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Everything posted by daxlarsen

  1. The weakerthans, best indie ever, and they're from canada, IMO canadas best lyricist.
  2. oooh extended edition....well I found a bit torrent file that is already converted to DvD but it appears to be dead so it looks like I can't help you in this department, sorry to get your hopes up.
  3. looks like coyotes got it, or it was winter kill and they ate it. If it was a hunter chances are they would have taken it for the meat or the head to mount. but they're both there so I wouldn't be too alarmed.
  4. lol I started this topic as a joke as to how spoiled I was being for catching lots and lots of whitefish lately.....too many people took it seriously, I like whitefish and have been targeting them alot lately because I am not doing to hot in the trout department hahaha
  5. Absolutely, In about 5 months of fishing at LEAST 4 days a week and usualy around 6 days in the week, I hadn't landed my first whitefish on the bow untill late september/early november. I beleive, in the regulations for many rivers, fall allows for a 1 month bait fishing ban lift on most rivers to allow for whitefish, and the limits are ALWAYS 5-10. I'm thinking we should do something to raise awareness, and possibly do something to completely lift the bait fishing session on ALL rivers, and lower the whitefish limit to 2 fish, which is more similar to most other fish species and give them a fair chance.
  6. You know what i'm talking about
  7. I managed to snag a .iso file as a torrent, if we're lucky I can download it, and get it onto a DVD before the expo and give it to you then, if not well then here we are now.
  8. That's not negative at all, killing pelicans to save whitefish seems like the negative response lol. From a rational standpoint, if there are to many pelicans eating the whitefish, then the best thing to do is to let the pelicans eat and eat till there are so many pelicans that the whitefish cannot possibly sustain the population. therefore the pelicans will die out and the whitefish will once again thrive. it's called nature. Also the biggest problem IMO would be non catch and release fisherman. There are so many ignorant assholes in this city that go out and string pickeral rigs with worms it sickens me.
  9. HAHAHA that's an excellent pic hahaha
  10. HAHAHAHAHA that's priceless.
  11. hmm...? there must have been a flood and then dried up? how else could the boat have gotten there. I worked as a boilermaker a couple years back and regarding the last post about the giant convoy thing heading up to ft mac. We build giant boilers for the tar sands and they could only be shipped on saturday, as they had to take down the powerlines just to get the thing out of calgary (imagine the cost in that alone) on a special machine that had 150 axels dispersing the load. It was basically a giant insulated cylinder about 40 feet in diameter and about 100 feet long. It was a big dirty boiler and the guys usualy came in on saturdays to watch them ship out as it was such an amazing feat.
  12. Hey this fly was featured on "the new fly fisher" tv show, i'm gonna tie some right now
  13. haha, it's definatly one for the photo album.
  14. So I was tying the other day and didn't notice that my 16 month old daughter had gotten really quiet which is never a good sign. I've never seen her look more proud as she slowly walked up with a big smile on her face wondering how I would react to her covered with a thick layer of vasoline on her ENTIRE body hahahaha it was priceless and I was laughing to hard to impose any sort of punishment.
  15. i find using a pair of hackle pliers once you're about half done and the wire is short enough for it to be worth it.
  16. Woven peacock stone Thread : 6/0 Olive (only if you ran out of black....) Wingcase : Thin black plastic from an old school binder. Legs : about 6 strands of pheasant tail each Overbody : Peacock herl Underbody : Gold yellow antron yarn Body around thorax : Fine black dubbing Tail : Pheasant tail Hook : Size 8 3x long standard
  17. I would also like to add to this as I just started tieing a few months ago and can think of another easy alternative. Cheap bobbins sometimes hold the spool to tight and you can't pull thread out without it breaking if it is a 8/0 thread. I actually bent the spool holder part of the bobbin out a little bit to make it have less pressure on the spool and thus the thread comes out easier while applying less tension to the line. hope that helps.
  18. Ok seriously do not hesitate and please go to http://creationmuseum.org/ i know what you're thinking, this is a REAL museum somewhere in a redneck state that actually has exhibits of man walking with dinosaurs (because you know 4000 years ago when god created the earth dinosaurs were still around right) it's worth a laugh and my god, people ACTUALLY buy this stuff it's priceless.
  19. One of the most amusing aspects of global warming is the hypocrasy of it all. for example. the govt. makes regulations on CO2 emissions and other gases into the atmosphere. major corporations are faced with 2 options (unless it is a new facility that they already invested millions possibly hundreds of millions on new equipment. option 1 : spend millions and millions on upgrading current factory floor to meet current regulations on emissions and efficiency. option 2 : close factory and and open a new one in china for 1/10th the cost it would to upgrade old facility, and work force over there is way cheaper and there are NO regulations on emissions and they polute the piss out of everything in the area and now there are no troutskies in any of their rivers (i dunno if there ever was actualy) Now I'm not ignorant and I'm not gonna sit here and say humans have no affect on the environment. Absolutely we do, but I am not ignorant enough to jump on board the latest fear mongering population controlling media headline. (btw has anyone heard anything about global warming on television ever since swine flu?) uhm there is a storm raging on jupiter that is 3 times the surface area of earth and it's been going on estimated for hundreds of years. humans have been monitoring weather for like 50-60 years and suddenly they're saying that is a wierd trend in the weather? I'de like to see the time machine they used to monitor the weather for the all the other hundreds millions of years that earth has been around and then show me the trend because that might be worth looking at. even 500 years of monitoring would be a mere eyeblink in the lifespan of this planet, and I'm seriously more worried about a giant asteroid hitting the earth and ending us all and even the trouts would die, but the whitefish would probably still live I think cause there are so many.
  20. go behind the golf course at glenmore tr. and deerfoot. you'll catch a dozen in a couple hours and lose just as much.
  21. ok I actually don't mind whitefish anymore than any other person, I was just being sarcastic.
  22. but then what do you use it for?
  23. HAHAHA yah today was an insane day, I started off with a nice brown trout and then hammered 11 whitefish and they dug in man one took my into my backing, and took me on a walk cause he spit the hook and then it snagged his tail lol I thought i had an iceberg on the end of my line for a couple minutes hahaha. they sure are fat this time of year and love CJ's
  24. hey i'll donate my old flyreel for my 5 wt. it's not the prettiest thing, it's the hobbs creek II reel from bass pro shops, from when i just started fly fishing. I personally have no complaints about the reel and i'de rather someone else use it then it collect dust.. it has line and backing and all that jazz on it so lemme know if you can make better use of it, i'm gonna make at least a cameo at the expo.
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