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Everything posted by birchy

  1. Thanks for the comments everyone.. such is life. Kind of amusing part of the story.. my wife is talking to an officer in Canmore about it.. says to him "do us a favor.. if you have to visit them in the hospital make sure you stick a finger in one of their wounds for us!" and the officer's like "yeh, no doubt". lol That'd be sweet if he does! Even funnier... she proceeds to tell him how that was our only vehicle.. that we just bought it this summer and both absolutely loved it. He's like "well, I happen to know someone who's selling one.." and she's like "yeh?", he says "yeh, ME." I guess he's got one that's pretty much identical.. same year and model, and only 130K! He says it's been serviced regularly and is in great shape! So my wife says "alright, well, we're dealing with the insurance company now but we might give you a call."
  2. Got a call at 5:40am this morning.. "is Tarah Birch there?" "umm.. yes, who's speaking?" "This is Constable so and so from the RCMP, does Tarah own a silver 4Runner?" "We both own it, but yes it's in her name.." (as I'm wiping my eyes and looking out the window in our bedroom). "Holy crap".. "Canmore RCMP are currently in possesion of your vehicle. We just wanted to make sure that you didn't give anyone permission to take it." "No sir, we did not." "Okay, that's all we wanted to know. The Canmore officer will call you and provide you with more details." About half an hour later the officer from Canmore calls and tells me they got called to the scene of a “roll-over accident”.. and then breaks the news that the 4Runner is written off and I need to get in touch with the insurance company. Without sounding too vengeful.. the b@stards got taken to the hospital because they got banged up pretty good in the accident I guess. Oh.. and the officer told me “we’ve been looking for them”. So they had a history. Knew what they were doing too.. no glass on the road.. didn’t hear the alarm. I hate people.
  3. Seasons half over.. I'm pretty sure that means they'll only be paying him $750,000.. I think he's worth it.
  4. If I remember right.. they were anywhere from $1.50 - $2.50.
  5. Coming from an Oilers fan... That's a solid pickup. Kipper shouldn't have to play as often as he does. As the article mentioned.. he's only not started one game this year. Cujo is still good enough to give him some more rest..
  6. Yeh.. that's the common consensus. Also quite a big part of the explanation as to why there are not alot of good pictures or video. Most people are in the process of fillin their shorts and the camera is the last thing on their mind!
  7. Icky Fly Works or Glenbow Fly Fishing.. Support the members man!
  8. Sound anything like this? http://bfro.net/AVEVID/MJM/ss-snobf.wav
  9. Those pictures were nuts adc!! Especially with the description that you dropped it and reeled it back in again and it still didn't let go!! LOL
  10. See the problem with alot of this is that there are quite a few PROVEN hoaxes... so people just assume that they're ALL hoaxes. The fact of the matter is though, that there is alot of evidence that shows that there is some sort of unidentified North American ape. A number of the videos you see on the internet are obvious hoaxes, others are debatable. The video Pacres posted above is commonly agreed upon to be a hoax, for the obvious reason rickr stated.. these are very intelligent creatures that DO NOT want to be seen.. yet this one just walks in the field while a helicopter circles around. The most famous video is the Patterson/Gimlin film, and it has never been proven to be a hoax.. (although attempts have been made to "re-create" the scenario with significant $$$ invested): Some will quickly dismiss it as a man in a suit.. however there's a whole bunch of detail that is almost impossible to replicate in that case.. ONE example:
  11. Thank God the address in the current phone book isn't up to date AND I have Primus.. so if you call me once and I don't like you.. you can never call me again.
  12. Man.. the one time I tried running a 3 nymph rig I got tangled up so many times I said "screw that jazz" and went back to 2.
  13. I recently read a book called Sasquatch: Legend Meets Science, and it's pretty convincing! On top of that a good friend of mine had a "glimpse" sighting when hiking back in K-Country a few years back. I know him very well.. he's very intelligent and very outdoors'ey, and he's convinced it wasn't a person, or any animal known to live around here.
