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Everything posted by Toirtis

  1. Cliff Bars (I buy mine by the case at MEC)...slices of cheese (real cheese, like 10 year old cheddar, or Beemster Vlaskaas), and beef jerky.
  2. Here is an odd one...I use Vaseline cocoa butter cream daily on my hands, arms and face (which, incidentally, is fantastic for your skin, and leaves you smelling vaguely of rich chocolate) , and have discovered that mosquitoes will land on me, but only 1/500 will consider biting...it may be just me, but they will go after my exposed legs, which get almost no cream.
  3. Fusion Beads (online) is great for variety of colours of high-end Japanese glass beads, Canadian Llama has always been fantastic for metal beads (I will have to try them out for glass).
  4. x3....beads and plenty more in Northland is my local source for beads. Online, I buy a lot from Fusion Beads, as they have some great colours not available locally.
  5. My concern is that if the projections for much higher than normal snowfall for the Calgary to the Rockies area for this winter is correct, that much of this may be a moot point for the next year.
  6. I suspect that they did....I got mine as part of a purchase of a bunch of vintage fly-tying stuff from a chap that tied until the mid-70s.....they look like very decent vises, so I will definitely be trying one out.
  7. I have a S3, and would consider only an HTC as an option.
  8. Funny thing....I have about 4 of them, still in their boxes.
  9. We are fortunate to be high and dry in the NW...glad to be able to have helped others.
  10. What does anyone think about Sea Eagle's frameless pontoons? http://www.seaeagle.com/FramelessPontoonBoats.aspx
  11. Not the most epic treasure or deal that I have found, but a little over a week ago, I scooped up this little Wheatly box of flies at a flea market for a twoonie.
  12. I have to argue Hanson's and BRTF as central, but I would definitely include WSS in the south bunch.
  13. Three, possibly....there is another vendor that has been scouting locations in the NW as well.
  14. Should be interesting, as I know that another fly shop is poised to open in the NW, and that Troutfitters said that they were planning to open again in the NW in a year or so.
  15. I have had a couple in home tanks over the years....and a friend who lost half his index finger to one while diving.
  16. Of course, that should have read 'lifetime', rather than 'limetime'. These things: http://www.basspro.com/RedHead-Lifetime-Guarantee-All-Purpose-Socks-for-Men/product/34713/?cmCat=CROSSSELL_THUMBNAIL
  17. I bought a pair of 'limetime' socks from BassPro.....most comfortable socks ever, and my feet were comfy and warm after hours in the Bow this past weekend. Socks are about $15, and have a lifetime warranty....I am hooked.
  18. These just arrived from eBay.....I am very excited, and actually plan to use one to do a bit of tying:
  19. As will I....make the hooks easier to remove from the fish (and myself), and if itt makes bringing a fish in a bit more difficult, it will hone my skills.
  20. Three big things impact fish mortality: 1. Fish identification....most anglers suck at identifying fish, particularly young ones, so far more bulls, cutts, etc get harvested than should. 2. Fish handling...the brutality that a large percentage of anglers inflict on their catches is horrific. 3. Bait. Honestly, I believe that all recipients of fishing licenses in Alberta should first pass a fish ID and handling test.....but then, I am silly and think that to vote in elections, you should know something about the parties and candidates, too. Honestly, if hunters need to pass courses/tests for licenses, there is no reason anglers should not.
  21. That was hilarious...damn near peed myself!
  22. Indeed you should both join. There is a meeting tonight at 7pm, with a guest speaker...hope to see you there.
  23. Look at some easier and standard Bow flies, like Prince Nymph, Copper John, Evil Weevil, Wire Worm, Wooly Bugger, Bow Bugger, Black Ant, San Juan Worm, Hare's Ear Nymph. Now, you really do not need a lot of different materials to tie all those....make a materials list for each, and you will see that they share a lot of the required materials....then head down to FishTales and have the staff help you find what you need, and you are off to a great start without breaking the bank.
  24. Grats Dave....she sure is cute!
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