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EveretteD last won the day on June 29 2017

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About EveretteD

  • Birthday 02/07/1985

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  1. I have been using the Thill indicators (wood bobber) for quite a few years now. I have them in all 3 sizes. When fishing in 8' of water or less they are great. Red one side and florescent green the other. Great for when conditions change and you can't see your bobber anymore. I used to get them at wholesale sports. I'm not sure where you could get them now. I know they were never in the fly fishing section though. I would assume it to be the same for Bass Pro or Cabelas.
  2. Saw a car down on the boat launch at fish Creek yesterday afternoon on my way home. Guess it is open now.
  3. I fish there fairly often. Caught many of fish in the past. Most days are just ok now. If I manage to land 6 a day, then it's an OK day. I do feel like the pressure at beaver has increased over the last 7 years I've been fishing it. Don, I have also noticed even this year that people come for a couple hours, if they don't get a nibble, they just leave. Patience here is key. Still can't figure out how to catch one on a chironomid. I do have a couple favourites that always get me at least 1 big un.
  4. I have been using Louise Shotton for the past two seasons. My vehicle is always where I have requested. Text message in the morning is all that is required to book the service. So far so good.
  5. Olympus for me too. Loved mine so much that when I misplaced it, went straight out and bought the exact same on. Tg-4.
  6. When we were down there in the spring the service was good if you were on Rogers. I was in the middle of the lake and had a few bars. Maybe it's a Telus problem? I'm not entirely sure.
  7. I had this question as well. Saw a guy motor up on Tuesday evening last week. In a light coloured Jon boat with a jet. He didn't seem to mind blowing up the river. Next time if I see this older gentleman smoking a cigarette. I will be sure to call them in.
  8. I have a kota 55. As the previous comment, when it gets windy you will get where you need to go but it might just take you a while. When it's calm or even a little chop I haven't ever had an issue. My suggestion is to go with the 42" shaft. I was in the same predicament two years ago when I got mine. Now I can't even imagine having a 36" shaft. Anytime you have a little chop on the water you want to have the prop totally submersed in the water. I don't believe that a 36" would be capable. As for the battery, I went to battery world and bought a decent one around $150. I can get two full days (probably more but I charge it by then) on a charge going to a medium sized lake. (Let's say summit size, and that usually has a bit of wind). I have a hyde high side.
  9. You're probably right. Just safe bet to stay in the city section now.
  10. I was told by the guy at fish tales that they might delay it if the weather holds up. I don't know if it holds truth or not. Anyone know if a place we can contact you find out for sure? The weather looks great for this weekend.
  11. I currently don't have a choice but to take it to the carwash. So that could work. I also wonder about CLR? Environmentally friendly (so they say).
  12. Thanks. The only and i guess larger issue is that I've moved into a condo... So I don't have a garden hose available.
  13. I do wash it often. Usually use a sponge but even then it requires a lot of elbow grease to get it off. I don't want to use anything to abrasive but something that will make the white look more white again.
  14. With all of this whirling disease craziness. What would someone suggest using to clean the boat? The grim that gets on there from various bodies of water can be difficult to remove. The brush they have a the carwash just doesn't cut it. Any suggestions before I head out for the weekend. Thanks
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