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Crap. So, I'd say that if the clock turned 10, then it was over. I have to rule for Pete.


Rufus28--I'll PM you tomorrow. I may have an idea for you.......

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2010 Streamwatch Auction Items



7. "I LIKE CAKE" by moderator, general troublemaker, and now chef BigBowTrout

More info from Chris:

"I would like to offer a BIGBOWTROUT CAKE SPECIAL. I will bake a cake of the winning bidders choice (I don't bake but how hard can it be). I will hand deliver the cake to almost anywhere in Alberta within reason and as long as there is good fishing close by"


Now I guess we need someone to donate a pie to settle the debate once and for all!


Current Bid:$35 Teck




9. "WHO WANTS CAKE WHEN YOU CAN HAVE PIE" brought to you byUberfly

Oh, it's on now! The debate can finally be settled.


More info from Peter:

"I'll bake the pie (but can't guarantee I will be available to deliver - but we'll figure that out later)... Also, I will only bake one based on what seasonal fruit is available at that paticular point in time (i.e. may not have a choice on what kind of pie - I will guarantee that it will be freshly baked and 100% homemade - including crust)"


From Rickr:If Pete can't deliver the pie, I can anywhere from Edmonton to Southern Alberta as long as the winner is willing to work with me on dates. And fishing locations.


Current Bid:$40.00 brunsie


10. NEW ZEALAND MADE "BROWN'S and BOW'S LANDING NET" Hand Crafted by Curt Carlson

More info from Curt:

Browns & Bows landing nets are hand crafted by Curt Carlson, (Alberta born) in Russell, New Zealand. Brown and Rainbow are the iconic trout of New Zealand. Everything you hear is true, big, wary to the angler, but fantastic to catch, and the rivers, streams, creeks and scenery are truly wild. Each summer I bring a few nets back to Calgary and am very pleased to offer this to the Stream watch Alberta auction. As we say in NZ, "good on ya".


Each is unique, crafted one at a time, in limited numbers, at my shop. They are made from hardwoods such as Tasmanian Blackwood, Taraire, Matai,Tawa, Fiddleback Red Gum, Rewarewa, Kauri, Macrocarpa and Rimu. (I've secured a small supply of Ancient Kauri; this wood is excavated from far north swampy areas and is carbon dated to be 30,000-40,000 years old.) The handle of the frame has a variety of contrasting wood spots consistent with the trout you catch and release. Each net is "Browns & Bows " engraved to recognize New Zealand as a terrific fly fishing destination






From Rickr: Thanks to BigBowTrout for talking to Curt about this donation. Seriously, I wish I could bid on this! A gorgeous and unique item for any Fly Fisherman in Alberta to own.


Current Bid:$120 slingshotz





12. "20 LB of RED KING CRAB LEGS" Donated by Joey's Seafood Restaurants


This is one case of Red King Crab Legs, retail value of $250.00. Thanks to James (simpson) for this donation, and

Joey's Seafood Restaurants (Headoffice)

514 - 42 Ave SE



Current Bid:$150.00 Tungsten


Closing Notice Wed, April 7 at 10 PM


13. "24 LB OF SHRIMP" Donated by Joey's Seafood Restaurants


This is one case of Shrimp in 6, 4 lb blocks, 35 shrimp per lb, peeled and ready to go. Retail value of $190.00. Thanks to James (simpson) for this donation, and

Joey's Seafood Restaurants (Headoffice)

514 - 42 Ave SE



Current Bid:$125 rickr



Closing Notice Wed, April 7 at 10 PM



14. "OPEN SEASON at BULLSHEAD!" Tied/Donated by Bloom

Wondering what to use on that first trip to Bullshead this year? Well, wonder no more! Throw these out and hang on.....

More from Tim:


An Amundson box containing 3 dozen of my favorite lake flies. The box

contains one dozen of the leech pattern I use, and an assortment of

chironomids (2 dozen) in sizes 10, 12, and a couple size 16 bloodworms.

These flies are the ones I use most often in lakes for Southern Alberta.


Here are some pictures of the flies, and some links to close ups!





Close ups of the leeches can be seen here:


Black and Silver




And the Amundson fly box. It\'s the AHB16A Water Proof Fly Box:

Amundson Fly Boxes


Current Bid:$101 drbulltrout



Closing Notice Wed, April 7 at 10 PM



15. "FLY FISHING AT LAKE BONAVISTA" with your guide/host dune

or as I like to call it "CHASING THE BEASTS OF BONAVISTA"!


more from dune:

Day/afternoon/evening access [mutually tbd] to calgary's oldest stocked community lake. rainbows in excess of 5lbs caught annually. host will row boat and provide 'local knowledge'


Current Bid $100 Gustuphson



Closing Notice Wed, April 7 at 10 PM






Thanks to the boys from Edmonton stepping up!!


Current Bid: $75 TerryH



17. "FLY FISHING WEST CENTRAL ALBERTA" with Guide Kelsey of Kure Outdoors


This very exciting trip will offer the winner a chance to fish waters rarely seen by anglers! Have a look!! Thanks to Kelsey for offering this up.




