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Everything posted by j5ep00

  1. i pounded that section maybe two weeks ago for a few hours. i left with one snaping me off and one more miss. it was pretty slow, viz was probally 3 feet or so. but if the construction is making it dirty you can fish upstream.. you rig sounds fine. dont just nymph all day if its not working. try swinging some streamers aswell. good luck!
  2. there are pike in eagle lake. i caught a smaller one when i was a kid on a spinner. not sure how good the fishing is though. there are some pike in langdon lake.. its on the north side of the 22 just past the turn for mckinons. its a resivour of the irrigation canal. i have caught 1 decent fish here spin casting probally 6 years ago. only fished it twice but have seen guys out there with a boat.
  3. i think it would be key to have a few younger guys go in... max or brent would be great in my mind. and brian this a great idea! fishing keeps kids out of trouble and busy. i have avoided many bad situations because i was sleeping to go fishing early in the morning. good on you for doing this!
  4. no pike or other predators really, there is the odd osprey the grabs a fish. the fish were stocked last week so it would have to be something to do with the hatchery... although it could be from a previous stock who knows. il still snap some pics of it and we can have another round of what do you think happened to this guy.
  5. this is something i came accross recently. these guys tested all the rods and were rated on everything. Visit My Website tfo's are awsome rods and for the price they are right up there with the competitors.
  6. ok cool the bigger one was 16 or so and the smaller was around 12
  7. i was out at arbour lake today and we caught two fish that show what i think is whirling disease. i didnt have my camera but we kept one of the fish and gave it to the manager of the lake. i can probally snap some pics of it if i stop by tomorrow. the first fish had a few folds in the back half. it seemed to be more of a skin thing then the whole body. the second fish was curved just a little bit in the last quater of the fish. we let this one go. i would like to know if this is something of concern or if there could be something else that caused this? i will stop by for pics tomorrow. im pretty sure the fish was put in the freezer.
  8. Mating occurs in early fall and another egg case will be laid that will hatch the following summer. The egg case is laid as a foam that hardens into a spongy almost indestructible mass, usually laid attached to a shrub, weed, grass, etc., a few feet off the ground. The egg mass survives freezing, thawing, rain and all the elements to hatch in the early summer to start the cycle again. looks like it would survive the winters. we also had them in school along with stick bugs.
  9. undefined this was posted yesterday. looks like its truth.
  10. ya i also tried to send a pm during the sale it was full both times that i tried.
  11. i would say your right lookz like the same fish
  12. what program did you use?
  13. what brand are these?
  14. wicked its a pain in the ass anyways! i have taken it out 5 times and have yet to use the motor. i enjoy the rowing. but if i dont need the boat then why waste the time.
  15. ive never been to bh and i have a few questions for you guys. 1. are gas motors allowed? 2. even if they are allowed is it nessacary? can i get around the lake on the oars no problem?
  16. i bet if you got ahold of a city master key it would open it right up. it may not be all that hard to find a drunk city worker....
