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tika last won the day on October 17 2021

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  1. That makes abundant sense... I never realized the cold snap would spike so high
  2. Any guesses as to why they operators jack the flows this time of year? This is the sort of thing that flooded P Flats parking last winter!
  3. Crowsnest River 2022-08-23 10:30am 62F
  4. What size are you looking for? I have a pair of Simms Intruders sz 10.5 for sale.
  5. Patagonia has the best warranty/repair service in the industry. I returned two pair of waders, full chest wader and their original waist high. They then informed me that the chest high were repairable but they couldn't fix the waist high and gave me a $200 credit toward the purchase of any Patagonia product. When I contacted Patagonia to spend the credit toward a new pair of waist high and pay the difference ($200) they sent me the new pair for no additional charge, just the credit I had. They were shipped immediately and I received them within a week. The only cost to me was the initial shipping of two pair of waders. Worth the effort to send them back for sure!
  6. It's been missing since the big freeze as I recall.
  7. Lol, but you watched to the end, didn't you?
  8. Hope it doesn't migrate up here...
  9. I pulled this from albertarelm.com Can I have my fishing license on my phone? Yes, you may take a picture of your license and store it on your mobile device as proof of having a license. ... However, we do have a mobile optimized website and those who purchase their license via a mobile device now download their license to their mobile device rather than receiving a printed license.Mar 17, 2016
  10. "The decline in Bow river trout and aquatic invertebrate populations are uniform from Banff too the Bassano dam, regardless of the degree of fishing pressure." Can you expand on this or share the reference we can take a look at? Thx
  11. Lol, such a typical troll response. Attack, vilify and criticize. Nothing in the way of constructive input or suggested solutions. Keyboard warrior of the day...
  12. Unfortunately flood mitigation trumps fisheries/recreational concerns. I'm not generally a conspiracy theorist but add to that the likelihood of power generation profiteering under the guise of flow management just may explain the weird flows we've seen the last few seasons. I would like to see the fall city closure again. Close the mouth of the Highwood/Fishcreek for Rainbows in the spring. Social media has made an Instragram gong show of those locations. Fertilize the Bow below the water intake like they do in BC to restore steelhead/salmon stream. Yes, we have world class sewage treatment but lack of nutrients may slow/stall recovery. Keep in mind that this is a tailwater fishery that otherwise has little to no downstream recruitment of nutrients nor spawning gravel. This would kick start the recovery of invertebrates etc. lost due to the 2013 flood. Licence and manage the guiding biz that exploits our shared natural resource for free. Rod days or some such mechanism. If anyone knows any of the Tran Alta shareholders that fly fish, I recommend you try to educate them to the current dire state of our fishery.
  13. I drove by the Elbow today and saw a few pieces of equipment in the river around Wood's Park. I must have made my first observation before they got there silt curtains installed. It's cleared considerably. Doesn't seem like the most ideal time to be causing that sort of disturbance with the spawn coming on.
  14. Has anyone been past the Elbow lately? It's been about 4 days for me but it looked like your morning double/double thru Stanley Park. My guess is the dam refit may have something to do with it.
  15. I've gone to the Redington studs for a bit of cost saving. They come with a handy pocket driver. Great for the Bow slime and wear pretty good. Fishtales stocks them. https://www.redington.com/fly-fishing-waders/goat-head-sole-spikes
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