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Everything posted by j5ep00

  1. i already called him on his fish handleing a few months back, i also commented on how he gave dirrections to a few holes. this is the responce i got. "Subject: How about you go **** yourself bag licker. Message: Hey sack muncher, I would love to meet up with your ****ing ugly mug somewhere out on the river so I could teach you a lesson in violence let alone a lesson in common sence. It's ****ing homo's like you I love to put in the hospitial for free. I sure hope to meet up with you very soon. Poaching, you don't even have the slightet ****ing clue what your talking about do you. Probably a flyfisherman and a calgarian to boot." i never responded to it because im waiting to run into him on the river, i sure hope i have a streamer on my line when i see him floating by in his raft!! hopefully hes wearing his life jacket
  2. brent if you see him at fc swarm him haha and your right every videos i have seen of these guys they are wayy of on the sizing
  3. came across this video on you tube. first third of the video is crap then they catch one fish. AWSOME fish handling, then he says " to all you flyfishermen in calgary look out im back" haha! Click here if the movie does not play.
  4. teck awsome story man!! im glad to have run into both of you a few times on MY stretch of river HAHA we will have to get toghter in the near future to fish the home stretch. tight lines chris
  5. When i was 10 years old my uncle and step dad had us casting to a hula hoop on the front street. we would practice for an hour every chance my brother and i could. once we got the hang of things it was off to sibbald beaver ponds for some brookies and cuts, as well as sibbald meadows pond for some stocked rainbows. after our fishing improved it was onto the bow. fished a ton of the nw stretch with the rare school night or weekend trip down to fishcreek etc for the huge caddis hatch's. spent 2 weeks or more every summer in Skookumchuck bc fishing gerrard rainbows. i got it lucky! and im glad my family is so into fly fishing. sad to say it but my mom can whop my ass with a fly rod lol.
  6. im not complaining at all! just shocked i get to watch such good tv! i guess the writers strike was a good thing! hell there are tonss of girls at the uniii you should come to the den one thursday il hook u up!
  7. haha brent still no girlfriend?
  8. i cant belive what i saw on this show with the playmates and hue hefner. the girls are COMPLETLY NAKED modeling it 930 at night for **** sakes!! im shocked
  9. next week sounds great! shoot me a pm when you have an idea of what works for you. im not able to work for a little over a month so i have nothing but time to kill. tomorow i will have a better idea what im capable of anyways.
  10. peter thanks a ton for the quick reply! it honestly doesnt bother me where i go. i would be up for anywhere i dont have a ton of trouble i would love your company and i am free anytime after 11 let me know if this works
  11. hey guys and gals im looking for somewhere i can cast a line for a few hours. im on crutches and cant deal with the ice or wadders but i am itching to fish. i was thinking of making the trek across town to do so. looking at the river behind my house its all jammed up with big ice slabs. i was thinking of that i could fish bellow the bridge at glenmore or the boat launch at fish creek. im young and pretty good on my crutches and for fishing im willing to fall, but i dont want to be on a unstable shelf because if it were to break i probally wouldnt be able to get my self back out. if you know if the boat launch at fish creek is ice free for the most part i would love to hear or if anyone has a better idea then staying home. tight lines chris
  12. I know that there is no solid evidence supporting that these creatures do exist, this is what makes me really not belive that they do. i spend alot of my time in remote areas as do most of you. im sure if there were something out there there would be more pictures and proof supporting it. seeing as people are all over the place. I know a few people in the climbing communitty that spend ALOT of time in very remote areas. none of which have encountered anything. but after reading some of these storys it makes you want to belive it, and for some reason i want to see it for my self. however im not going to go looking for these things. but it would be something else to see one! granted they do exist.... this was a great topic and it was awsome hearing others stories and the diffrent sides of view.
  13. mike what kinda athlete are you?
  14. Let me start by saying that i have been in bed for the past week and half due to a broken pelvis, so i have a ton of time on my hands. well i was on google earth taking a look around the mclean creek area. when i came across some numbers tagged on the map. i took a look at to my suprise that its a bigfoot sighting. well after seeing these i went to the link and read every report. this is the site http://www.bfro.net/GDB/show_county_reports.asp?state=ca-al these are reports for alberta. now my question for you, has anyone ever had an experince with a bipedal. seen prints thought they saw something? im very intrigued after reading these but i still dont believe it. there are many reports all over alberta of these creatures. whats your guy's take on this?
  15. rick i was going to say he put the reel on the wrong way lol. tm and mtb you guys reel backwords? strange!
  16. birchy ickyflyworks run out of calgary. thats why you get you flys in only a few days! the guys are also board members and i have floated the bow with them. awsome guys and awsome flys.
  17. i use gas plus gas all the time have been for 2 years. never had a problem but not sure if its cheaper quality i wouldnt think it would be a big deal. i have used their preimum gas in my talon before i took it to the track. i ran better times on the 1/4 mile then i do using co-op gas.
  18. lynn your spoiled! i got a new snowboard and bindings:) a FULL fly box! and one of those micro mosquito mini helicopters! this thing is really neat!
  19. icky fly works is awsome! and they are also members of the board:) shipping is fast and free the flys are great i fished them all season. and you cant beat the price.
  20. would you mind telling me where this was at?
  21. tied a perfect fly with his eyes closed veterian angler with a fish and a blunt? lol im prettry sure thats what he said.
  22. nope it opened on the first. from Bearspaw Dam downstream to Western Headworks Diversion (W.H.D.) Weir (including the Elbow River below Glenmore Reservoir). CLOSED Apr. 1 to May 31 and Oct. 1 to Nov. 30 June 1 to Sept. 30 and Dec. 1 to Mar. 31 – Trout limit 1 under 35 cm; All trout over 35 cm must be released; Mountain Whitefish limit 5 over 30 cm; Maggots are the only bait allowed and only in the river from Aug. 16 to Sept. 30.
  23. this happened to me when i spilt something on my comptuer! it was just water and only maybe a teaspoon which i pretty much got it all out still fried the keyboard and dell sent me a new one free of charge here in 2 days i bet your keyboard is toast! check into waranty
  24. rick go grab some cheap skates from crappy tire they have ccm intruders for 50$ take a lawn chair and hit the rink you will figure it out its really not that hard.
  25. il take a medium hoodie and a hat
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