  17. if you said where it was someone might have some idea. if you dont want to give up the spot you can call fish and wildlife here are all the office #s for southern alberta. Barrhead (780) 674 8236 Blairmore (403) 562 3289 Canmore (403) 678 2373 Claresholm (403) 625 1450 Cochrane (403) 932 2388 Drayton Valley (780) 542 6616 Edson (780) 723 8244 Evansburg (780) 727 3635 Fox Creek (780) 622 3421 Ghost (403) 673 3663 Grande Cache (780) 827 3356 High River (8:15 — 4:30, Mon. and Fri. ; 8:15 — noon, Tues. to Thu.) (403) 652 8330 Hinton (780) 865 8264 Nordegg (8:15 — noon)(403) 721 3965 Pincher Creek (403) 627 1116 *Rocky Mountain House (403) 845-8230 Stony Plain (780) 960 8190 Sundre (403) 638 3805 Swan Hills (780) 333 2229 Whitecourt (780) 778 7112 Brooks (403) 362 1232 *Calgary (403) 297 6423 Camrose (780) 679 1225 Cardston (403) 653 5158 Coronation (Tue. Wed. every other Thu.) (403) 578 3223 Drumheller (403) 823 1670 Foremost (Tue. Wed. every other Thu.)(403) 867 3826 Hanna (Tue. Wed. every other Thu.) (403) 854 5540 Lethbridge (403) 381 5266 Lloydminster (9:00 — 3:00, Mon. to Wed.) (780) 871 6495 Medicine Hat (403) 529 3680 Olds (1:00 — 4:30) (403) 556 4215 Oyen (Tue. Wed. every other Thu.) (403) 664 3614 Ponoka (8:15 — noon)(403) 783 7093 Provost (1:00 — 4:30, Tue. ; 8:30 — 4:30, Wed. Thu.) (780) 753 2433 Red Deer (403) 340 5142 Stettler (8:15 — noon)(403) 742 7510 Strathmore (403) 934 3422 Vegreville (office open 1/2 days, phone to verify hours) (780) 632 5410 Vermilion (780) 853 8137 Vulcan (403) 485 6971 Wetaskiwin (780) 361 1250
  18. i picked up the ultra 4 got out to cast it for a bit over an hour and managed one fish lost 2 the line turns over really nice and i can shoot it pretty good. i was only really tower casting but i got in a few good double hauls and i was suprised how little effort it took to get it out there. deffinattly happy. thanks brent
  19. humm i dont think it could be started yet. not without a permit. where abouts did you see this?
  20. i got this on my winshield the other day at policman's. Do you know there is an application to: -dig a lake here on the bow rive and to purchase a water license to fill the lake? Both of these applications have been made to Alberta Environment and they are looking for our comments and concerns by April 18th. The lake is for the private use of 179 homes in a development calle "Sanctuary on the Bow" right beside policeman's Flats. the water license transfer is from a trout farm whish is closing on the Elbow river. The developer wants to buy a portion of the water to fill this lake. This development is going to be built if we dont let the goverment know why we don't think this is a good place for a lake and a good use for our river water. The lake is only 100 meters from the Bow River in a floodway. Does this make sense? Please write to Alberta Environment before April 18th to let them know your thoughts about these two applications. If we don't speak up about how our river is being treated it won't be long before we won't have a beautiful river to speak about. The site to review the appications is http://www3.gov.ab.ca/env/water/Regions/Bo...les/index1.html Alberta Environment contact is Pauline Scoffield at 297 5894 email pauline.scoffield@gov.ab.ca The contact for the Developer is Dennis Westhoff at 264 9366 Please let Alberta Environment know what you think. Without your comments this development will be completed and the river valley forever changed.
  21. dont worry man you will get it. most of the snow is gone now, at least in the nw. river should start clearing up tomorow, and the water temps are gona go up. there is a good chance you will get into a few fish. try and find your self a nice deep slow hole. your fly will be in the water longer and its alot easier to watch your stike indicator, also with the slow water you dont have to mend as much. rember set to EVERYTHING
  22. 5wt let me know if you have anything i will come up tomorow morning! edit. brent i will just stop by the shop in the morning and if your in i will talk to you about it. if not im sure someone can help me.
  23. right now im using a cortland 444 classic wf. im really hard on lines. i seem to like to trample them so im looking for something cheaper then a sharkskin or gpx. what are some recomendations? one4adventure picked up a headstart for 35$ and he said he likes it. anyone else use it? 35$ is really cheap and i wouldnt feel so bad steping all over it. edit. i was looking at the headstart and it says its more a beginer line? i am looking for something that i can roll cast fairly nice and maybe screw around with some single hand spey casts. im not a beginer caster although some days it may look like it haha
  24. thanks for all the help guys. got it figured out now. max i think you were right on the flies to close toghter. ive been setting alot quicker and havent really had the problem agian.
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