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Everything posted by daxlarsen

  1. nice lookin brown man.
  2. caught this guy again today in the exact same spot (literally within a few inches of where he was a few days ago.) He has very many distinguishing features and I was pleasantly surprised to bring him in again, nice big health brown just devouring those midges. I'm going to nickname him george nipkins esquire IV.
  3. fly fisherman are so prejudice, if a spincaster came on here asking for all of our old spinners (since we retired that trade and took up flyfishing) I'm sure we would just ignore him and flame him off the site lol.
  4. size 14 adams worked a couple times so far when nothing else would. There are so many midges out, that a 12,14 griffiths gnat isn't even looking rediculous in all the clusters, in fact, today it (14) did the trick for one 22" brown.
  5. wow nice fish man that's crazy, you got the ol' dirty thirty.
  6. that's called the bow river hattrick lol nice work.
  7. hrm you're gas bill will be lower, why don't you google it and see what is more efficient, also another thing to keep in mind, if you're gonna save yourself 10 bucks a month on heating water at the cost of replacing the unit, how many months will it take you to recover the 1500 it will cost you for a new hot water tank?
  8. had a few more browns that were in the 12-18" range
  9. I don't spey, but it's gonna be the same as any other sport, I'm right handed, baseball bat is swung right handed, hockey is left handed, golf is right handed, fishing is right handed. I'm sure whichever way is most comfortable and natural for you is the correct way
  10. think pink sucka
  11. yes, caught this bad boy (taped just under 22") on a #16 dry stonefly pattern I like to call the "ultra super secret special" thanks for viewing, please wipe the drool off your keyboard when you're done.
  12. hmm that's a good point. I'm pretty sure you can get some rubber spray coating in a little arosol can. but rust inhibitor would likely do the trick, even a glav spray would do it really.
  13. If you tie 500 flies in a day, cutting cost anywhere you can saves money in the long run, the 10 seconds it takes to cement is equivelant to 83 minutes after 500 flies, and when you're speed tieing flies in 2-3 minutes, that's like 30-40 flies so I am assuming that's why they don't cement.
  14. it's just stell so they'll rust, but I'm thinking of taking a grinder to it and get all the impurities off, then spray it with some sort of enamel rust inhibitor. It weighs 8lbs without concrete, and I'll have to weigh it again this weekend after I put concrete in it. also it might be worth mentioning, it's not as if they'll be sitting under salt water for extended periods of time, so rusting won't likely be a big issue with these, they're pretty solid and made with thick metal. with 1/4" fillet welds
  15. or at least reply and comment if these are gonna do the trick lol as I posted this in photo posts not trading post so my main concern is wether or not these are gonna do it, they definatly look sweet.
  16. So I had a few of these custom made anchors, what do you figure they would be worth on the open market? I dunno what something like this would cost as I whipped up a quick sketch and sent them to a friend who made them for me at no cost on his lunch break. I'm wondering if there is a market for these babys, and if the right price comes up maybe I can have a few more made to sell if anyone is interested. It's hollow pipe which I plan on filling with concrete. Dimentions are 4" pipe 6" long and the cross bars are 10" long.
  17. Hey guys, if you're gonna spend 7 bucks on a dozen flies, I can tell you they are speed tied in the philipines lol and are therefore not the greatest quality and don't hold together all that well. But grab a bottle of head cement (bout 5 bucks and it'll last you juuust about forever) and buy 2 dozen flies, and put a dab of cement on each fly and they'll last a whole lot longer. do this to all your store baught flies if you paid less than 2 bucks for them IMO.
  18. hmm, maybe I'll turn the storeage room light off for a change, though it is a minor inconvenience to have to turn it on the once a month I actually go in there.
  19. HAHAHA omg that's awesome, it's almost as bad as policemans on a saturday hahahaha
  20. Epic
  21. This is a question in the form of a statement for tying purposes lol. But I was under the impression that polar bear hair is hollow for insulation purposes and I would expect because of this trait that it would be useless for tying streamers. is this partially correct? and are there certain parts of the hide that don't posses these hollow properties, or is it a negligable amount of hollowness?
  22. actually the static electricity would cause dust to form on a computer screen, not lack of use.........
  23. awesome, thanks for the link.
  24. nice bows man, wow.
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