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Everything posted by CDone

  1. Are these Korkers with the interchangable soles? If so I have over a year on mine and no problems at all, I have the river walker sandals also and no problems there either. If not, what glue are you using to stick them on? I never had good luck with any of the replacement soles on my Hodgmans or Simms boots, abot a season was all I could expect. Colin
  2. Check out this thread on another board, #14 always works for me if everything else fails http://forum.flybc.ca/index.php?showtopic=11965&hl=stuck Colin
  3. Thanks guys, didn't win a darned thing, spent lots of money on some really great meals (the life of a Chef, you just can't stay away from the food) did lots of walking, a little(?) drinking, took in a Cirque show (O) and spent some quality time with the missus sans little one. Colin
  4. Hate to admit it but the finish part of a rod build is the part I absolutely hate. I love turning grips, reel seats, prepping guides, wrapping, feather inlays,ect. But when it comes time to do the finish, arrrgghh!! I'd rather poke my eyes out with sharp sticks. For me it is the most time consuming part, (3 coats at 2hrs per coat) not sure if it is due to my perfectionist nature and how the slightest little spec on a wrap will usually result in me completely stripping the rod and starting over. Its definitely not a service I'm considering at this time, besides I'm sure there's not a lot of folks out there that would pay the $25.00 per hour that I'd have to charge to make it worth my frustration. Colin
  5. Regardless of where you go, you will get folks that like to think that one brand is the end-all and be-all. Let the proponents of Loop, Sage, TFO ect. have their say, but lets make it our responsibility to talk about the Clan's, Beulah's, Snowbee's, CND's, TFO's, Burkhiemers, ect. that are out there for folks to try. Don't give up so easily Gordon, that's not a very Scottish trait. Colin
  6. Hey Murray, if you want to get out let me know, I'm sure I can give you a few pointers. Colin
  7. Very generous of you Scott. It was good to see you at the show. It was also great to see everyone that stopped by The Nile Creek Fly Shop booth, hopefully you all got a chance to try out some new sticks. As Courtney and I were loading up the truck last night we were already talking about next year, lots of exciting changes for us. See you all on the river. Colin
  8. Hope you're bringing some toques (wife is PO'd at me for wearing her's all winter) I'll be working the Nile Creek/Ogilvey Outfitters booth again with Courtney and Val. Colin
  9. I keep mine in a large Rubbermaid bin, well insulated under the 2 feet of white stuff I my back yard :$*%&: . one thing i miss about the Island, just used to leave it set up ready to go at all times. Colin
  10. Well, there goes the neighborhood Welcome Jack. Colin
  11. I think Maclean & Maclean made some cash off it a few years back as well. C
  12. I remember pulling my little brother out from under the ice 30 some odd years ago, very scary, think it was probably late January as we had been ice fishing for quite a while. I wonder if they've come up with a way to close that area in. Colin
  13. lets go with the first one, she's got that 'hey this is easy!' look on her face
  14. 3 of my faves from last summer. Colin
  15. took my F-150 to a dealership and it still hurts when I sit down. Have kept my truck very well maintained, never let anything go, kept everything up to date and they still managed to find $4700 worth of repairs. Colin
  16. Nice to see some big ones coming back, I remember a few years ago standing on the bridge going into the village and watching some huge fish holding just upstream. Biggest we got that trip was about 15lbs. Looking forward to the chance of another trip up there some day. Colin
  17. How about categories for most golf balls, disposable diapers, strike indicators? Or maybe the most right foot shoes? I'm hoping to make this one for a bit, staff meeting in the morning and company in the afternoon, but would still like to fill a bag if I can. Colin
  18. No worry, I built her a rod the day we knew we were expecting. I do have to make sure the rods are put away properly now or she'll grab one and start running around with it yelling "fishing, fishing, fishing" Colin
  19. Just returned from 5 days down south, lots of willing cutts, warm sunshine, cold beer and a little snow for good measure. brought an arsenal of rods, started the trip with some cane. then moved on to a little 7' 3wt the daughters first kiss first casts mommies turn caught numerous fish over the five days but there was one that always seemed to egg me on but never showed any interest in what I tossed at him until the last day. The stars must have aligned because I saw him rising in his ussual spot and on the first drift he nailed an extended body adams pattern. My largest of the week. Colin
  20. If they write them a ticket how do they get the fines or does that involve another CO chasing them down for the cash? Face it, in the grand scheme of things fishing without a license is a minor offense (similar to J-walking?). Its good to see they are out here checking folks, their presence on the water is much more important than any fines they may generate. My only real concern would be the warnings handed out for fishing in closed waters, and illegal bait use. Also note the number of warning compared to actual fines for exceeding daily limits, I think we need to look at this from a point of whats better for the fisheries instead of what generates more revenue. Just my opinion Colin
  21. yes the XS-Pro's, kept me very dry in the rain and sleet on Friday. Colin
  22. All I kept saying was 'Peter you need a bigger net!!' Fun day, nice way to dust off the cobwebs from 5 weeks on the coast. Colin
  23. I will be back in Calgary on Wednesday if anyone wants to have a look at the pair I have. Unfortunetly I didn't get a chance to try them out here on the coast, something to do with working 18 days straight . Colin
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