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Everything posted by birchy

  1. They're able to ruin him just like Pittsburgh ruined Fleury.. Too much responsibility at too young an age! (Although I still have hope that Fleury will be the next Brodeur)
  2. Brad Richards to Dallas and Brian Campbell to the Sharks.. The west is beefing up.. Calgary is going to have to make some moves! (I'd say Edmonton too.. but I've written them off. Mathmatically they're still in the hunt.. realistically they're out.. Especially since they're in the Northwest Division.)
  3. Agreed. Uninstall and reinstall Office from the installation disk. If you don't have a copy of the disk than I'd try the System Restore that Brownstone mentioned (Start > Programs > Accessories > System Tools > System Restore) back to the earliest date before you did the tweaks.
  4. Is Brian Niska one of the dudes that was doing Spey casting demo's at the Expo? Younger guy with a toque...?
  5. If you can reach 7-9 feet in the air with a roundhouse kick.. I'll call you sir.
  6. Awesome!!! Some day...
  7. My self esteem was hurting a bit so I tried just Ryan.. Came back "Big Ass Fabrizio De Luca". LOL
  8. "Big Fat Giorgio" ... ... I'm going to go run around the block a few times now...
  9. Most people that have had encounters.. sometimes multiple encounters, tend to agree that they don't want to do any harm. They're just curious. That is unless you show agression towards them.. I.E. - shooting at them or something stupid. Here's another crazy one: http://bfro.net/GDB/show_report.asp?id=22434 I'm not gonna try and act tough.. I'da pee'd myself too!
  10. Sickening! Back home in NS if you take ONE lobster when it's not season they'll take everything you own and have with you ON THE SPOT!
  11. That seems to be the common consensus among the researchers..
  12. The more you read on the subject, the more you realize that there is actually ALOT of evidence for the existence of an unknown North American Ape. I would suggest that if you're really interested in the subject that you read the book "Sasquatch - Legend Meets Science" and also watch the DVD that comes with it. When you have scientists that put aside their prejudice (either for or against) that examine the evidence that come to the conclusion "well, this footprint (or vocalization, or whatever) cannot be attributed to any known North American animal because the pattern of the dermal ridges" or "this vocalization is not a wolf, bear, coyote, elk, etc.. it can only be either a human or a primate that made that sound" and you combine that with the fact that there are so many encounters from all over North America that are so similar in detail.. then it's really hard to say "there's no such thing because we've never really seen one, or seen a body/bones" whatever. Combine with that the fact that there's so much mention of them in Native American folklore.. Yes, there are alot of hoaxes.. and they definitely contribute to the criticism. When people say "Yeah, I know Bigfoot exists because I feed them regularly.. In fact, the alpha male comes to my house, knocks on my door, and asks me for garlic in a gruff voice".. then I'm like "yeh, whatever, get off the crack" - (BTW.. I didn't just make that up.. that IS one lady's story.) However, when you have someone who says "you know.. I don't know for sure what I saw.. all I know is that I've grown up in the woods and I KNOW what bears/elk/deer/etc look and sound like, and this was NOTHING i've ever seen or heard before".. then I'm alot more likely to listen. Especially when they saw that it was walking on two feet for any distance. This is an example of a video that I'm more likely to believe: People can crack jokes and scoff all they want.. the fact of the matter is that new species are discovered in the world all the time.. Alot of times when a hiker or someone gets stranded in the woods, often times it's very difficult to find them.. and they want to be found! If you think about the fact that these creatures are supposed to have near human intelligence, live in remote regions of the forest, and DO NOT want to be seen, then it becomes alot more plausible. I used to think that "it's possible.. but not probable", but then I found out that a very close friend of mine had an encounter: http://bfro.net/GDB/show_report.asp?id=1400 Listening to your GOOD FRIEND tell the story.. you just can't dismiss it so quickly. I for one am about 95% sure that they're real and I think it's just a matter of time before some good quality footage is taken. Just my 2 cents..
  13. CUZ! Kidding.. if you put fly tying in quotes.. "fly tying", it will work fine. In fact I almost always use quotes when searching forums because it then only looks for those exact words.. versus a partial match.
  14. How about Black Diamond or Longview? Then you're right on the Highwood and Sheep, and about halfway between the Pass and the Bow..
  15. I'd be interested. I just have to actually take some time to sit down and watch a few of those beginner online tying lessons..
  16. I don't think you need to set the hook that hard to get a good hookset.. with nymphing, usually by the time you see the strike indicator move the fish already had it in their mouth and a short twitch upwards will get a good hookset. In one of McLennan's books he says that if you set the hook and there's no fish there, ideally you should still be able to continue your drift without having to re-cast. I remember reading that article where they had the guy underwater with scuba gear, watching the fish while guys were nymphing, and even very proficient nymph fisherman were missing 50% of the takes because the indicator doesn't even move.. so if you're waiting for the indicator to go completely under.. you're probably missing alot of fish. Moral of the story.. give it a short quick twitch everytime the indicator does something that looks anything that doesn't look like a natural drift (I need to work on this myself.. ALOT) and you'll catch alot of fish you didn't think were there.
  17. I'm getting up there too.. 27 in a couple weeks!
  18. Clive.. i'm expecting some good pictures of this.. I just tried the wifes little Casio Exilim and it's not good enough for this! Either that or it's operator error!
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