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Everything posted by daxlarsen

  1. I'm just being stubborn, I knew I was getting whitefish when I threw in those CJ's I did actually enjoy the whitefish too haha
  2. daxlarsen

    Winter Rainbow

    did you pick that up on the bow? I scored a rainbow today and it was completely colorless, looked like a triploid. But that is a very nice looking fish. " picture removed because fish was on ice/snow " please dont put fish on ice/snow it can freeze gills/eyes and removes slime!"
  3. no toiletpaper needed, just dip and swish - repeat : /
  4. Jim mclennan once said "I'de rather catch rainbows then whitefish, but I'de rather catch whitefish than nothing." I'm inclined to disagree, I dun like whitefish. Today I landed one rainbow, and 2 whitefish. and I lost about 10 whitefish. I would have been happy if all I had caught was the one rainbow.
  5. Oh no I was afraid someone would say that
  6. Josh get into it dawg wtf

  7. Hey I'm still worried about acid rain and bird flu. I think I'll skip global warming and swine flu altogether and go straight to 2012, It's exhausting keeping up with all the population control issues.
  8. Hey guys just did some fly tying and my imagination took over as I pretended I was hosting a fly tying show and was narrating what I was doing in my head, down to the "and if this turned out a little bit to buggy for you, you can just unwrap and tighten your dubbing up" Am I alone on this or does anyone else do it? I'm thinking I should just set up a camera and maybe say what I'm thinking cause it all sounsd pretty good in my head.......
  9. Awesome, that's what I was hoping/suspecting to hear cause it's an awesome reel and I wouldn't think a company like G-loomis would overlook something like that haha.
  10. Although I hate to argue physics with you as i'm just a construction worker, I would like to mention one notable point you missed. If you're talking about human eyesite you are correct in that green light spectrum is most easily viewed by our eyes and travles further and clearer than any other spectrum of lighting/color. I'm not sure if this is similar to a fish' sense of sight. now what i said is kind of 2 different things about light spectrum and human eyesigth but I hope you get my point of a fish' perspective of the green/red/blue spectrum and how it varies as compared with our own. as but a few hours ago I bought some rusty brown wire and thread to make some sanjuans and bloodworms cause i thought they would look more natural hahaha. but It shouldn't matter as the fish eat the worms in that natural color and in the bright red. It also might be worth mentioning that the various species of worms in the water have an assortment of shades and i've seen some light maroonish looking ones as well as some BRIGHT red ones that would be very similar to the red san juan that is so popular. although when we pumped a fish today it had a couple worms in it just like the one in the photo that one guy posted.
  11. Hi, anyone who has this reel or someone who may know why i'm having the problem please assist me cause I'm considering returning the reel. I bought a 3wt rod and it's awesome, I then purchased the G.Loomis venture 3 reel for $125 beans. it is either 1-3wt or 2-4 wt but it's the smallest int he series. My problem is that the drag can tighten up to the point of the flyline breaking before the line lets out, which is fine, but when i back the drag right off to it's lightest setting, it seems rather tough to take line out, in that if i had a 10" fish on i don't think it would be possible for it to take line out (I bought it speciifically for fishing the mountain streams which contain mainly tiny little cutthroats) I'm not sure if this reel is known for this problem or if it simply a manufacturers defect in my specific reel. I have used it on the bow (I know undertackling don't bother telling me all about it cause I was basically testing my new rod/reel combo) I had plenty of fish on it and they were all above 16" and had no problem peeling line out, and it would seem to me that it's a perfect drag setting for a 15-18" fish but I bought the rod and reel specifically for the little cutties and I want to know if I need a new reel make all together, or just to replace this reel with one that is working properly if that is the problem. some things that may be helpful as I'm not used to tackle this light, what is the target fish size for a 3wt reel/rod combo. any insight would be useful,. thanks alot. Dax
  12. Oh I see how this goes, I ask for some troutskies and I get squat but he wants some and you'll do it. I can tell who the favorite is here. P.S. although that fish burning was a bass, I think it turned out very nice and I don't see why you'de have a problem doing some rainbows or browns. but I've never done wood burnings at all so what do I know.
  13. those are some nice wood burnings, do you have any rainbow trout ones you can post up?
  14. well I'm glad to hear you didn't catch any damn dirty whitefish
  15. http://i907.photobucket.com/albums/ac280/d...en/DSC00092.jpg http://i907.photobucket.com/albums/ac280/d...en/DSC00093.jpg
  16. well i'm going oct 9th to 11th we should meet up and go fishing lol
  17. yah i live right across the gravel road there and about 5 houses up. i've caught lots of 16" up there, and aside from the brown, i had a 22" rainbow that was absolutely descusting about 3 or 4 months ago
  18. lol yah i should edit that out so noone can find my secret spot lol
  19. Hey, went to the weekend house in blairemore this weekend and after a few beers put a streamer in after dark and managed to land this magnificent 23 1/2" brown trout ABOVE the falls. So i'de like to take this oppertunity to thank whoever bucketed her up LOL. My brother in law was videotaping in nightvision with an HD video cam as well and the video is pretty funny because noone was expecting to see a giant brown where we were, or anything over about 18" for that matter lol. also posted is a nice 16' cutthroat my brother in law caught on saturday afternoon. AMAZING weekend of fishing, the 3 of us probably caught around 200 fish between us. http://i907.photobucket.com/albums/ac280/d...sen/23brown.jpg http://i907.photobucket.com/albums/ac280/d...n/bigcuttie.jpg
  20. lol sounds like this spot has you spoiled, I have spots that i normally am in the 50-60 fish in a day range (the little mountain streams) but i've gone on days and only had 1 or 2 which is rediculous, sometimes the fish just aren't on, don't be discouraged so easily, i'm sure next time you go back it will be great fishing again.
  21. wow that is a nice looking brown for sure. from time to time the elbow river produces red spoted browns for me but i never seem to have a camera with me when it happens lol
  22. daxlarsen

    This Month

    love those cutthroats, i was fishing in CNP mountain streams a few weeks ago, and i caught one that was ENTIRELY PURPLE, like that one you have there with the maroon cheeks. nice fish meng
  23. the grass is about 6 feet tall and i'm about 2 meters from shore, there's a little drop off right behind the grass, my cellphone was in my car so i snapped a pic and let him go asap
  24. lol it's not photoshoped, it's on a weak ass cellphone camera, that's why the resolution is so low. i have anothe pic with the same camera posted and it looks similar
  25. Hi again, caught this nice rainbow on the bow today, unbeleiveable fight outta this guy, it was awesome.
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