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Tpetey last won the day on July 20 2013

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  1. That's what I told my wife....
  2. So we're floating down the river Sunday morning, geez, seems to be a lot of wasps, whats up? Didn't think much of it until later in the afternoon, started wondering if there was a nest in the void of the floor of the boat? Sure as heck, got home, flooded the boat to fill the voids with water and pieces of a nest/nests and eggs started washing out. Rinsed the boat out again, filled it with water and left it over night, next morning I took it for a drive around the community to agitate it to try and break anything else loose. Another big bunch of nest and eggs came out. Anyone had this before? is there anything anyone has done to solve/prevent this?I'd like to think that drowning them out has solved my problem, but want to make sure
  3. I use Mel as well. Don't know if they opened Mac or not yet, I should go for a drive
  4. I bought my ghost at Fish Tales, can't confirm the depth though
  5. I did a day trip once on the Fraser, phenomenal experience. I'll totally do it again!
  6. On the lower bow, just splash it in and figure it out. There aren't too many spots where you can get yourself into trouble and you'll catch on real quick how to keep the boat sitting the right way in the water. Of course this won't make you the best oarsmen on the river, nor will it qualify you to be a guide, but you'll catch on real quick to the fundamentals. First basic rule, keep the nose pointed downstream and running with the current, you don't want to be sideways into the big rollers.
  7. I took the kids to Chain Lakes on the weekend, they were set up right before the boat launch. Checked it all out, took about 10min
  8. I suspect their trying to flush sediment from inside the reservoir as well, easiest way to do that is to increase velocities. Poor little fish.... They stalled out the flow at 47cms fro awhile, must have been taking some water shots for their models or something. Looks like they've held up at 77cms as well
  9. Ghost dam, as well as the upstream dams, could play a much bigger role in flood mitigation if it was in Transalta's best interest to do so. Transalta makes money from power production, not flood mitigation.
  10. I did a sturgeon trip this spring, incredible fight in those dinos! Highly recommend it
  11. Don't over water it, make the lawn work for it's water. When you do water, do it like once a week, once every couple weeks but let the sprinkler run for a good 2 or 3 hours, don't just give it a light spray, that's terrible for the roots. I've got the best lawn in the neighborhood, it's seen a sprinkler twice this year. I aerate yearly and fertilize with Scott's in the spring and Scotts fall stuff in the fall.
  12. Maybe next year the brain trust will leave some water in the reservoirs over the spring instead of emptying them out and refilling with the rain that they hope will fall.
  13. I had the exact same problem with my 10ir. Outcast replaced free of charge, I did pay a little extra to get it shipped next day so I could be back on the water. Keep an eye on those connections.
  14. I've got the 10IR, but it's the version without the standing platform, it's a few years old. I'm not sure about it's 'performance' as it's the only toon I've ever used, but the size is a bit of a pain trying to handle by myself.
  15. I have a 2 pulleys that are fastened to the ceiling, they connect to ropes on the anchor mount and a rope that I tie around the foot pegs. The two ropes run over to the wall, around a roller and down the wall. I can lift the boat up and down really easily and only have to deal with the 20' of rope on the wall once the boat is hung.
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