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Everything posted by lonefisher

  1. I don't use one....... when I go fishing I just plan on figuring out what is happening that day and I carry lots of flies in order to always be prepared...... often I'm not the rest of the time I have an unbelievably good nack for losing the most important fly box...... This year I have lost 3 one I found but I am still short 1 from the upper k and one from friday on the north ram...... pretty clever about 50 bucks worth of flies down the drain already....... I also lose forceps on a weekly basis..... so for me I figure a log book won't help me much....... but it might come in really useful for the guy who finds it.
  2. So are you still allowed to take him fishing? That sounds like a really scary moment man, Glad to hear you both managed to make it back to shore safely....... I once put a fishing buddy in a tight spot like that I just looked and powered accross and the current was almost to much for me and and it picked him up and he ended up grabbing an overhanging tree right at the top of a deep fast run...... I never even noticed until I was on the bank and turned around to see he wasn't there. I was a little freaked until I saw him trying to climb out...... Your right though Rick we all need to think about everyone with us and everyone needs to recognize their own limits. Tell your son not to follow you if he see you doing something he can't handle.
  3. Yep its doing it to me as well now..... jeeez you guys coulda just suffered in silence you know
  4. Beauty fish! hell of a first dry fly fish. Did you keep fishing or call it quits with the one? Anyways get back out there work on your hauls if you wanna pump that fly out there farther. Work on stopping your rod tip high..... like above your head height instead of driving the rop tip to the water. Remember smoothly accelerate to a STOP. There is no slowdown period you want the rod to accelerate and stop abruptly but smoothly. This will make your line turn over and when done right you stop the rod tip high the line turns over and then you lower the tip as the line falls nice and straight and gentle. your casting stroke does not have to be long, wild, or uber powerful. With good technique you can turn over a 30 foot line and leader with a very short stroke.
  5. Bummer about the no wheels deal....... I would check to see if your insurance covers rental cars otherwise you can try and sue the kid for the cost of rentals but chances are slim that it will be worth your time........ I would push the ins company to resolve the issue quickly cause as soon as you get a quote for the vehicles worth you can start looking for new wheels.......... I think anyhow...... I have personally never written off a vehicle. Knock on wood.
  6. Brent...... you need a beer big time! Sorry to hear you've had such a shite week...... That really sucks about the cars as well...... you got another set of wheels to use for fishing?
  7. Either that or take your chances on rivers that have a marked canoe route.... but this still could result in an untimely death by drowning as some canoe routes are pretty intense...... Also make sure you have a map that shows portage sections, rapids, or falls........ I would keep this trip for scouting and make note of which stretchs of which rivers would be floatable by your standards. Seems to me most stretchs of most rivers would be perfectly safe but it only takes one obstruction that you can't back away from. I also figure you are already out on the river and this is kinda redundant LOL. PS were you by anychance parked friday the 13th at the north sask river crossing near nordegg with a pontoon in the back of the truck...... memory isn't so great but the rig I seen was similar to what you had described. I actually just about stopped and asked the guy what the fishing is like on the N sask as it looks awesome right now.... Still a little cloudy near nordegg but fishable.
  8. Wet waded the N ram for the last 2 days and it was great! water was warm, lots a bug stuff and sunscreen. Just wading boots and an extra pair of socks works good for me.
  9. Don't feel too bad Brent I once ran over my own fly rod........ took out rod reel and flyline all at once. Now that is dumb..... as dumb as it gets short of running over your spouse The stylus 720w is shockproof from from 5 feet and so is the 770...... its handy to have when you are rough on stuff
  10. great bloody shots! helicopter?
  11. I got the 720w love it..... of course since I got it I have not accidently dropped it in the water...... murphys law I guess
  12. Nevermind bad idea
  13. tried the little c02 things and even with the bigger cartridges available it was useless. The biggest cartridges I could find were about the size of a small soup can though. I guess they are designed for bike tires though..... So I ended up blowing it up by mouth (I can screw the valve out on mine) and used my last 2 cartridges to give it a bit more pressure as you can only get so much pressure with your lungs...... It worked but it was a major drag and was not as well inflated as I wanted. I also don't deflate for short hikes but for longer hikes or heli trips when you have to a decent bike pump or the one Pipestoneflyguy mentions would likely be your best bet.......
