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Gun Registry...keep It, Scrap It...care Less About It

Guest Sundancefisher

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I don't have guns, though I have in the past. If someone asked me to register them I would have said "ok, can I do it online?" I guess I've never understood all the hubub about this topic.


I will say you could use the guns to ward off the roving bands of American heavy oil drilling, union busting, Nuclear Power Plant builders that seem to plague your country.

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I don't have guns, though I have in the past. If someone asked me to register them I would have said "ok, can I do it online?" I guess I've never understood all the hubub about this topic.


I will say you could use the guns to ward off the roving bands of American heavy oil drilling, union busting, Nuclear Power Plant builders that seem to plague your country.



Spend a few minutes researching what Calgary Chief of Police Rick Hanson has said "on the record" numerous times about the registry. This may help you understand what all the "hubub" is about on this topic.

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I don't have guns, though I have in the past. If someone asked me to register them I would have said "ok, can I do it online?" I guess I've never understood all the hubub about this topic.


I will say you could use the guns to ward off the roving bands of American heavy oil drilling, union busting, Nuclear Power Plant builders that seem to plague your country.


Haha great response Rick.


As for the rest of the debate I am against the Gun registration as it seems the people who end up registering are not the people we as a society need to be concerned about having a gun.


All though like they say bad people almost always find ways to do bad things so who knows.


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well... more than a few are still criminals

million that is........


funny how they were just regular law abiding citizens 15 years ago....


The LGR is supposed to reduce crime but somehow they figured making millions of law abiding citizens criminals that this would somehow make the country safer!


Remember to tell all the criminals you know to make sure they register their guns as they wouldn't want to get in trouble with the law......oh wait there criminals.....silly me

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What's the big deal about registering guns?  You have to register your car.  Registering my guns took almost not time at all.  Hell I even have hand guns and the RCMP were polite to me on the phone when asking them to fax me the permit for my .45 ACP semi auto


You are definately in the minority of gun owners to think the registry is not a "big deal" How about lets start with the fact that there is more handgun crime from illegal handguns in Canada since the introduction  of Bill C68. Something that bill C68 does not, and was not introduced to deal with; gun crime. Lets start with tougher laws for the hooligans toting illegal guns that are pimping and selling drugs, etc...


Sheesh you cannot use your .45 ACP anywhere but an approved target range. Why even own it? Create enough red tape then there will not be as many registered guns to confiscate when the powers that be decide that for you.


I bet the criminals that take the time to vote, vote Liberal or NDP, especially after this...

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Guest Sundancefisher
I don't want the govt to know what guns I own, when they want to take them they just use the list................ blamo armed resistance option gone.............


You have been watching "Red Dawn" way to many times...




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I've never owned a gun, never been a hunter but like the next guy I feel there's room for all god's creatures - on a plate next to the potatoes and peas.


Here's my take - look beyond the registry itself - and let's apply occam's razor on this situation...


I don't believe that the long gun registry has much to do with long guns - yeah the police can say what they want - and and there's always people that will follow like sheep cause its supposed to keep them "safe". Cops aren't stupid, and they know as well as we do that having the LGR isn't going to help eliminate crime. So, all things being equal, what's the simple answer?


After the millions of canadians signed up for a PAL and registered weapons - answered all the intrusive questions, the RCMP et al now have one helluva database on many canadians - and that in itself is priceless, worth the couple of billion spent. database queries are basically a "six degrees of separation" - just a different way to look at it. And this is just another database, there's many more.


If the registry dies, the database is going to stay. People are saying "yay harper for trying to kill the registry" - but I say for him it's a win/win game. It was harper that introduced the "long form census" with all it's intrusive questions, threatened jail time for people that didn't fill it in? The damage was done, people filled it in, then he repeals it.



It's all about data collection people - everybody wants a look into your life...

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I own handguns because I target practice on a weekly basis as a hobby.


I agree that the gun registry is an abortion of funds but when it all boils down to anything. It's just registering a gun. This is proof that our money is wasted in gov't.


I'd rather take the 20,000,000 and make tougher laws. I can wholeheartedly agree on that.


Crime and punishment in Canada is a joke anyway. There is no penalty for it. Needs fixin.




If you're a criminal and you want to break into my house you're in for a bad day. <------ just had to say it.

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Guest Sundancefisher
you clearly havent watched it enough



RIP Patrick


I think I have seen it about....8 times over my life. I hate Cubans because of it. :-)


Actually I felt bad for them. They leave the Caribbean and blast through Canada with no resistance (as if!) and then are forced to live in the winter in the Northern US states while fall out from an A bomb rains down on them.


Bad music...no mojitos...no warm water.


Talk about a crappy vacation...

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Scrap the registry, completely. Use the funds elsewhere.

I can't recall actual numbers, however I read a report in which the stats indicated that crime committed with legal arms, by FAC carrying individuals were of such low rates, that they could barely be compared with the numbers of crimes committed by "gun owners" with illegal arms.

The cash to drive the program would better serve giving LE officers and programs more teeth; in my opinion. Illegal arms are never going to disappear, and I understand that the rate of illegal arms may actually rise if the registry is abolished, however the sportsman, farmer.... (demographic) that typically have registered arms now will still operate in accordance with regulations. Besides, when is the last time you've heard about a 7-11 store getting knocked over by a long gun carrying thief?


My two bits.

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I think that they should definetly scrap this stupid law, especially for the long guns, lets be serious , do you think any of the criminals with thier handguns, oozi's etc.. have taken eithier of their gun courses let alone register them!! they know that if they register them it is way to easy for the police to crack them!

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I don't want the govt to know what guns I own, when they want to take them they just use the list................ blamo armed resistance option gone.............



Look at Australia, they implemented gun control and then quickly collected and destroyed all the registered guns.


Don't forget Hitler was the first person to have gun control implemented in a country!

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it's not the registering that's really the issue....i'd be fine if it were simply fill in a form.


it's the complete lack of accountability in the gov't for the way the program was introduced and ultimately the hiding of the actual costs of the program from not only the public but parliament. it's the laws that allow the police to enter your home without a warrant. it's making hunters (and others) criminals. it's the complete and utter waste of money for an ineffective system with no way of determing if it has improved safety of the country. it's the lies that came from the gov't - $2 million to set up and then it will be self financing vs. the more than $1 billion cost (that's 9 zeros and counting).


the FAC and subsequently the POL/PAL system was reasonable. the guns that potentially (depending on your point of view) needed to be registered, handguns, were registered and have been for decades. why not leave the system that was in place? want to be a gun owner you need a personal license. want to buy ammo you need a license. with a personal licensing system the police have a method of determining if there are guns in the house - if the license is for a restricted weapons there are handguns if not there are long guns....if the state should really be entitled to that personal info in any case.


i don't believe there is one defensible argument in favour of the long gun registry....if someone knows one i'd love to hear it.


and if you thing the adscam was a scandal where certain individuals/companies got something for nothing imagine the scamming that went on with the gun registry. that's a public inquiry i'd actually like to see happen.

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12 of the last 14 police officers killed in the line of duty in Alberta where killed by "long guns".


Were they registered?


But anyways tell me how the registry could have reduced this number?


Gun crime has actually increased since the introduction of the registry- with unregistered handguns mostly.

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12 of the last 14 police officers killed in the line of duty in Alberta where killed by "long guns".


and how is that an argument in favour of the registry?


using a registered gun to commit a crime would seem to be an argument that the gun registry is not effective in improving safety. using an unregistered gun would seem to be an argument the gun registry is not effective in improving safety.

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