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Everything posted by j5ep00

  1. yah im going to stay away from cochrane lake. thanks for all the help guys i will post some pics of the shack when its done oh and birchy where are you getting all this info from???
  2. thanks for the replys! spray lakes seems to be perfect. canmore is not very far seeing as i live beside the #1 at the edge of the city. the shack will be able to be broken down and put onto a double wide quad trailer it will also have skis on the bottom so that two of us can drag it along the ice. has anyone ever fishing cochrane lake? its in the regs says there are pearch and pike. my boss lives on the lake out there and swears there are no fish... its really close and i work in bears paw so it would be a hop skip and a jump to go sit in the shack and make some dinner after work. i saw on ebay not that long ago a camera that plugs into your tv for fishing. well i have a generator and a small tv so for 25$ it would be cool to see whats going on. are shacks allowed on ghost? how about the kananaskis lakes? taking down the shack each day will not be a problem with the drawings i made it should only take 30 min set up and take down. im going to buy everything i need from wholesale sports. and i will talk to the guys in there and im sure they will give me a hand with tackle etc. as for an ice auger. can a gas fence post auger be used with a changed blade? im sure it would be fine but still not to sure about all these little tricks. im going to give the calgary f&w a call and tell them what im intrested in doing and ask for a place i can do it. i let you guys know how i do! im sure we will pull some lunkers up this year!
  3. Alright so as far as ice fishing goes i know very little, i havent done it since i was maybe 12 years old and we fishing in saskatchewan fishign for walley and pike using bait. Im currently building an ice fishing shack with a wood stove etc... I have a few questions for you guys. lets start with ice saftey. i belive that the ice needs to be 7" thick to drive on? what time of year does the ice get this thick? obiously cracks etc are dangerous but is there anything else i should look for. Now onto gear. im going to pick up some cheaper rods because i know they will get broken etc. what kind of tackle works best? do you use flies or bait? i would like to stick to a lake that is fairly close to the city. within say 45 to an hour drive. i have thought about ghost and a few others. Are there any rules about using a shack on certian lakes? i rember that people left there ice fishing shack on the lake for a long period of time. does anyone know how long you can keep your shack on the ice? and is there a date that no more shacks are allowed? When i get to the lake how do i find the fish!! where would be a good place to drill a hole? are the fish in the deep water? all this is new to me sorry for all the questions but this is all stuff i need to know
  4. i would really like to know this as well! my family just bought an amazing condo in Puerto Vallarta so im sure i will be spending a fair amount of time down there over the next few years and i would love to fish while there! i would also prefer inland fishing, are there any known guiding companys?
  5. I meet flurey when i was a kid at a baseball game agianst his son. we kicked there ass 19 to 4. He was not happy on alot of the calls made etc.. but we didnt care. He still signed our hats so we were happy, this was the first. The next person i meet was darr mcbool! haha not sure if you rember him but i got out of my car at blockbuster. and who was standing right infront of me! darrr and he was great so that still counts. I see brett heart every so often i have been friends with his kids for years. i have been to partys at his house when he comes home EXTREMLY MAD! hes an awsome guy. A friend of mine is also dany heatley's first cousin, i was invited for dinner with him one night at her house. wicked guy it was a great time. last but not least, not to sure if any of you follow the pbr, but i meet justin mcbride when i was in saskatchwen a few summers ago. it was at a family friends ranch for a bbq. talked to him a bit now im hooked on the whole bull riding deal. im 21 and i have a pretty good list going so far. we will see what will happen in the next 20 years.
  6. this little guy is made in bc. its call the frog boat. never been in one but looks pretty cool. its 8ft long. can handle 5hp motor total weight 85 pounds not to sure if this is what your looking for but its neat. maybe give us some more info on what your looking for.
  7. brent i was seeing this girl during the summer. she would come sit there and watch, she did it all the time with me. shes pretty cute il hook up her # lol nice rig though man. have you casted the sharkskin?