  14. By the sounds of it they do a much better job of checking outside of the city I have had to show my license atleast 4 or 5 times already this year (3 at the upper and lower k lakes) Had my hooks checked everytime but once and he did ask if they were crimped (they were) and he took my word for it, but he had also checked me once before. And after discovering that not only my hook but the 3 guys who I met at the lake and were fishing with my flies were all fishing crimped. Maybe it was a show of goodwill as he told me that day that we were the only people he had checked all day that had crimped barbs. Anyways I think most of these guys are doing as good a job as they can and I would hazard a guess that it is a fairly high stress job. You might have just caught this guy on a bad day..... None the less your story sucks but don't lose faith in them all just because of 1 guy 1 day.
  15. That is of course if I don't go absolutely nuts before winter arrives....... I think the tourism industry is all over for me.... seriously I may be a professional unemployed fish bum by the end of the week..... But anyways back on topic I would be very interested in knowing what sort of specialized cutting, fastening, molding (shaping) tools you needed for this project. Also I would really like to know which areas of the construction you ran into problems with. I have access to various carpentry tools and saws and stuff and I have a small amount of experience myself and a wealth in others so I think such a project would be doable...... maybe. None the less you did a beautiful job with the boat
  16. awesome work man..... I might have to take on a project like that over the winter to keep from going absolutely nuts
  17. Yeah i'm stressed out and my eyes aren't looking down at the water....... but maybe thats cause I'm stuck at work and there is no water in sight......
  18. Not sure about the warranty questions but I don't see why not. I have purchased from cabelas and did not pay a duty fee (or brokerage I dunno what its called) when I shipped air, but a buddy purchased the same item and payed 65 bucks when it arrived at the door but I think he shipped ground..... This was on a 300$approx purchase so its tough to say whether you are gonna save money or lose money
  19. here is the pattern guess the eyes are not necisarily mono but its a cool looking pattern http://globalflyfisher.com/patterns/junior...mp;caller=index if you click on the image it goes to the recipe and one of the images that appears to have the hotspot http://images.google.ca/imgres?imgurl=http...l%3Den%26sa%3DN
  20. I just asked as I googled them and have noticed a lot of images do have a bit of an orangeish area close to the head. I also saw a eye technique that looks really good basically just 2 pieces of mono burnt to form the eye tied in maybe a third of the way back down from the bend of the hook so that the eyes end at the hook bend..... might make a bit of sense like that but I will see if I can find the link again
  21. I feel the same way as bloom buy the best you can afford and don't buy anything without a lifetime warranty. In my opinion feel free to start with cheaper rods I did and after breaking 4 of which only 1 was covered (close to a grand in fly rods) I decided to buy more expensive with a better warranty..... I really feel it makes sense. If I break a cheap rod I know my money is gone..... if I break an expensive one atleast i know its covered...... Taco if you liked it with just a short tryout period think about how much you will like it once you really get your mojo working with it! High end rods are a completely different breed......
  22. One of the smaller shops should let you try before you buy..... but as for wholesale sports.... best if we don't open that can of worms. None the less you will likely be happy with the tfo rod. Also I am sure someone on the forum here MUST have a tfo sig series rod..... maybe one of them will meet up with you and let you cast it....... I would offer but I live in Canmore and I don't have a TFO. If you want to cast a GLX on the other hand....... but that might ruin TFO for you JK
  23. Just outta curiousity did you consider slicing the skin alongside the sliver and peeling the skin back to remove it? Also I am sure the doc would have mentioned it but that is likely a pretty high risk wound for infection. Looks like its poplar which isn't as bad as say douglas fir but I'd keep that sucker clean non the less
  24. Hey what do you guys find is the best presentation for shrimp patterns? I have had the most luck fishing them dead or with a very slow retrieve but I was curious if a sinking or sink tip and a faster retrieve would be better. MTB you said they wouldn't hit anything smaller then a 16 and this seems to make sense as from what I understand the shrimp in lower k are all between 1/2" and 3/4". Do you guys ever tie a mysis with a hot spot? I know it can be fairly effective with some shrimp patterns but I am not sure about mysis....... I guess I might have to pump a couple stomaches next time I hit the lower k
  25. Great report man sounds like a blast right until the end. That sliver is pretty narly though shame that cut the trip a bit short
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