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Everything posted by daxlarsen

  1. they don't give a @#$%
  2. this is easily remedied, time it so next time he goes out, he'll see you squatting on his front lawn reading a newspaper hahahaha
  3. well there is a spinner and a fly called the red devil, and my friend told me to use one the other day and i thought he was insulting me as in "use a red devil they work great" thought he meant i'de have more luck with a spincaster
  4. yah me and my brother in law split 2 hackle capes at the expo, we are new to tying so we waited for the expo to get a good deal. though we bargain shopped and spend about 60 bucks, the next day his dog ate his half of feathers hahahahahaha
  5. HAHaHA it's daxlarsEn. And I would definitly agree that as the trout lose temperment during the winter, the whitefish continue to feed actively throughout the winter, and I thiiiiink they pool up to spawn, so if you catch one whitefish, then it seems about 10 more are shortly to follow.
  6. .....if anything i'm fairly certain it's a "brownasaurasrex"
  7. The best part is that you can never have too many different hooks of all sizes on hand....I assure you none of them will go to waste lol
  8. well that all depends, different circumstances offer different presentation "opertunities" sometimes an indicator is great because you dead drift, and then at the end of the dead drift, the indicator allows the fly to rise in the water column and now you can tackle like 3 feet of water depth with one cast and imitate emergers or other insects that are closer to the surface of the water, I've had alot of takes with this fashion. I think it all depends on the situation, where in many cases certain occurances might be your downfall for numerous fish, that exact problem may be precicely what you need to accomplish on another day to bag the same amount of fish. But I'm quite new to the game that's just my 2 cents
  9. me and my bro got a couple pontoon boats recently and couldn't help but float and it was -16. I wouldn't take anything I say as advice you can take to the bank, but the water is quite low right now so it's not too dangerous I don't think, so if you don't mind the cold, you may as well get out there on the weekends to practice (if you don't have much oar experience) that way when the trouting starts you'll be ready and won't waste your first couple floats figuring out how to do everything and also see how long the float is. Also, for a trial run, my bro and I did 22x to policemans and it took like 2.5 hours I think but there was so much ice and we didn't really fish at all so.
  10. Hey, this same thing happened to my sister, her dog escaped and attacked another dog resulting in an $800 vet bill, which they paid for and after many failed attempts had to get rid of the dog (sent it to a farm, they loved it, it just wasn't a happy city dog). Unfortunatly it was a GREAT dog and the most gentle beast, but when it escaped it just acted different. anyways, I would think most people would accept the bill because it was there dog who did the attacking, and also just from a legal standpoint, when they gave you their name and number they basically admited their dog had done what it did (otherwise why would they have given you their info) so it would be open and closed case in court.
  11. Ok that was the single greatest fly fishing video I've ever seen in my entire life absolutely amazing.
  12. I didn't invent this fly, I hope that's not a problem but I just really liked the pattern cause it looks nice and it's easy Hopper Juan Hook : 3xlong #8 Body : 2mm light tan foam 2mm Black foam Wing : elk hair, and that really thin packing foam material Legs : striped yellow and black rubber leg Thread : 6/0 tan
  13. I dunno if I'm gonna make it till the summer, I'm having severe withdrawls for 12+ hour fishing sessions
  14. Good point, how do we justify getting in our vehicles in the first place. wouldn't the most environmentally sound solution be to brew a pot at home....and then not buying beans but growing our own so we don't waste gas going to the grocery store for beans....where do we draw the line?
  15. what's wrong with being and elitist snob?
  16. well then maybe i'll just shut my big mouth
  17. why don't you get your facts straight, those are the regulation in the national parks, many water systems do not reside in national parks.
