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maxwell last won the day on April 26 2013

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About maxwell

  • Birthday 05/20/1987

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BULL trout

BULL trout (9/10)



  1. it's hard to say but I think the next few seasons we will se less numbers but bigger fish until it rquals back out to some degree 06-10 roughly seemed to have a similar theme was some huge fish everywhere until te numbers bumped back up
  2. are you striking on the rise or letting te fish take it down? my gues would be your to fast and pulling the fly away you need to strike post rise let the fish close his mouth then strike that is a small fly fish down to 2" should be able to fit we in there mouth could be refusals to but I your striking on the rise I think you need to wait a second seems odd but give it a go! good luck
  3. start dropping back into some of the slower water fish arnt in the heavy stuff anymore small mayflies midges and boatman are tops forsure! leeches Juan's and stones are all great anchors to get the little stuff down
  4. it will feel light forsure it will work but not well just won't feel much of the line loading try it out but you will probably want to get another reel with te proper line
  5. they are hard to catch and few and far between havnt fished it much try streamers or the ninja stalking approach with smaller flies it won't produce fish like the bow it's a small stream with limited winter water
  6. your fine Gil it's like launching it taking out at Mac pre and post 2013 flood
  7. hopper dropper or small yarn indicator and lead the groups by a good distance? wait for tem to cruise in the flies direction? I would guess feeding hard on a emergence of some sort probably midges? far from a lake expert
  8. large arbor all the way traditional arbors are a thing of the past
  9. late response but it had bin good for a week now
  10. I'm sure they took a hit saw far more suckers face whites etc than trout at the couple of fish rescues earlier this year but I don't know the overall trout to whitefish sucker ratio pre flood... I always assumed they outnumbered them way more. hope to get some Electro shocking data this year could be interesting
  11. I've bin building and fishing blue halo fibreglass blanks! really digging them!! hoping to build a cane rod down the road they definetly have there purpose and spot on my quiver! not all about super fast action rods in some situations
  12. crazy! I'm sure it more common than we think. taking samples at the treatment plant the day of the train accident like someone else posted in the link is a little off to me... would like to see more testing now and in more areas after the whole river has mixed glenmore south land police mackinnon and so on.. I'm sure u can find all sorts of stuff at a treatment plant the day they are evacuated and forced to run at a low capacity! anyone know how long ecoli can live....in the bow
  13. heard the same thing about 22 still locked.. glenmore I heard there working on it but only allowing FD Mac looks good but tons of sand and muck turned mud with rain... looks pretty sloppy and probably getting stick if we get any rain Jansens from what I've seen looks bad land owner down there cleared his path and piled up at at the acces to the parking lot so that's out to carseland road is gone side channel now around the weir from what I've head 17th ave is also locked and has bin for a few years......
  14. only time will tell know one can see the river structure until we get to float and watch the water clear.. it's all about the crystal ball right now
  15. roll the dice is what I would do.. or help out at the fish rescues to do some scouting! help the fish! and somewhat enjoy the river!!!
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