  14. And if so... Anyone ever think they've seen one?? With the amount of time alot of us spend in K Country.. on the FTR, etc.. Just curious..
  15. Fly Tying is an art. Replicating the originals is for "show flies" and probably more to test your skills than anything else. The fugly lookin flies are for catching fish.
  16. Hmmm... will I lose all my hair from working on the nuclear reactor??
  17. Quick addition: Like I said, I don't need your money. Ask someone else. ----- Original Message ----- From: John Doe To: Ryan Birch Sent: Monday, January 07, 2008 7:21 PM Subject: RE: Reply to your "Computer Repair/Service" Ad on Kijiji didnt need to get mad, just saying.. so can i leave it with you for an hour and then come pick it up and it will be done?
  18. Geez man.. I went from laughing to crying in like .075 seconds!
  19. I have an ad on Kijiji offering my computer services as well.. check out this email (read from the bottom up and i've changed John Doe's email for privacy): Real nice! Listen man, I don't provide free advice.. especially to people I don't know. I can guarantee that no tech in the city with the same level of education and work experience as me will either. This is just a side job for me, I don't need your money. If you want to be cheap, look up one of the $20/hour techs who just got out of school and will take hours to fix the same problem that I can fix in 10 minutes. Otherwise, don't waste my time. ----- Original Message ----- From: John Doe To: Ryan Birch Sent: Monday, January 07, 2008 6:34 PM Subject: RE: Reply to your "Computer Repair/Service" Ad on Kijiji okay.. that means you could just slack the whole time and make lots of cash -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: birch.ryan@gmail.com To: johndoe@hotmail.com Subject: Re: Reply to your "Computer Repair/Service" Ad on Kijiji Date: Mon, 7 Jan 2008 17:40:03 -0700 It does sound like a firewall issue for sure. Well, you can bring it to me and I can have a look. As mentioned in the ad on Kijiji, I charge $50/hour. Thanks, Ryan ----- Original Message ----- From: John Doe To: Ryan Birch Sent: Sunday, January 06, 2008 8:31 PM Subject: RE: Reply to your "Computer Repair/Service" Ad on Kijiji like it wont let me sign in... i have a feeling there is a firewall up but i cant find which one.. and the limewire wont download the songs -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: birch.ryan@gmail.com To: johndoe@hotmail.com Subject: Re: Reply to your "Computer Repair/Service" Ad on Kijiji Date: Sun, 6 Jan 2008 20:16:57 -0700 What do you mean when you say they "don't work"? Won't open at all?? Error messages? I need a bit more detail. Did you want to bring it by and I can have a look for you? ----- Original Message ----- From: Kijiji Reply (from johndoe@hotmail.com) To: birch.ryan@gmail.com Sent: Sunday, January 06, 2008 12:52 AM Subject: Reply to your "Computer Repair/Service" Ad on Kijiji You've received the following reply to your "Computer Repair/Service" Ad on Kijiji: From: johndoe@hotmail.com You can respond to johndoe@hotmail.com by replying to this email hey my laptop is fast enoughbut for some reason i cant get MSN to work and i cant get Limewire to work eather... do you no how to fix this problem Report this message to Customer Support Good luck, and thanks for using Kijiji. Fraud Warning: Kijiji is a classifieds web site that connects buyers and sellers for local, in-person transactions. Do not put yourself in a potentially dangerous position by selling to someone outside your area. Additionally, Kijiji does not offer any type of purchase protection, secure transaction or payment tools. Read more safety tips. Please report any suspicious emails by using the "Report this message" link above.
  20. I'm going to have to go with that first fish on the dry fly.. 22" rainbow at the D Bar D in Castlegar BC. Being able to report back to the FFC gang that I caught and the Dimestore Fisherman did not. heh heh
  21. I see.. It's just in your original post you first said.. "hold them UNDER the gill plate.. and then the second time you said "hold them BY the gill plate" and the third time "hold ONTO the gill plate". I guess I was confused. Do you mean holding on to the outside of the gill plates? Can you post a picture of the technique you're referring to?
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