder.Lost a few fish too and even had a friend of mine lose his thumb on a bird nested spool,loop closed on his thumb and off it goes...off goes the fish too,300lb mono broke off like nothing,he was more upset over the fish breaking off



check it out









In that order.


I have caught chinook and sockeye before but never dime bright on the swung fly and that's my goal.




Good ones guys! Keep em coming!


You brought up a few of mine that I couldn't think of at the time.. Tiger Trout and New Zealand brownie are on my list too. As are Atlantic Salmon (especially seeing as I grew up there but wasn't really into fishing then).


Haven't had a chance to make it out to Bear Pond or Wedge Pond yet.. so Grayling are still on my list too!


To complete catching an Atlantic salmon over 40" on both sides of the Atlantic.... just need to get one on the European side somewhere; got a 44" this past summer on this side


My fishing bucket list,


Muskie - northern Ont.

Artic Char - nunavut

Salmon - on both coasts

Golden trout - Alberta

Steel Head - B.C

Tarpon - FLorida

Bones - ?

Barracuda - ?


Baja (this coming October), the Amazon, Guinea Bisseau in the salt, Coral Sea off Auatralia, Cape Cod in June and September, Victoria Island for arctic char (where my dad fished 30 years ago), Cuba, the Queen Charlottes, every gamefish species in Alberta, 150 life total species. I won't get to do all of them at my age, but it'll sure keep me trying.


in no particular order:

a full season in new zealand

fishing some of the famous chalk streams in the uk

trophy labrador brookies

arctic char [may fave eating fish] up north

another go at the trophy pike up north

much more time in northern bc for steelhead & salmon

fishing some of the 'untouched/secret' streams that drain the queen charlottes

time on the 'classic rivers' in the west like the blackfoot

a full season exploring south america's rivers & lakes

many more days on the bow

exploring farther afield in my own backyard

finally catching a decent bullie on that river in bc

a swing thru russia & mongolia for taimen & salmon

another real go at the saltwater flats for tarpon, bones, etc

exploring the waters in nordic europe

so i figure i need 10 years and about $1.62 million, and i'm ready to go...


actually the one that's on the top of my list really is being able to teach my daughters or their children to fly fish someday.

my own have no interest yet, but my hope is as adults they can come to appreciate that it's not so much as about the fishing, as it is relaxing, meditating, being with friends or alone, outside in tune with your surroundings and exploring something new everytime you show up.




I crossed off a bucket load this year :


first large BC steel : 2008 - check

king salmon : 2008 - check

coho salmon : 2008 - check

palmer ranch : 2008 - check

pink (they call 'em reds in alaska) on a fly rod : 2008 - check



I guess still on my wish list is:


Tarpon - anywhere

Yakoun River, BC - March / April some year.

Fraser River sturgeon / chum combo trip.

Finally meet that old boy - clive - on the crow someday.


Largemouth bass

Pike (I know they're around here, but haven't caught one yet)





And as an aside, how many non-resident folks would have the Bow on their bucket list? :P

  Argentis said:
And as an aside, how many non-resident folks would have the Bow on their bucket list? :P


Speaking a former NRA, I would. The Bow is truly an awesome fishery. We are seriously blessed with nice water.


I would have to say "TOPS" on my list but probably least attainable at this point would be Tiger Fish on the Zambia River:





Then I'd have to try and Catch a Massive Taimen in Mongolia! (like i said.... dreams)



Guest Sundancefisher
  Drew said:



I would also have to cheat somewhat and say you took the words right out of my mouth.


Belize for bones and permit were on my list and I took care of that this year. Many people come on my group organized trips to the Queen Charlottes to take care of their bucket list. I really want to catch some tarpon on a fly...20-40 pounders would be great...I don't want to be greedy. Also large peacock bass in the tropics would be great. Shark fishing for Makos. Flyfishing for billfish. And I would love to catch a Coelacanth.


Fishing off Mozambique and the Cook Islands are on my list.


Please no telling the wife! Our lists don't match :-)


Cheers and Merry Christmas.








Native grayling and 'bows in northern Alberta

Labrador brookies

Rainbows and browns in Patagonia

Steelheading in BC


Fly fishing in the Amazon - I've never heard of people doing this, but it looks like an amazing place to bring a fly rod. 3000+ different species of fish, and most have probably never seen a fly.

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