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Everything posted by bigalcal

  1. I spoke to F&W in Bairmore and others and there's a ton of snow. 3-4 ft at Dutch Creek Campground!!
  2. Has anybody been down south on the FTR north of Coleman. I hear there is a ton of snow still to melt in the area. Is the road clear? I was hoping to camp May 14-17. Thanks
  3. Probably good advice. I don't know why I don't bring my wallet. I lose so many flyboxes I'm afraid my wallet will fall out too!! . I'll have to remind my senile senior fishing buddy to bring his licence wth him.
  4. I wonder if they would accept a photocopy and a promise to produce the original if necessary. I personally carry WIN card and licence in my vest and leave my operators licence alsewhere. Isn't that what most people do?
  5. You have heard the story first hand!!
  6. Where are the other two?
  7. My friend left the pub one night after a few beers, dropped by the liquor store, bought a mickey of whiskey, got home and decided to tie a few flies and enjoy his whiskey. The next day the wife said "You were drunk last night!!". He replied "No, I wasn't". He went back to sleep thinking "How the hell did she know I was drunk last night". Later in the day he went into his flytying room and there was the sweater he had worn the previous night, GLUED to his table. He had passed out, knocked the head cement over...and later woke up , stuck to the table, wriggled out of his sweater and went to bed!!!!! I would have loved to have seen him do that!!! Classic!! Note: He had to sand down and resurface the table!!
  8. We should all have it in our cell phones!!
  9. A few years ago in November, I was in Los Barilles in the East Cape area of Baja California Sur Mexico. The hotel i stayed at was a fishing resort and also had an RV court for seasonal"Snowbirds" that were starting to arrive when I was there. One night i was sitting at the small bar and a guy walked in. He was welcomed by everyone and was a regular "Snowbird" and had just arrived for the winter. The guys told me about when this guy arrived a few years earlier, They were sitting at the palapa bar beside the beach and the watched the "new guy" walking down to the beach and getting in his belly boat and started to fish. He hooked into something big enough to drag him down the water in front of the bar. He was tipping over, then righting himself, sputtering....then tipping, righting..sputtering as the fish dragged him down the coast. Finally the fish got off and he has been mocked incessantly ever since.!!!! I laughed, and laughed just picturing this guy getting dragged down the beach!!!!
  10. Poachers would probably eventually take down signs, unfortunately. Good job reporting poachers. I love reading poacher stories. Put's a smile on my face!! i wish they had cell service where I usually fish!!
  11. Habs suck?........Is that the best ya got Austinator.What a sophmoric retort. How old are you?
  12. Thanks Clive....let's hope for the best.
  13. Good stuff. Thanks for the info
  14. Compared to some of the other places we could be in the world....this is pretty sweet. I rode my bicycle home at 3 AM and it was nice riding on fresh snow before the traffic makes a mess of it.
  15. ....except for Philip.
  16. I watched that Oprah show....only because I have stayed in the same campground in Yosemite. Oprah did OK. Her friend was useless. I was interested to see if there were any fish in the Merced River. Beautiful....beautiful place. I had waders that fit like hers.......in the store...then I bought a bigger size!!
  17. 1) I'm bulky when I'm fishing!! 2) In my eyes yes...but I won't make magazine covers!! 3) Yes...or the fish will ignore your fly Hope this helps
  18. I bought a propane tank with gauge a few years ago at Walmart for $30-$35 and last year it cost <$20 to fill it. True it is time consuming,but less expensive. This gadget here http://www.cabelas.com/catalog/search_cata...em1=1k%20516913 is awesome. You can fill a 1lb propane cylinder for a buck from your big tank.
  19. Any word on the FTR from Coleman to 517 and 517 to 22?
  20. http://rockymountaincamping.ca/map.htm 26k N of Coleman on the Forestry Trunk Rd
  21. ......and ya can't make your own golf balls!! I lose alot more golf balls than flies!!
  22. Cheerer!! Haha! Well said. I never said I was smarter than everyone.....just Flames fans. I'm sorry.....I guess I am a hockey snob and it is.... just a game. Enjoy the game, when you see an explosion of fire.....clap!!
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