Current Bid:$350 adc


18. "CROWSNEST ADVENTURE" With your host/guide Trailhead


More from Vic:

I will donate a flyfishing excursion that I will call the "Crowsnest Adventure". For up to two anglers, 2 days of fishing, accommodation provided, food to be a group effort, targeting all available species in the area, depending on the physical abilities of who participates. Strenuous hike in for goldens to very easy stillwater floats, and anything in between.

Date to be determined by consensus of all involved.


From Rick: Like my Panorama trip, except with a real fisherman leading the way!!


Current Bid:$300 Murray


19. SOUTHERN ALBERTA WALK AND WADE with your host/guide Hawgstoppah


More from Brian:

Walk and wade on a southern alberta river with Brian for a full day (be prepared for a FULL day). Chances at huge browns, huge rainbows, huge bulls (depending on the location chosen, which will be one of two rivers discussed by the winning bidder and Brian), this is a trip to those streams tucked away in the southwest corner of alberta that you hear rumblings about, but never REALLY hear about. This is meant to be a fun trip and for a good cause, so I will be doing some fishing too... of course the winner will get the very best holes though, as well as instruction if needed, but the main goal will be to have fun, catch a few big fish, and learn a new river that the winner can enjoy for years to come.


Accomodation for one night plus BBQ steak dinner (the night before trip, or the night of the trip if you figure you'll be too tired to drive home) at my house in cardston if the winner so desires and a backyard campout and fire.. and story telling time smile.gif


Trip is for 1 or 2 people


Trip will take place around my work schedule for the summer depending on what job I can find. We should try for a weekday, but it may have to be a saturday or a sunday, but don't worry there are places we can go to get away from any crowd.


From Rick: I'll kick this one off myself, fishing with Brian is a pleasure.....

Current Bid:$350 murray



20. "MAX's BOW WALK & WADE" With your host/guide Max Robinson


More from Max:

"full day, will take out 1 or 2 anglers on the bow and teach yall a ton of stuff!!!! slay a few fish too!!! bring your lunches rods reels lines, i got the flies and any other terminal tackle!!!!!".


From Rick: While this trip is great for anyone of any skill level, I HIGHLY recommend this to anyone just starting out Fly Fishing or fishing the Bow. This is like concentrated classroom time, 'cept you get to catch fish!


Current Bid:$180 tibore


21. "ADC's BEGINNER PIKE TRIP" with Host/Guide ADC

More from Allan:

"I will offer a trip for one person to a pike lake somewhere in Southern Alberta. This would be an excellent trip for someone who hasn't caught pike on a flyrod but would like to give it a try or someone who is fairly new to flyfishing for pike and wants to get more experience. Trip will be a full day and I will supply lunch, a pontoon boat, flies and pike-worthy fly tackle."


From Rick: I wonder if ADC will have a big net??


Current Bid:$200 BigBowTrout


22. "FLY FISHING DVD COLLECTION" Selected and donated by: Fishtales Fly Shop



This is a selection of 3 DVD's. The first is an instructional DVD by Gary LaFontaine and Dick Sharon called "Successful Fly Fishing Strategies," which is an instructional series shot on the water on how to "Observe, Analyze and Perform." The second is called "The Drift" which covers fly fishing, including spey casting in the trout streams of the US Nothwest, Belize, The Bahamas, and Kashmir, India! The final dvd is called "Red Gold", which is an award winning film on the proposed mines in Bristol Bay, Alaska and their potential impact to one of the most pristine and unique fisheries in the world. A very well thought out selection of movies, thanks Dave!


Value $110


Current Bid:$60 Murray




23. "Barnaby Ridge Golden Trout Adventure" with Host/Guide CDock and Birchy

More from CDock and Birchy:

"We'll offer a non-guided day trip to Barnaby Ridge for 1 or 2 anglers to try our luck for the rare Golden Trout. Transportation and food/snacks will be provided. We'll aim to arrive at the trailhead by sunrise, spend the day on the lakes, and then be back down before dark. Anglers must bring their own equipment and flies. Date TBD by us and the winning bidders. Before bidding, please take into consideration that the hike up the mountain would probably be considered "intermediate" level and requires a person to be in decent physical shape. Also, bring your cameras, because this will be a C&R trip only."


Current Bid:$150 Fishpro




24. MAYFLY LIFE CYCLE by artist Evan Lacey (samuraifly)

More info from Evan pending ""




Evan is also interested in doing commission work. If interested, please contact him at elacey1980@gmail.com.

Here are a couple of posts on this site showing more of Evan's beautiful work:

Wood Burning Post 1

Wood Burning Post 2


Current Bid:





OK Rick, time for me to step up.

Please place my bids on the following items



#18 $300.00

#19 $350.00

#20 $150.00

#21 $150.00

#22 $60.00




  Tungsten said:
$325 on #17 thanks.


Just a point of clarification on #17. It will be up to the winning bidder what kind of adventure they would like to go on.The quad trip is only for one angler unless they have their own quad. The river or lake trips I can take 2 anglers. Wade and walk 2 anglers. Adventure awaits!


I bid $125.00 on the shrimp. As in my previous self imposed rules, I will cease any bidding 1 hr before auction close.


Also put up closing notices on items:



I'm going to leave the Pie and Cake auctions, as well as the New Zealand net up until the end, likely sometime next week.


2 new auctions to start this morning: A golden trout trip with Birchy and CDock and another Wood Burning from Saumuriflyguy!



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