  8. you can wear anything loud and proud at the river!!! we need something you can wear loud and proud where ever you may go! i willl wear what i get, but it would be nice to have something that catches some attetion in a good way. Think about it this way, your walking down the mall with your spouse, bored to hell wishing you wernt there. And something catches your attetion. its someone wearing a ffc product! now this gives you an excuse to stop and chat. with a lame logo like the one posted who is going to notice it... we need something a little more creative with a little more time spent on it. we are displaying somethign we love to do. so why should we settle with a "cheap" logo. there is alot of tallent on this board and i can gurantee we can come up with something better then this! liek i said before this is just my 2 cents and i will purchase whatever is made. but why dont do it right and make something that looks nice and up to date. not a logo from an 80's tshirt
  9. nice rod man! have you casted it yet?
  10. the logo could be wayyy better!! none the less, olive
  11. holly god!!! my uncle has been looking for a nice property so he could do this himself! deffinattly have to show this to him thanks weedy
  12. Your a horrible person you should have never done that! you just killed so many helpless unborn fish!!!!!!!!! just screwing around, i wouldnt stress it you did the right thing. it may have affected the spawn a bit but one fish is nothing. it must have been hard to pull yourself away from a group of 15 browns taking anything you throw at them! i think i would have to cry!
  13. I swore up and down to never touch another one of these again! Dissusting and creepy if you ask me! I dislike these things so much that if i ever catch one agian i will just cut my line instead of touching it! hopefully none of you ever have to deal with one lol
  14. you say they are new, could you possibly return them for a manuafacture warranty?
  15. whats your address and is the back gate locked? how many hours has it been on
  16. PlayDoh you can eat the fish out of the bow, however you may not keep anything over 35cm. i have never kept a fish south of calgay nor would i recomend it. i have picked up many needles etc from the shores. I have kept the odd fish from the nw section to throw in the smoker. In my honest opionion go buy some salmon! so much better. Sometimes catching risers at this time of year gets tricky unless you know what your doing. Most of the bugs the fish are rising for are very small which makes it really hard to see your fly. Not to metion that the hooks size is really small and hooksets and landing fish gets pretty tricky aswell. a size 18-22 hook will bend rather easy if you mussle the fish to hard. A mend is exactly what you stated, you want your flys drifting naturally threw the water with no drag. Sometimes you have to get a bit creative depending on the currents your line go threw. This is only one way of doing it, you were using a streamer so you could have also tried swinging it. Cast slightly upstream and let the fly swing all the way down bellow you, Let it sit for 10 seconds and start striping until your line is close enough to make a cast. I like to let my fly sit agian after i strip for a few seconds. You metion that you want your flies to get down to the right depth quickly, well the only way to do this is add weight! I personally hate splitshot and will rarely use them. try and use bead heads or other weighted flys. The strike indicator will help you learn how to read the currents and it makes it easier to see when your truly dead drifting. You metion that you started casting more straight up and down. Its great that you are catching on so quickly and being critical. This will make it easier for you to get thing's right! just to add that when i fish streamers i try to have my rod on a bit of an angle say 30 degres, this prevents me from ending my day like Rickr. But i cant say i havent done it! Sounds like your doing great! keep us posted on your advancements. As well if you are in need of a fishing partner for a day i would be glad to have you tag along. Good job on the fish! Tight lines. chris
  17. they didnt put anything there because its in the NE and someone will either shoot at it or steal it lol
  18. snowboard season is just around the corner
  19. i belive this is the inlet?
  20. haha well if you have seen other people doing it im going to tell him to giver if it works i might have to hop in there with him one day. from what i rember using these boats on arbour lake and places of the sort they seem stable enough. well if you see someone stuck on the side of the river in one of these its probally him. point and laugh as you float by lol
  21. LOL see this is what i was telling him he thinks he can do it haha. now there is talk of a troling motor! i want to see if he can make it give him a 2 way radio
  22. would you dare? my buddy has one and was thinking of droping it in. what would you guys sugest
  23. was just watching the news for the last half hour, they had a story about fishing the bow. looks to me like they had a boat following a drift boat. not sure i like all that much how they were talking of the size of the fish etc and not once did they metion to check into regulations before fishing. nice way to add to the problems that we already have maybe i should contact global before the evening news, and ask them to add to check into regulations etc before heading out onto the water
  24. j5ep00


    well i have noticed that after the rain there are a ton of worms on the streets, i figure that these worms are going therw the storm sewers and into the river. now what i would like to knwo is what you guys use to tie a worm. im thinking yarn, are there any recomendations? or does anyone have a good worm pattern? thanks alot, chris
  25. i belive you need to be admin or an officer to msg the group
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