  18. you're mental HAHAHA the parks were not created for YOU, they were in fact created PRESICELY for the animals!!!!! the parks were designed as a refuge for animals that can't be taken away due to forestry and water management. The idea of parks is so that there is a place for wildelife to be wild. It's a place for us to go and appreciate what we have in this beautiful country. If we didn't have all these things rubbed in our noses from time to time, then I'm sure we would start taking it all for granted. I think we should be allowed to fish in the parks just as much as the next guy is allowed to snow shoe and his friend can climb the mountain. It's there and if we ignore it then we'll never know when something is wrong as a few other people have mentioned. But I would feel the same as this as I do about all other systems in the province, CATCH AND RELEASE ONLY. I can't think of one good reason why anyone should go to the bow river and kill a fish, it's like a bird watcher spying a beatiful blue jay with his binoculars and then shooting it with a pellet gun just before it flies away WTF IS THE POINT!!!!!! We should be able to fish the rivers just as the mountain climbers climb the mountains. but you don't see the mountain climbers filling their backpacks and cars with chunks of rock from the mountain every day when they're done do you "HEY MAN CALL FISH AND FEATHERS, THAT GUY TOOK MORE THEN THE 40 LB MOUNTAIN LIMIT!!!!" it's retarded to think that people actually take fish out of the water, there is no point. Killing a deer is logical, as the populations would go way out of control if they weren't hunted. And a man kills a deer and he's got meat for a year and enough extra to give to his friends. A man goes to the store, spends 150 on a rod, 50 on lures and after couple hundred bucks catches a couple fish? why not just let the fish go, and spend 15 at the grocery store cause i see little rainbows and whitefish in there for 10-30 bucks each. There should be absolutely no harvesting of ANY fish in this province unless from specified stocked lakes. I want to start some *hit here, when are all the fly fisherman going to band together and start doing something to protect what we love, we're being walked all over by those bait fisherman. How many times do you go down to the river and see a plastic bag with 3 or 4 empty lure boxes sitting on the bank of the river? HOW ****ING HARD IS IT TO PICK UP THE EMPTY BOX!!!!! AND THE BAIT FISHERMAN WHO LEAVE THE STYROFOAM WORM CARTON ON THE BANK OF THE RIVER!!!!!!! IF I CATCH YOU I'M GONNA PUT MY BOOT UP YOUR ASS AND THEN SLASH YOUR TIRES. When will classified waters come about, and when will there be a zero limit for ALL SPECIES (accept non-native invasive species....). I think we should go rally up somewhere and put down the fishing rods and pick up some protest signs, ZERO FISH LIMIT IN ALBERTA!
  19. and this one struggled slightly but accepted it in the end, notice how tender my friend is with the fish hahahaha
  20. the fish definatly liked it
  21. I think more than anything, pieing a politician is symbolic as we all know. The act of hitting someone in the face with pie isn't an assault on the person as much as it is an assault on their emotions for being "pied". Unfortunatly I would regard this as a case of assault because if you're going to pie someone, you need a hell of alot of people behind you saying "YAH GOOD JOB" but when you pie someone because you and 3 or 4 other people don't like someones point of view, you're just being ignorant. I wonder how the americans would feel if we pied their leaders for allowing people to shoot off fireworks? The facts are that the seal hunt is has a multitude of benefits and in no way jeaporizes the sustainable populations of seals. Seals have been hunted for hundreds of years and although some people may not like the fact that they are bludgeoned to death and see this as "inhumane". This seems quite a random thing to be pissed off about and given the multitude of other inhumane acts going on in the world, I wish this stupid bitch would keep her nose out of our countries buisness. I am angered by how ignorant and self centered the americans are, to think that they have a legitimate reason to come and terrorise our politicians, as if they have absolutely nothing inhumane happening on their own soil. I'm inclined to agree that this was a form of terrorism based on just that argument alone. If this was a canadian tossing the pie, yah give them a slap on the wrist, but because it's an american who has ABSOLUTELY no right to cross our border and assault our politicians, toss her in jail and keep her there for as long as possible. And I would think canada should blacklabel her and her ENTIRE family as terrorists and not allow them in the country.
  22. so 2 guys were fishing in a boat, after hours and hours of no success, one of the men finally gets a tug. "I GOT ONE I GOT ONE!!!" he yells. Only moments later he finds that it was actually just an old lamp at the end of his line. he decides to rub off the years of grime from sitting on the bottom of the lake and finds there is actually a genie inside who is willing to grant him a single wish. "Oh that's easy" he replies "I want you to turn the lake into beer!" "done" replies the genie. and a few moments later the genie disappeared and the lake began to boil with the telltale carbonation of beer. "Wow it actually worked!" cried the fisherman, to which his fishing partner replied "Yah, great job genius, now we have to piss in the boat!"
  23. I smelt the *hit too wtf i live by chinook. Uhm i went fishing yesterday regardless from about 3:30 to 5:00 and it was a great ol' time. slightly cool though : /
  24. my older sister almost died when I caught a whitefish in front of her, she heard plenty of rumors saying they were ugly sucker-like creatures and when I showed her one she thought it was the "most adorable thing she'd ever seen" in reference mostly to the nose and whatnot hahaha.
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