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Everything posted by birchy

  1. Yep, that one's bad! I was meeting up with MTB at Hullswood one morning and was about 20 minutes early so decided to drive thru there for a coffee.. yep, 10 minutes late by the time I got there!
  2. Welcome to the board man!! There's an abundance of information on here that fly anglers of all experience levels can benefit from!
  3. Whats the difference between a trout has really beautiful colors versus one that's almost straight silver? versus or versus Is it just "weakened genes"? Does it have to do more with what waters they're in?
  4. It's unfortunate that's the response you got.. but I can't help but wonder how your email was written bigbadbrown? Did you politely make some suggestions as a fellow angler, or did you sort of point fingers? I find it strange that he made they make those comments about 'flyfisherman'.. but at the same time on his website he talks about fly fishing as an art, mentioned Lefty Kreh and Bob Clouser, and suggests some books and stuff. I'm sure this guy has the best intentions like the rest of us do. It seems to me like half the time he's telling his buddy Todd "okay, let's get that fish back in the water now" while Todd insists on holding it up to the camera for another 10, 15, seconds.. sometimes more. I know I've done it before! And I really didn't know any better. Heck.. one night I was out with Toolman and MTB and my buddy CDock.. caught a beauty rainbow.. but I had a "Hawgstoppah hookset" apparently and was fighting to get the stupid thing out. Meanwhile Toolman is saying "okay Ryan.. give him a breath.. give him a breath" ... "Ryan, give him a breath!" .. I swear he said it like 5 times before I was like.. "OH.. yeh, I should put him back in the water for a bit." I was starting to worry that I forgot to debarb my hook.. i'm thinking "great, i'm out for the first time with Greg and Brett and I hooked a gorgeous rainbow with a barbed hook! Great!" When I finally got it out I did check, and thankfully it was de-barbed. Anyways.. got a bit off topic there but i'm wondering if a message along the lines of "from a fellow angler to another.. I know you have the best intentions, but I think your buddy Todd might need a bit more encouragment to try and keep those trout in the water as much as possible.. I know, because I didn't know any better when I started until people mentioned it to me. I'm worried that other people who don't know any better might be watching these videos and learning that it's okay to hold fish out of the water for that long (even though you're saying 'okay, get him back in the water now')" or something like that?
  5. The sad part is throwing down and absolutely stomping these idiots wouldn't prove anything.. as satisfying as it would be.
  6. Yeah.. the cats stole my hair stacker one night. I found one piece but have yet to find the other...
  7. Just as a reminder.. this was the first: http://flyfishcalgary.com/board/index.php?showtopic=2330
  8. Okay.. at some point during the tie I managed to break off one of the tail biots.. and I forgot to put the hackle fibers in! Man.. I get distracted easily!!
  9. How do I know what size biots to pull off for the tail and wings?
  10. http://www.nytimes.com/2008/02/09/business...xprod=permalink hmmmm the most telling sentence in this article... "I quickly confessed that when it came to computers, I fell into that vast gray area between being a moron and a complete idiot" Then, later in the article, it suggests that the best fit for this guy would be a Mac...
  11. Coming from someone who has zero experienced pulling trailers... but who is somewhat mechanical and listens to what others say. Diesel is the way to go for pulling stuff because of their crazy amount of torque. AND the new diesel's can be "chipped" to get you even more horsepower/fuel economy.. all you have to do is flip a switch apparently..
  12. All the manufacturers "tech support" guys are dipsh*ts. The only answer they know is their stupid restore disks. If you ran diagnostics on it and it came back with no errors, than I should be able to hook it up to a caddy and copy your data off no problem. I won't have any free time to do it until Wednesday though. Send me a PM if that works for you.
  13. My best buddy Corey got me hooked. Started taking me down to the Highwood in the summer of '06 with my spinning rod set up with a yellow bobber and flies for nymphing.. I think I caught one fish on that rig!! This past year he 'handed me down' an older fly rod combo and took me down to the Crow in April. Caught 4 pan sized rainbows in one hole and absolutely loved it!! Started visiting this site which added to the addiction and the next 11 months is history!!
  14. Welcome gigistrumf!! DBT.. No idea what you're talking about.. 17" cutty: 24" Bully: Rocky of unknown length/weight:
  15. This may help: http://sillydog.org/netscape/kb/mailbackup.html
  16. Is there any way to do these without using ALL thread? (I don't have any red wire right now)..
  17. There must be some files or registry entries leftover after the uninstall that it's seeing and not liking.. As far as running software on a MAC. I don't have any experience with Mac at all really... someone else might be better able to answer your question. I do know that you can install a version of Windows that runs on a Mac, and after that, I don't see why you couldn't run all those programs just like normal.
  18. Send a PM to fishhead.. i'm sure he can give you some advice.
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